Blimey, I`m reading all of these and watching the related links and my childhood is coming back to me in huge chunks especialy the ones that are really old like Zorro and Champion the Wonder Horse, Flash Gordon and Daktari with Clarence the cross eyed lion, I`d forgotten all about those.
Anyone remember Robinson Crusoe, it was black and white and dubbed over
I was a great theme tune wasn't it?
as was the music to 'The Gallery'. Now was that Take Hart, or Vision-on?
been told about this one , but i dont recall it at all, i was used to the later Gerry anderson ones like thunderbirds etc.... but here it is ..Four feather Falls...
The plastic figures stuck on a wad of cotton wool
Barba Papa.......
All Change!
Another Gerry Anderson creation, with a really groovy theme tune and a fave of mine was Joe 90. He could be Ben 10's Grandad?
Oooh nearly forgot "Tales Of The Riverbank", don't you just love Johnny Morris?
Heres a few, of the same type, dont know if they show these anymore ... Trumpton ,Camblewick Green and Chigley ..... ........ .......
Favorite Childhood TV programmes you can no longer see
Why cant you no longer see, having trouble with your eyes??....
One here for the young scientist/engineers. Set a challenge and could only use the parts supplied.......
Anyone said Starfleet at all yet. This may be accentuating my geekish qualities, but awesome Japanese puppet show from the early 80s (thankfully on DVD now, almost got very sticky when I found Brian May did a cover of the theme song...for some strange reason... Great fun dipping in to your memories ain't it...
Knight Rider because of this show I became an Artificial intelligence researcher I even work on automated driving, and Street Hawk anybody remember this? I just love that bike, and it has just been released on DVD. :-D