Here's one of mine :giggle:
I've said it before, and by Jingo I'll say it again:
(there ain't no) Sanity Clause.
The Damned
ho ho ho
sorry but for me and my kids the all time christmas song is
:karaoke: when Santa got stuck up the chimney :happy:
and my 6 yr old loves the chipmunk christmas song too :giggle:
I Believe In Father Christmas
Greg Lake
Couple of qoutes from a website about Greg;
Lake wrote this as an objection to the commercialism of Christmas. He was concerned that the true spirit of Christmas was being lost in the marketing of the holiday.
" I woke up at dawn and I saw him and through his disguise" He caught his own father putting up the gifts. One does not understand the meaning of Christmas until you grow up and have to be "Father Christmas" or Santa for your kids, or you sacrifice for them, instead of being what is more Christian than that. This song always makes me cry, because I remember the hard times and having no money for gifts, but always somehow getting money and making it. I always told my kids, if you don't believe in Santa, he won't visit. I still believe, too.
- Rafael, matamoros, Mexico
John & Shel
try this one too
the video's a bit shit but the song is great :giggle:
We're all going on a summer holiday.
dont know about the best but the song im dreading this year is mud lonly this christmas i lost my missis this year so i know when i hear it its gonna choke me.....
The Dickies version of Silent Night
I have my mirror be-decked top-hat at the ready
'av it!