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Fear of flying...Help!!

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I am due to go in an aeroplane in a few weeks but I'm really scared of flying :shock: .
It's been about 10 years since I last flew and I'm freaking out a bit about the thought of doing it again.
The reasons are:
1. I am claustrophobic (don't do lifts either, in fact walked up 5 flights of stairs while in labour rather than go in a lift!)
2. Can't help but think that the terrorists are just waiting for me to hop on board before they hijack it! :scared:
You may wonder where I am going on my flight, welllll... I'm only going from Glasgow to Birmingham (please don't laugh as I am very serious about this problem).
Currently my options are get pissed first or medicated by doc so was wondering if any helpful people had any other suggestions?
Please don't mention joining the mile high club to take my mind off it because I'm travelling with my mum :shock:
Fee xx
Statistically speaking, its safer to fly than go by car, honest.
I adore flying, so much so that im thinking of applying to become cabin crew with any old airline that will take me lol IF iim tall enough :cry:
Statistically speaking, its safer to fly than go by car, honest.

what they said..It's true :thumbup:
Lucy xxx
Now I find this really hard to understand...because I love flying.....
The terrorist bit is pointless...your flight will only hold a small number of they wont bother...
But I was just thinking about the reasons I love flying
The take off is cool.... love the accelaration.....
The bit I like most is seeing the world from a different perspective.....I love looking out the window and spotting landmarks or looking at cars and houses....river paths and mountains......or looking across the clouds which look like you could just step out and roll around in them... and trying to guess when you will feel turbulence....(normally as you pass through clouds) Guess I am a kid at heart and it is an adventure.....
I am slightly claustrophic too....but not so much that a plane or lift wold bother me.....
Maybe thinking of it as I do might help?
Either Valium or Bombay Sapphire.
Ask your doctor for a few beta blockers, e.g propanolol or atenolol, to take, rather than tranquillisers. If you are very tense, as I am when I fly, it is possible to be so tense that the tranquillisers have little effect, where beta-blockers take the edge off your panicky feelings by slowing down your pulse and lowering your blood pressure. Avoid alcohol, it has double the intoxicating effect at cruising height, and really doesn't solve the panic problem. Good luck.
Sit at the back of the plane - they never reverse into mountains !! :shock: :shock: confused :? :? lol
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Sit at the back of the plane - they never reverse into mountains !! :shock: :shock: confused :? :? lol

Hah bloody hah......You're not helping Sarge smackbottom banghead
............ and take no notice of the fact that you board the plane at a TERMINAL !! :shock: :shock: :shock: confused :?
Quote by Jags
Either Valium or Bombay Sapphire.

One works for me - the other doesn't. Horses for courses. My brother travels by plane constantly for his work and he's prescribed Valium cos he just hates flying! Bombay Sapphire in an appropriately small dose is very effective for such a short flight - it's just a hop skip and jump so you don't want to be doped up. Alcohol is not good for/during long haul flights.
Hi Lady,
Don't get pissed you will have the hangover from hell due to the alcohol and altitude combo. Also it can do odd things to your state of mind up there, especially if your feeling scared to begin with. You don't want your dear old mum having to drag you off the air hostess (or steward).
I recommend half a valium 3 to 4 hours before you go to the airport, then the other half an hour or less before you board. It should calm you right down.
Have a few drinks the night before, stay up late and be tired and slightly hungover on the day, it will take the edge off.
As for the claustrophobia I really don't know what to suggest sorry.
Personally I have flown all over the world with work for years now and its never bothered me one little bit, lucky me, but I have had to travel with enough people with the fear of flying to speak with some small experience on the subject.
Also always remember its far far safer to travel by air than by car and thats a fact!
Happy travels Sean smile xx
Quote by Jags
Either Valium or Bombay Sapphire.

Both :rascal:
I too hate flying, I've spent 6 hours before now driving to Newcastle whilst my colleagues take an hours flight FFS!!!!!!
I'll get it sorted one of these days dunno
relax, love flying hate planes,too cramped for me, get a window seat helps to see the ground,think of it as bus trip with out stops,only diffrence is you can,t open the window, and the steps a bit high, very unlikely but if anything was to go wrong the crew are trained to handle it ,let them get on with it,
nothing you can do about it so why worry, on domestic uk flight don,t think terrorists are a major risk, your not that important
don,t drink to much before hand or will be queing for the loo,as soon as seat belt sign gose off,
plus its an offence to be drunk on an airplane, so might not get on in first place,if drunk
only a short trip so you,ll be landing before you know it, good luck,
if all else fails relax hold mummys hand wink
Quote by Leftabit
You don't want your dear old mum having to drag you off the air hostess (or steward).

Oooohhh, never thought of that! :twisted:
Fear can make you do funny things!!
Mental note; must not drink alcohol either if for no other reason than not introducing myself to people on plane as LadyFeeBee.(I have a nasty habit of rambling on when nervous!)
Quote by Sgt Bilko
............ and take no notice of the fact that you board the plane at a TERMINAL !! :shock: :shock: :shock: confused :?

lol :lol: Sarge listens to the same "motivational" tapes as I do :shock: :shock: :shock:
Fee - if it really bothers you that much you can get a hypnotherapy session for it - and I believe it really does work. But Mrs GHC is right - you have more chance of being hurt in a car accident.
Best thing to do is just not think about it. I hard to do - I know - but ..... Just keep telling yourself that you actually LOVE flying!! The more you tell yourself the more you will believe it.
And yeah - alcohol isn't good!!!
Me - I luuuurve flying smile
aRSexxx :color:
Quote by LadyFeeBee
I am due to go in an aeroplane in a few weeks but I'm really scared of flying :shock: .
It's been about 10 years since I last flew and I'm freaking out a bit about the thought of doing it again.
The reasons are:
1. I am claustrophobic (don't do lifts either, in fact walked up 5 flights of stairs while in labour rather than go in a lift!)
2. Can't help but think that the terrorists are just waiting for me to hop on board before they hijack it! :scared:
You may wonder where I am going on my flight, welllll... I'm only going from Glasgow to Birmingham (please don't laugh as I am very serious about this problem).
Currently my options are get pissed first or medicated by doc so was wondering if any helpful people had any other suggestions?
Please don't mention joining the mile high club to take my mind off it because I'm travelling with my mum :shock:
Fee xx
lol would you panic even more if you found out you were sitting next to buddy holly
awwww some of you are soooo mean rolleyes :roll:
Lady Fee Bee have you tried health shops, they might have a herbal remedy to calm you. Or what about Kalms, I think you can buy them over the counter?
Sorry, never had to think about this one as I love flying.
Just drink some milk like Mr T did in the A-team
drink malibu by the bottle
wank in the planes toilet
start a sing song
....and don't forget to make a Will before you go !!! confused :? :? :? :? :? wink
It really is the safest form of travel. If you are worried about safety, when they ask you if you want a window or aisle seat, ask if you can sit on the black box (it always survives crashes so must be the safest place on the plane).
Bach's Rescue Remedy.
Job done.
Thanks guys kiss (well thanks to the sensible ones among you all!). The rest of you (especially mentioning SARGE) :boxing:
I know that whatever happens, just thinking of you all while I'm on that plane will bring a smile to my face!
Try explaining to my mum why I'm sitting with a big grin, hmmmmmm....
Luv Fee
If you have the time (and the cash) try British Airways Nervous Passenger course. Two of my friends went on it and both are much calmer in the air now, one is on a 12 hour flight today and was actually looking forward to it! lol
Make sure that you let the airline know that you're a nervous flier in advance, they do try to look after people sympathetically (try telling them that a flash of air hostess boobs every 30 mins is the only thing that keeps you sane wink ).
I'm wishing I was on your flight now, nothing like a horny drunk woman to shorten the journey smile
Happy travels and let us know how you got on :) PM me if you need some more flying TLC x
Cheers Sean xx
Ad 220307 (I will get around to attaching it to my posts one of these days, promise)
enbrase your fears works for me babe like u do on a roller coaster (but don't put ur arms in the air and scream)
:idea: try and be 1 of the last on the plane :idea: helps me and i fly regular
if long hail place blanket over your lap and play with yourself will keep ur mind off the flight :twisted:
if u can find nice steward stewardess or other passenger see if they want mile hi fun lol
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Quote by leprechaun
enbrase your fears works for me babe like u do on a roller coaster (but don't put ur arms in the air and scream)
:idea: try and be 1 of the last on the plane :idea: helps me and i fly regular
if long hail place blanket over your lap and play with yourself will keep ur mind off the flight :twisted:
if u can find nice steward stewardess or other passenger see if they want mile hi fun lol
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:

Remind me not to get a job with BMI confused
watch final destination before you go just to cheer your self up lol
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
watch final destination before you go just to cheer your self up lol

OMW - no don't :lol:
I like what Serendipity said - I used to be a Virgin way back when I was young, slim and pretty! :lol:
Just a quick update folks.
Well she did it!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce:
Was touch and go for a while but she finally got on, took off and more importantly landed safely (if not a little spaced out cool ) at the other side.
Fee has asked me to pass on her thanks to all those who contributed to this thread. She says some of the wicked thoughts she had on the flight helped at least bring a smile to her face :twisted: although she did say she'll save putting some of them into action for another time (without her mum being presentwink)
the Laird
She also left me a rather fine bottle of Malt for this weekend I'm spending alone.............anyone care to share??? drinkies