Following on from superstitions...
I am the proud believer in the ancient principal of
Feng Shui...
My favourite is the use of red in the southern corner of a room for love.
Or a lamp to activate a corner of the chart... i.e money, health, learning or love etc.
Dont have a mirror that can reflect the bed... it represents a 3rd person in the relasionship!
Dont have pot pouri... there dead flowers... dead is not good!!!
Beams or pictures above your head in bed can cause ill health!
Everyone has a direction they should face when sleeping... hmmm depends on the room!
Keep walkways clear and the house clutter free...
We fail this one with our kids!!! :doh:
Everyone has a colour they shuld have around them... unfortunately magnolia seemed better than multi-coloured!!
And so on...
I did a full chart of my house once... took days... then moved not long after!! :sad:
Does anyone else folow it??
I am the proud believer in the ancient principal of
Feng Shui...
We had our Feng Shui done. But the man was a Black Hat (they reckon it's pointless to chase North when the Earth is spinning all the time, so they take the front door of the house to be 'north'). Anyway, it was fab beause he wasn't anywhere near as specific (i.e. pain-in-the-ass) about things. He told us the five 'bad' colours (white, black, mahagony, cream and magnolia), so those we shouldn't have the walls pianted in, and that each room should have it's own colour scheme (no two rooms that connect onto one another should be same colour). That way you recharge from the colours' energy every time you walk around the house. Also, the ceiling and the walls shouldn't be the same colour (earth&sky) just as the floor shouldn't be continuous in colour from one room to another. Well, the house was ALL cream when he came and after I repainted every room, you would't believe the difference!!!!
(Incidentally, we painted the dining room orange - suddenly no dinner/visit from frieds finished before 1am. EVER! Even on school nights.)
To be fair, he was more specific with my study, and again, within days of 'fixing it' exactly as Arto suggested, I started having loads of calls for work.
The best thing was, his attitude - "People forget that Feng Shui is as old as the Chinese civilastion, so lots of superstition has made its way into it. That thing about always put the toilet seat down, so your wealth doesn't fush away? I'm sure women invented that one." He was fab!
I've got a mirror that reflects the bed and it's so horny, 2 OR 3 people! :twisted:
Have to admit none of us in this house are big on superstition or rituals etc....
What happens will happen and I dont reckon any amount of practises can change things.