There are posts which are written in haste, there are posts which are written when the writer is somewhat lubricated and there are posts which show the writer off to be someone who doesn't care.
Do most of us remember 'swingingpete' <shudder> and his complete antipathy towards what others were asking him to do?
The odd spelling/typo or punctuation mistake is perfectly acceptable and I would HATE people who are struggling with dyslexia to feel isolated or excluded from SH.
So, a little tolerance on both sides I hope.
On a lighter note - has anyone read about the new BBC programme based on Pop Idol - it's a spelling bee (honestly!). If I can find the link I'll post it in few moments.
Rocky - just for you: I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'm no awa tae lee you, I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'll aye come back to see you.
PS in edit: no link but here's the paragraph from BBC News about it:
"The best idea in the schedule is the national spelling contest Hard Spell, following the success of the brilliant film Spellbound.
"It is a great idea that should become a big hit, and is exactly what BBC One should be doing."
Looking forward to that one :shock: