No, you havent made a mistake hun, you've probably just opened the door to a whole new you, life chance and opportunity to achieve something you really want :thumbup:
go get stuck in gal, full report when you get in please :thumbup:
I went back to college when I was 35 and had a great time. Good luck to you!
Went back when I was 40. Once I'd got into the groove it was easy. Some of the kids struggled to get the work done but the mature studentas had a better work ethic.
You'll breeze through your course, I'm sure. So no worries
Good for you hunni ! My first hubby has just finished his nursing degree and he's 42!
I'm sure you'll be fine and let us know how it's going. Good luck ! :thumbup:
thanks guys all encouragement greatly received. just hoping i dont show myself up but at least my typing speed has improved brillantly ( especially since joining sh lol).
Lou x
I was 30 when I first went back- had the best time imaginable and since then my life has changed enormously as a result of the fantastic people I met there.
I was initially the class "swot" (boffin, knob 'ed etc) - earning myself the nickname "Hermionie". By the end of a term when they'd all realised I was a nutter it became
"Hermionie Danger".
Just starting a new course next week at the ripe old age of 33, in a field people think im nuts to be going into- but hell, why not!
Good luck & report back!
thanks everyone... god it does feel like going back to school. going to get my fluffy pencil case and pens today. apart from still feeling a bit sick getting excited now.
Lou x
Never too old to learn..... and 29 is no age to roll over and give up. Good on you for trying shows as much if not more than what you may learn anyway!
just wanted to say i've finally started back to college and i bluddy hate it!!! even though i'm not going to give up am determined to see it through. unfortunatly i did'nt realise i would be with a mainly younger set so feel really old and i never realised i was so thick lol compared to all the others but hey im hanging in there.
lou xx
Oh god....they probably think you're all sorted and tell their friends there's a really
intelligent woman doing the course who has loads of life experience and knows loads and they feel stupid...etc etc etc!!
Stick with'll be worth it and you've got support from those you love!!
Good luck.