I'm always amused when reading stories in the Sunday rags which allude to some couple or other having nights of "Perverted sex".
The article usually then goes on to describe some sexual activity that because it is not the good old Missionary position or a close relation, is deemed to be a perverted act.
As a simple example, when Becks was found to be wearing Posh's underwear was he being (a) in a close and intimate shared experience, (b) enjoying his personal fetish or (c) being a pervert?
My question to the forum is:
At what point does a Fetish become a perversion?
I think when a fetish, which is something used to cause sexual arousal through any of the senses, becomes more abnormal or deviant, then it becomes a perversion.
People's views on what is correct in the bedroom varies as widely as their views on other subjects and it is, as everything else, a personal opinion so what one person may see as a harmless fetish the next may find perverted. it depends on the openness of your own mind.
We are all here because we like to swing, most people would find that perverted in the highest sense! What gets one person rocks off wouldn;t suit the next
I did not post my own view in my original posting to help keep the subject of the discussion clear.
My own view would be that if everyone involved was consenting to the activity then it could be seen as a fetish, however if someone was the object of another's sexual activity but not aware of it then the person carrying out the sexual act could be considered a pervert.
I recently saw a video clip of a guy masturbating in a park with a young lady sat nearby eating her lunch. As the guy reached orgasm he shuffled across to the young lady and shot his load over her before running off.
Now if thats not a pervert I don't know what is.
Fetish or Perversion?
Hmmmmm......on reflection a perversion is something which goes beyond the limits of acceptable sexual behaviour, the trouble is that we all have different limits. Therefore we all have different ideas about what constitutes a perversion.
A fetish on the other hand is something which facilitates sexual arrousal, and without which arrousal is difficult or impossible. A fetish could be a perversion if it is sufficiently extreme.
fetish- Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.
Perversion-A sexual practice or act considered abnormal or deviant
We feel that it only becomes a perversion if it affects persons that have not consented to the sexual act..either by physical contact or sight....
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: late night last night, thats my excuse for being thick
It's like asking the difference between a ship and a boat, all ships are boats but not all boats are ships. A fetish is where there is an objectification of something, be it object or individual body part, to acheive sexual gratification. Perverted is what would be considered a deviation from what we would consider normal. Normal, though, is a personal view therefore what would seem normal to one person may seem perverted to another, however, a fetish remains a fetish.
Copy of a disertation anyone?
her sandwich would however been refreshingly rich in zinc
I have a fetish,
You have a perversion,
He has been arrested under the Protection of Wild Animals Act.
It is just a point of view.
Seriously, mostly it's about mutual consent.
I always thought that a fetish was when you liked being intimately touched with a feather, it became a perversion when you used the whole chicken !
I think each to there own, mind your own buinness and avoid the rags that use sensationalism for headlines, it has nothing to do with anyone what we do in our own personal life or space
Fetish or Perversion...???
Can we have both??
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
As a wise man once said,
'The difference between kinky and perverted is between using a feather or the whole chicken'