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fetishism & religion

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i was reading somewhere freud's theory regarding kinky sex - 'fetishism is the eroticisation of the repression'... now while i don't believe it is necessarily true that everything freud says regarding fetishism is necesarily true (that fetishistic sex is in fact indicative an undeveloped, infantilised sexuality), it did occur to me that a good portion of pervs i know (myself included) come from strict religious backgrounds, where sex is generally seen as sinful and/or dirty.
while i'm not quite blessed with the self awareness to work out whether my own predilictions are a rebellion against my background, or indeed whether the disgust catholicism seems to feel about sex has in fact stunted & perverted my sexuality, i would be interested in knowing whether a religious upbringing is as common in the wider perv community as it is amongst the pervs i know - and how much influence people feel this has this had on their bedroom activities?
just curious...
was close to following in the foot step of the church and becoming a priest
the more i read about the church the more i found it wasn't for me
i broke all links and set about creating my own moral code which includes my perversion and fetishes as well as my caring respectful side for those i see as deserving of these 2 emotions
Quote by cool4catz
There's a "perv community"?
I have my views on the relationship between religion and attitudes to sex, but I'm not going to go into them here as I'm sure I'll offend a lot of people.

i just mean people of an alternative sexuality in general, rather than an actual community as such (though surely sh can be seen as a perv community of a sort)...
why not share your views? i'm sure it'd be pretty hard to offend most of the people on here... smile
Quote by hans dip
There's a "perv community"?
I have my views on the relationship between religion and attitudes to sex, but I'm not going to go into them here as I'm sure I'll offend a lot of people.

i just mean people of an alternative sexuality in general, rather than an actual community as such (though surely sh can be seen as a perv community of a sort)...
why not share your views? i'm sure it'd be pretty hard to offend most of the people on here... smile
On the contrary, I think religion is one of those subjects where you can tread a fine line on whether you will offend someones beliefs.
As an atheist myself, I have my own set of morals and standards and as long as I stick to them I am true to myself and have no worries about betraying anyone. My own attitude probably reflects some religious beliefs anyway but I don't accredit them to any particular religion as there are aspects of every religion I am aware of that I do or don't agree with and therefore I cannot commit myself to any of them.
There are good and bad people in any walk of life though and to tar everyone of a particular religion with the same brush is wrong.
Ooooooh! Great topic. :bounce:
Off to some reading! :mrgreen:
Quote by MQ
On the contrary, I think religion is one of those subjects where you can tread a fine line on whether you will offend someones beliefs.

true, though i'm unsure how many practicing catholiics/muslims/etc would be active members of a web community dedicated to practices specifically frowned upon by said religion...
i'm pretty sure most of us take a similar mix & match approach to religion as yourself, but what i'm interested in isn't so much current religious views as the religion you were brought up with, and whether you feel this has influenced your sexuality in any way?
Quote by hans dip

On the contrary, I think religion is one of those subjects where you can tread a fine line on whether you will offend someones beliefs.

true, though i'm unsure how many practicing catholiics/muslims/etc would be active members of a web community dedicated to practices specifically frowned upon by said religion...
i'm pretty sure most of us take a similar mix & match approach to religion as yourself, but what i'm interested in isn't so much current religious views as the religion you were brought up with, and whether you feel this has influenced your sexuality in any way?
I can't say that religion has ever played a big part in my life, the Lords Prayer and a couple of hymns at school was about it for me! So in my case, religion hasn't affected my sexuality, although there are a lot of other aspects of my upbringing I suspect that have made me the person I am.
Quote by hans dip

i'm pretty sure most of us take a similar mix & match approach to religion as yourself, but what i'm interested in isn't so much current religious views as the religion you were brought up with, and whether you feel this has influenced your sexuality in any way?

I was brought up in a house without any kind of religious input, either in favour of or against any particular belief systems, and I found that my sexual experimentation started a lot earlier than any thoughts about spirituality did. I can remember that the same year I lost my virginity, my friends, who hadn't been particularly religious up until then but had been brought up in religious households had all started to look to religion, and most of them got into it quite seriously. It took several years before I even considered spirituality as something that might be relevent to me, and it took my friends about the same amount of time to begin to understand sexuality. I'm not implying this is always the case, but it was certainly my expirience of things. Then again it might just be because I'm a filthy pervert with loose morals rolleyes
it,s all to do with your covanant i think.i have got permission to be free with my sexualality,have been made free and am gratfull.i am religous or rather have a faith and use it regulary.i was born in a rather haunted house so know what i am talking is so many things going on in life that a few blessings and such are uselly needed.i am happy with my faith and love having it makes a big difference.
I do't know if anyone has actually made a scientific study of this, following up people from religious schools and/or families as they mature sexually, but from my own experience I would have to say that (1) girls from convent schools seem to make extra efforst to catch up once they are out from the gaze of the nuns and (2) and probably more seriously, there does seem to be a bit of a compressed spring effect here. Oppress/suppress sexuality and it will find a way to leak out and then boing all over the place. It may be that with more controlling religions there is more of an effect as the strength to throw off early learnings and find your own way might open you up to being more open to new ideas in lots of areas, not just religous and sexual but pretty much anyplace.
Of course being a severely lapsed catholic "bless me father it is 35 years since my last confession..better bring a book and some sandwiches" and a proud perve may colour my viewpoint.
shudders at the thought of how long a confessional would have to be to get through everything!
i was born in a rather haunted house so know what i am talking about

what does that have to do with religion and fetishism? confused
Quote by freckledbird
i was born in a rather haunted house so know what i am talking about

what does that have to do with religion and fetishism? confused
i think superstition & fetishism does have a significant & interesting crossover, but thats a different topic, for another day...