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Fighting for Sexual Equality

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Satin's boss is such a tosser..... evil
He buys all the female staff uniforms, but he refuses to buy the male staff trousers.......... why not? loon They have to pay for them themselves... what happened to sexual equality???? I'm sure that it is sexual discrimination..... rolleyes :fuckinghell:
Anyways, since Satin's work trousers got knackered he has been going to work in jeans. The boss now says Satin will get disciplinary action against him if he doesn't buy a pair of trousers. Why should he!!! mad I have completely dug my heels in..... let's see the tosser in court! :taz: OK, OK, it's only a few quid but it's the principle of the thing...... let's campaign for sexual equality for males at work! cool 8-) 8-)
I'm certain he cannot discriminate against the males by making them buy their own uniform while he pays for those of the female staff... doesn't make sense.... and they even have it in writing that the boss buys and provides ALL uniforms for EVERYONE :small-print:
What a plank :shock:
OK, rant over redface bolt
i think you are correct blue.....
i would check with the citizens advice bureau though....
imagine how you could spend the winnings... lol
sean xxxxxxxxx
Yep I've got to agree. If he's basing his choice purely on gender, then he's in for a rough ride.
Have a quick search of the net as I'm sure that there are organisations that undertake this sort of legal action or at least will be able to advise you (and Satins boss) of the legal implications.
I've been reading up on sexual discrimiation cases on the Net..... I've becoming quite learned on the subject :jagsatwork: .... maybe I should change my day job wink :wink: :wink:
I don't think there'll be any winnings.... the tosser is that tight-fisted that he won't risk a court case.......... jeez, there are only a few male members of staff anyway, he could probably buy them all a couple of pairs of work trousers and have change out of a hundred quid rolleyes :roll: :roll:
In the absence of a union representative, a chat with the CAB is the place to start. If necessary they have the forms to initiate an employment tribunal.

This is unlikely to be an issue for court action to recover costs or damages, since he remains in employment and the costs incurred are minimal. I would strongly caution against storming in and threatening lawyers.
JonJon - Evil slave driving boss :twisted:
the only other option i can think of is....
satin can tell him he is more than happy to wear the female uniform that the bos os happy to buy!!!
satin wins anyway... but am sure the boss would have a re-think!
Definitely think he should go to work in a skirt... :twisted: :twisted:
Most law firms will offer the first meeting free, so have a look in the Yellow pages for one. If not, I can get you a name to speak to.
Regarding the issue of uniforms, regardless of sex, if he has a writen contract which states that uniforms will be provided, then that is all Satin has to quote.
Is his employer part of a chain or independent? I can't remember. If part of a chain, contact the head office HR for a ruling.
Does he provide shirts/blouses for all? If he does, then you may not have a case, as uniform doesn't have to be everything. however, if he supplies blouses AND a skirt/trousers for the girls, then he must supply equal for the guys.
Hope that helps.
I've suggested he (and the other guys) should wear skirts one day just to take the piss...... they're thinking about it! rotflmao
Thanks for the advice Jon Jon and Mal lol . We're certainly not going in shouting the odds about legal things at the mo, that would only happen if he was actually sacked over the issue. At the mo, it's been quite civilised, other than the boss saying that he won't buy Satin's trousers cos then he would have to buy trousers in the future rolleyes . Yes, he does buy skirts for the females. It very clearly states in writing that he provides ALL items of uniform for ALL staff, excluding shoes.
How clear does it have to be!!!! :shock: ...
He's just a tight fisted tosser :roll: . However, as he is having a holiday home built abroad at the mo, maybe he can't afford any extra expenses :shock: :shock: :shock:
The manager is stiffed if it's in black and white. Just ignore him until he decides to play the disciplinary card. If he does decide to do that, Satin is entitled to have representation iwth him. It could be a union rep if they have a union, or it could be a fellow workmate NOT involved with the dispute, or a legal representative or just an associate of his (I suggest Judy in full battledress myself!). ACAS can give you advice as can any union. Satin's case is a lot stronger than the managers, mainly cos it's written down.
Quote by bluexxx
Satin's boss is such a tosser..... evil

Sounds like a good assessment to me.
Go Girl, Go Girl, Go Girl!!! rotflmao :rotflmao:
Stitched up like a kipper!!
Regardless of gender, your hubby's boss is in breach of the terms of emploment contract provided by himself - if, as you stated, the contract specifies that he provides work attire for ALL employees in that role.
If he proffers a written warning (usually the first stage of disciplinary) then Satin must NOT accept receipt of it, i.e. he does not sign anything to say he received it and ideally just leaves it in his bosses office. Having a copy of his employment contract to hand may also speed this up - seeing someone in court is neither good for the employer and especially not for an employee as it is seen as a big black mark against people in certain sectors. Personally i would never take anybody to a tribunural unless i a) knew i had a 95% chance of winning and b) would gain enough compensation whereby working wasn't a major issue anymore.
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The latest is, Satin's boss is not going to issue disciplinary action at the mo (wonder why!), and is now seeking legal advice over the issue.... seems like he needs it! rolleyes
I reckon Satin should say he is going to wear trousers on Wednesdays and Fridays but is going to wear a skirt on Saturdays and Sundays, just cos it's the weekend.....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Tell him to have a . He should find something appropriate there! wink
Quote by JonJon
In the absence of a union representative

Here I am!!
All good advice, so far. Truth of the matter is - the boss is in the wrong. Turn the tables and think about what would happen if there were mainly male employees and a few females, and the boss refused to get the women the same as the men? There'd be hell to pay. The sex discrimination act works for two genders, and as soon as the TUC is over this week, hopefully there will also be more LGBT rights, too.
Now, he has the choice of offering everyone the choice to wear the provided uniform or not. Or to pay an equivalent amount so you can purchase suitable clothing. But whatever he offers, it has to be the same choices available to everyone that is on a similar professional standing.
Ha ha..... drinkies
The fight is won :sparring: ...... the boss has given up already rolleyes :roll: :roll: ...... he has well and truly thrown in the towel :giveup: :giveup: :giveup:
Just has a text from Satin..... the boss has agreed to supply trousers for the male members of staff...... :grin:
He obviously didn't fancy taking on Claire McNab :scared: and the full force of the British legal system duel :small-print:
One small step for Man, one giant leap for Mankind
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
If the firm you are having issues with have to seek legal advice, they usually know they have lost and ponder on the effects. Having been in this situation many times, as is said under law the contract states the facts. Ammendments must be sent to all, and sexual discrimination is just as valid for both sexes. This is why the system, although full of problems can be helpful. CAB or any trade union will help, and most unions have free legal advice anyhow. Seen as a militant force, the unions are now actually more in touch with the modern world, and are here to help US the small fish with issues with the big SHARKS, the companies we represent.
No worries Judy, I am hoping to get updates from a colleague who's there. I'll pass em on.
Nice Work Satin and Bluexxx