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FFS!! Sods Law!

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OK I am bubbling with rage :taz:
Everytime I seem to sit down at home and study for my forthcoming essay, next bloody door start with their home improvements banghead
Whilst sitting at my table reading a book on the "attenuation theory" of selective auditory attention, the inconsiderate neighbours starting drilling the adjoining wall which made me jump out of my skin and spill my cappucino over my notes :fuckinghell:
What is a girl to do to get some quiet time? If I study in the library at uni other students have their moby on. In the quiet area in the library all you can hear is the rustle of sweet papers and crisp packets :censored:
Does anyone have a quiet room in their house please where I can study in peace and quiet??
OK rant and rave over with, back to my books!!
Quote by Alex_Female
OK I am bubbling with rage :taz:
Everytime I seem to sit down at home and study for my forthcoming essay, next bloody door start with their home improvements banghead

I sympathise Alex. We have neighbours who moved in three years ago and are still carrying out noisy home improvements which go on until past midnight, seven days a week mad :x
Maybe you should take your books off to Dave's for a few days and swot up there, although I doubt you'd get much revision done there either hump rotflmao
sad :( :(
Awwwwwwww Alex......
You could come to ours but dont think u would get any peace wif my little devil runnin round.....
good luck with the hunt
When I was a student I found some very quiet hidey-holes hidden on the top floor of the library, deep in the reference section. Very secluded!
Of course, I only went up there because they overlooked the sports field, and I wanted to ogle the women playing tennis sillyhwoar: , but unfrotunately I didn't have my telescope with me... sad
Alex you could come round to mine but my labrador would ponce on you and lick you to death.................. I might
I have a quiet room that you could study in, as long as you studied nekkid biggrin I'll bring you a pair of ear plugs next time I am up
Dave_Notts xxxxxxxxxx
5 sleeps to go
Quote by roger743
When I was a student I found some very quiet hidey-holes hidden on the top floor of the library, deep in the reference section. Very secluded!(

Good point Roger.
Alex, there are usually a few places in a large university library (either Northumbria or the Robinson in Newcastle) where you can find some quiet space. Alternatively, you could look for an empty lecture room, & pick a desk out of sight of the door. No-one will bother you. If that is no good, you could try the City Library, & go to the top floor.
Sod studying stay on here all day and read and post crap( or in your case, educated crap).
I used to study with a not so loud, no words, not too catchy CD playing. It blocked out the outside interferance without disturbing your trial of thought.
Just make sure it isn't something that you really like as you will find yourself singing along to it. Not to loud as it can get annoying. Not too quite or you may strain to hear it. Something with very little words and not so much a 'catchy' tune or yo could start dancing.
I used to use something like house music (I never liked it) but it just did its job perfectly. My flat mates would be next door with the TV on and I wouldn't even notice.
An empty lecture hall or class room is also a good idea but I never liked the feeling of staying in there on my own. To dull an environment to want to study.
If you are really struggeling find a 'locals' pub. You will be supprised at how easy it is to relax and study in there.
Hope you find a place. If not then I beg you to go and put Dave out of his misery (5days to go) and just enjoy yourself.
I can't work in silence. I need music or people wandering around or something to distract me, otherwise I just daydream for hours and hours and hours...
when i was at uni i found it miles easier to study when there WAS noise.
on the odd occasion i wanted somewhere quiet i used to go to the departmental library and study.. was loads quieter than the university one.
Quote by RedHot
Maybe you should take your books off to Dave's for a few days and swot up there, although I doubt you'd get much revision done there either hump rotflmao Tracy-Jayne

This is it Tracy-Jayne - if I am any where near Dave I will want to ravish his body on a regular basis, which would be fantastic, but it won't get my essay done!!!
Quote by Alex_Female
which made me jump out of my skin and spill my cappucino over my notes :fuckinghell:

I'm just so impressed that you had the forethought to get a cappucino, maker or packet. Hope you find somewhere to study soon, I used to go to the back of library away from the door, because i'm a real nosey b**ch so can't help but look up everytime someone comes in!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel:
Hi Alex wave
I studied at Northumbria in Newcastle and always found floor 6 of the library to be the quietest (even though all my reference material was on floor2). That was a few years ago and things may have changed since then, but the library staff always ensured that people kept quiet. I like the idea of nicking an empty lecture room and wish I could of thought of that 9 years ago as I might just have got a first! But hey no point in looking back in anger!
Maybe your not at Northumbria but Durham or Sunderland in which case I can't give any advice. Sorry dunno
One last thought is to get up early in the morning say when all is peaceful and calm and you will find that you wil get a good few hours of study done before being disturbed.
MUFC xxx
Best bet is too get some natural noise cd's (not them ones!) Best bet i found was to use some woodland ones....just birds and a treat as thers some white noise on it..which helps drown out the background noise!!!
Hope this helps!! confused:
tell me about it .... i have course to finish for work and my bloody mates keep ringing.
maybe you should try the lib in the town
Classical music is fab for drowning out other noise, put it on and listen for a few minutes then you find yourself lost in it and can concentrate and ignore any other noise. I used to play classical music when on a tight deadline (which was frequently as I used to do every essay or assignment at the last minute - was still typing my dissertation at 430 am on the morning it was due in at 9 am confused ).
Try having a speed addict live next door DIYin at 3am or playing music that is louder than a boeing 747 through the wall. When we had our first new born child it was no joke.
How i never went round and shot him i don't know, in the end we moved YAY! biggrin
You could gladly have a room round at my house, but I'd be pestering you every 5 mins to see if you wanted a cup of tea or ahem, something else..... get some earmuffs, or just fail you exams and keep resitting them, beats getting a job trust me...... wish I'd have thought of that earlier!
Dave x