Following on from mistakes made while drunk, does one drink affect you more than another? Mrs TnH is notorious for instant drunkenness on white wine, hates red, but can drink spirits all night. Does anyone else find a particular drink hits them harder than another, even though it has a lower actual alcohol content?
Personally all drink hits me pretty fast as I am 90% t total. Mainly as if I am out with friends I like to be upright and awake, so drinking tends to be a more fancy an early night activity.
So whats your favourite tipple, and does one type of drink have more effect on you than another?
Gin makes me emotional and I cry
Vodka makes me extra horny and mixing my drinks can make me irrational and violent.
I prefer to drink red wine most of the time - white gives me awful heartburn and gets me really drunk quickly.
Not a huge drinker anyway, be lucky if I drink once or twice a month and even less at the mo cos if I have a drink I want a cig and I quit smoking for the second time in a month 7 days ago.
I'm a light-weight so don't drink much when I'm out anyway .
Only get drunk when I'm really pissed off at the world and then only at home.
Nothing uglier than a drunk woman is there?
Oh and 3 drinks and I'm anyones.
Can I buy you a drink Libra Love? or three? :twisted:
:shock: bloomin 'ell. Ill get my coat! If I knew it was that easy. I wonder if it'll work on debbiewebs too.....
Cider does me, i either fall asleep, or turn in to bullet proof gurl lol
I can drink spirits/cocktails all night without falling over and be very "merry". Too much beer makes me throw up. White wine makes me sleepy. Red wine is my nemesis - too much of that and I'll either:
a) love everybody
b) hate everybody
c) sing far too loudly
d) pass out
Cider has no effect on me whatsoever.
Oh, and Micky Finns. Well if you ever come across me with a glass of that, it'll be a fight but get it away from me no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the risk of hi jacking the thread
I did it back in march and apart from the weight gain I feel great
I can drink lots of vodka and be fine, i can dink about 5 Smirnoff Ice before the gas makes me sick, brandy is yummy is a little splash of coke, and baileys makes me giggle. white wine makes me sleepy and gives me a CHRONIC headache but i can drink it like its going out of fashion! and never EVER give me whixky.... it turns me in to a violent crazed maniac!!!
i like the odd glass of red wine
if i touch a drop of spirits i end up like a drunken idiot falling everywhere
but the fav has to be stella can drink all night and has the added bonus of a simalar effect to what viagra must have
Vodka I can drink all day long, I used to use smirnoff ice as a mixer for straight voddy in my barfly days. Jack Daniels gets me mellow, champagne gets me randy and Aftershock makes me give the nearest person a carrot necklace. Tipple of the day is Brandy and Benedictine together though, mmmmmm.
Oh and Tequila makes me dance like a deranged whirling dervish and then chuck into a potted plant in the corner. Apparently.
Jules x
Champaign gets me drunk quite quick but for some reason gets me really horny too...3 -4 glasses of that I am anybody's........5 and i'm everybody's !! :twisted: