mine are from American Beauty
look at me jerking of in the shower this will be the highlite of my day
2 Do you just want to loose weight or are you looking to increase srength and flexibilityas well
Lester No I just want to look good naked!!
"By the way thanks for saving my life" Gina Davis
"Your welcome" Dustin Hoffman
Accidental hero.
"Right turn Clyde" :sparring: :sparring: :sparring:
Clint Eastwood
''Show me the money'' Jerry Mcguire
I've really been trying to think of a line that made me larf or was memorable...
I came up with...
Monty python and the Holy Grail... The frenchman in the castle... " I shake My private parts at you!!!"
The Black Knight "come back it's only a fleshwound"
Austin Powers (1) said by Dr Evil on the Jerry show.. " I like to shave my testicles... there's nothing quite like the sensation of sensitive skin..." (or words to the affect)
Ferris Bueller...(Cam (his best friend) is so tight, that is you stuck a lump of coal up his arse in two weeks you'd have a diamond!"
and end line of a speech from Gladiator "And I will have my Vengeance!" (thought it sounded cool!
Dusk till dawn! "Pussy, pussy,pussy!!!" speech
Pulp Fiction Sam L Jackson speech
The Firm (Gary Oldman version)
(as he is an estate agent) "If this house don't sell itself then I'm a monkeys uncle!" (with that he leaves the house and walks down the garden like an orang utan!)
Love Honor and Obey! "Go on stab me you psych!" at which he gets stabbed then spends the next 5mins bleeding outside the pub thinking his next move to get to hospital and finds his mobile has no signal...
Then the final one.... "You wanna get loved up??" she replies "Yes please" great sex scene!
"We're all fucking nuts!"
Randolpf McMurpy (Jack Nicholson, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest).
its a deal, its a steal, its the sale of the fucking century
lock stock and two smoking barrels
From Hercules Returns......(Austrailian Film)
Machismo (sat on his horse singing to himself) 'i know what guys like, I know what boys want'
Probably got to have a weird sense of humour to enjoy this film! (mmm an Ive got one hehe)