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Fings ain''t what they used to be

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I'm posting this because I've just read on another 'controversial' thread that all the old posters no longer want to come on here because this place is so awful.
Well I'm and old poster (in every sense of the word!) and I've been meaning to say this for a few days now.
I can honestly say that the last couple of weeks or so have been as good as any I’ve known on this forum.
There’s been a good mix of threads – a lot of fun and some really constructive talk.
I wouldn’t analyse things in this way normally and I don’t intend to go into reasons but I do think it is worth mentioning.
There are plenty of people who will moan when things get depressing that things ain’t like what they used to be – well this at the moment is in my view pretty good. So let’s remember it - it may get worse again :scared: .
This is unlikely to generate much quality debate so I’ll be happy for it to be locked.
I do agree to a point Tune, but there are so many people not posting, agreed there are also other reasons that we don't know about so it's hard to change them.
Whilst some are the threads are up there with the "classics", some people have been banned and are missed.
It's definitely not all bad though, the clouds just need blowing away and the sun shine through more often, for the majority of the forum not just the minority.
:thumbup: :thumbup:
Actually Tune I hope that this thread is allowed to run as I think there is an interesting debate to be had on this sort of subject.
We all know that forums, by nature, wax and wain, and with different influxes of people will always change. Change is not a bad thing but often nostalgia takes over.
One thing I have noticed lately (and was considering posting about) is that there is very much a 'new' group of people in the forums, and whilst they are very welcoming to new members, old members seem to get ignored a little. It is almost like people think 'oh well they've been about for ages so they've got all their own mates and there's no reason for me to speak to them' and therefore the 'old' member gets sort of ignored.
I'm not sure if I'm really putting my point across that well but I just feel that this forum thrived on the fact that people felt part of it and now so many people no longer feel part of it.
Now my normal reaction to something like that would be to tell them to post more and get back to being part of things but in reality I can see that actually it is very difficult to re-integrate into something that has moved on so far from what it first was.
I guess I'm just rambling now and I don't have any answers for it but I think this could become an interesting debate.
Quote by Calista
I do agree to a point Tune, but there are so many people not posting, agreed there are also other reasons that we don't know about so it's hard to change them.
Whilst some are the threads are up there with the "classics", some people have been banned and are missed.
It's definitely not all bad though, the clouds just need blowing away and the sun shine through more often, for the majority of the forum not just the minority.
:thumbup: :thumbup:

I think a lot of people are not posting because in many cases they have moved on to other things.
I always remember Davej saying that the vibrancy of the forum was the new people and the changes in personnel. He said that when some new blood was coming in and making life a little uncomfortable for regulars. I wasn't sure I agreed with him at the time but I do now and I can see that his take on it was spot on.
Shame he seems to have moved on but then there are always diamonds hereabouts in my view.
Good to see you having a good time wink
Ive noticed similar happenin in the chatrooms. new ppl come and old ppl move on its not bad its just different !
I pretty p'd off with the Cafe at the minute, I'm posting crap most of the time just to keep my hand in so to speak.
I'm also pretty p'd off that long standing decent lovely people are disappearing too.
Quote by poshkate
Actually Tune I hope that this thread is allowed to run as I think there is an interesting debate to be had on this sort of subject.
We all know that forums, by nature, wax and wain, and with different influxes of people will always change. Change is not a bad thing but often nostalgia takes over.
One thing I have noticed lately (and was considering posting about) is that there is very much a 'new' group of people in the forums, and whilst they are very welcoming to new members, old members seem to get ignored a little. It is almost like people think 'oh well they've been about for ages so they've got all their own mates and there's no reason for me to speak to them' and therefore the 'old' member gets sort of ignored.
I'm not sure if I'm really putting my point across that well but I just feel that this forum thrived on the fact that people felt part of it and now so many people no longer feel part of it.
Now my normal reaction to something like that would be to tell them to post more and get back to being part of things but in reality I can see that actually it is very difficult to re-integrate into something that has moved on so far from what it first was.
I guess I'm just rambling now and I don't have any answers for it but I think this could become an interesting debate.

I know exactly what you mean but I honestly don't think it is people ignoring others.
I think we all have our 'golden era' (usually when we are being post whores!!) that is when we establish our buddies and so they are the ones we bounce off the most. Over time that sort of diminishes. Doesn't mean to say that we don't make friends after that but the experience on the forum ain't quite the same.
That's why, I think, a lot of people feel a bit deflated when they come back on and there seem to be a 'new set' - it's just their turn for the buzz.
That said I still get a buzz out of this place.
Good to see you.
Quote by jaymar
I pretty p'd off with the Cafe at the minute, I'm posting crap most of the time just to keep my hand in so to speak.
I'm also pretty p'd off that long standing decent lovely people are disappearing too.

Crying with you honeybun :therethere:
Nostalgia's just ain't what it used to be. Times change - like it or leave it. I still hanker for the old mirc chat room with about 20 people in but that got fecked by all the people that joined in 2004. lol
Quote by northwest-cpl
Nostalgia's just ain't what it used to be. Times change - like it or leave it. I still hanker for the old mirc chat room with about 20 people in but that got fecked by all the people that joined in 2004. lol

Hehe - that's because yer thong's too tight!
I miss mirc too LOL although I aint complaining about the webcams innocent
Nostalgia always gets replaced, but what are we replacing it with sad
Quote by jaymar
I pretty p'd off with the Cafe at the minute, I'm posting crap most of the time just to keep my hand in so to speak.
I'm also pretty p'd off that long standing decent lovely people are disappearing too.

Oh my - I have been through those phases. But don't you think it has improved these last few weeks - I do.kiss
Quote by Calista
Nostalgia always gets replaced, but what are we replacing it with sad

It's for the people that are posting in the forum currently to know that. A forum is owned by the people that post, not the people that used to post. If I could be arsed to search I could find a very similar thread from a long time ago. Times change.
I don't see a problem with the forum. People can post whether they are new or old, why should it make a difference? Anyone is free to read the forum or to post it’s their choice, I don’t see old members getting ignored, if they don’t wish to post then that is their choice.
Well the truth is we only come back here because we want to. Some just don't want to and good luck to 'em - it takes all sorts.
This thread is supposed to be celebrating something that is actually quite good at the moment.
We've all had our golden moments on here and things 'will never be better than that' but I'm sure we can enjoy something that is different but also good.
I find myself in total agreement with Tune it is how I see and feel about the place. There are people who have made this the place it is and people still to come that will continue in that vein. A personal thank you from me to some that have been and gone for helping form such a unique place. That and just as a big thanks to the people here and now.
Rock on S-H
if anything lately i spend more time in these forums reading and learning about other peoples experiences.
Its all very interesting and rewarding when you see a post that you can discuss or relate too.
I have found the chatrooms to be boring and a bit of a timewaste lately so thats why im here in this part of the site at the that will change and i'll think the other way round but i do enjoy reading what is posted.
I have posted on here a few times though I haven't for a be honest it seems pointless as whatever I post is misconstrued, misquoted or of late totally ignored. I think forums only work if people are prepaired to discuss issues even if it means ones which cause us to question our beliefs. If people would rather recycle the same 4 conversations with the same people and exclude people who have an alternative point of view then any forum will degenerate. When people reply to your post privately rather than on the forum it can lead to the impression that open debate within that forum is not welcome, so what's the point?
Quote by swinger29
I have posted on here a few times though I haven't for a be honest it seems pointless as whatever I post is misconstrued, misquoted or of late totally ignored. I think forums only work if people are prepaired to discuss issues even if it means ones which cause us to question our beliefs. If people would rather recycle the same 4 conversations with the same people and exclude people who have an alternative point of view then any forum will degenerate. When people reply to your post privately rather than on the forum it can lead to the impression that open debate within that forum is not welcome, so what's the point?

Well try posting a bit more and get yourself known. That way there is far less chance of being ignored. It really is quite good at the moment - far less bickering than there was a few weeks ago.
Quote by westerross
I have posted on here a few times though I haven't for a be honest it seems pointless as whatever I post is misconstrued, misquoted or of late totally ignored. I think forums only work if people are prepaired to discuss issues even if it means ones which cause us to question our beliefs. If people would rather recycle the same 4 conversations with the same people and exclude people who have an alternative point of view then any forum will degenerate. When people reply to your post privately rather than on the forum it can lead to the impression that open debate within that forum is not welcome, so what's the point?

Well try posting a bit more and get yourself known. That way there is far less chance of being ignored. It really is quite good at the moment - far less bickering than there was a few weeks ago.
Well yes you could be right, though to be honest it all seems a bit like hard work and I'd rather have a shag.
we have to accept things change and move on....some people think for the better..others think for the worse. But my view on if you don't like something..then do something about it. If the content of threads is not to your likeing..then start a thread yourself about something you like...that is better.
I do have to confess i miss some of the more lighthearted threads...we used to have the dress up as someones avatar thread....the old take a pic by a signpost thread..etc etc....but that indeed is one of the other problems...does there come a point where we have discussed almost every topic around !!
Quote by deancannock
we have to accept things change and move on....some people think for the better..others think for the worse. But my view on if you don't like something..then do something about it. If the content of threads is not to your likeing..then start a thread yourself about something you like...that is better.
I do have to confess i miss some of the more lighthearted threads...we used to have the dress up as someones avatar thread....the old take a pic by a signpost thread..etc etc....but that indeed is one of the other problems...does there come a point where we have discussed almost every topic around !!

Now herein lies a point, I think, well made dean :thumbup: I sometimes think that every now and then a reset button could be pushed so that all that went before disappeared. This way all subjects and threads would be new once again and available for all to comment on afresh newbies and oldies.
Quote by Lost
we have to accept things change and move on....some people think for the better..others think for the worse. But my view on if you don't like something..then do something about it. If the content of threads is not to your likeing..then start a thread yourself about something you like...that is better.
I do have to confess i miss some of the more lighthearted threads...we used to have the dress up as someones avatar thread....the old take a pic by a signpost thread..etc etc....but that indeed is one of the other problems...does there come a point where we have discussed almost every topic around !!

Now herein lies a point, I think, well made dean :thumbup: I sometimes think that every now and then a reset button could be pushed so that all that went before disappeared. This way all subjects and threads would be new once again and available for all to comment on afresh newbies and oldies.
But doesnt the influx of new members give different slants on topics that have already been discussed dunno
I think it does.....
It saddens me deaply to see some established members leaving especially when its because they feel they can no longer stomach the place....
I understand that people move on and that circumstances change,they give up/take a break from swinging etc but to leave specifically because of how this place is/how its become is saddening :cry:
Some threads are still original and funny
Some threads are redone because a previous thread on the same subject can't be found in the search ( no, really? rolleyes )
Some are old and still going, still fun
on the other hand, some don't interest me so I don't read them or reply to them
Some start off good but end up as slanging matches or someone adds a sniping remark which spoils the whole thing
It's how the forums have always been ( well how I remember them for as long as I've been here )
Lately though some have become very bitchy, testy and it seems to have overshadowed the friendly nature of the majority of members here.
Some seem to just openly provoke a negative reaction. Winchy's 'goodbye' thread did just that. While most are sad to see her go, one or two replies seemed a little hostile ( I'm not going to debate whether those posters were right or wrong to voice their opinions at all ) It was just like throwing the darts and leaving the pub before seeing where they landed ergo opening up maybe yet another can of worms for someone else to sweep up.
People come, people go. SH is built on it's members yes but on members as a group not individuals.
on that note, excuse me I have to catch my last bus back to Coventry
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Lately though some have become very bitchy, testy and it seems to have overshadowed the friendly nature of the majority of members here.
Some seem to just openly provoke a negative reaction. Winchy's 'goodbye' thread did just that. While most are sad to see her go, one or two replies seemed a little hostile ( I'm not going to debate whether those posters were right or wrong to voice their opinions at all ) It was just like throwing the darts and leaving the pub before seeing where they landed ergo opening up maybe yet another can of worms for someone else to sweep up.
People come, people go. SH is built on it's members yes but on members as a group not individuals.
on that note, excuse me I have to catch my last bus back to Coventry

I think you've forgotton you went through something similar not so long ago though Sass.. I'm not being nasty or having a go, but sometimes as you are well aware things in our personal lives or on here cause us to think it's time to go. You had a lot of backing to stay, Winchy didn't want that, she truly wanted to go but said her farewell on the way out.
Each to their own. The Forum's defo not the same as it used to be.
Quote by jaymar

Lately though some have become very bitchy, testy and it seems to have overshadowed the friendly nature of the majority of members here.
Some seem to just openly provoke a negative reaction. Winchy's 'goodbye' thread did just that. While most are sad to see her go, one or two replies seemed a little hostile ( I'm not going to debate whether those posters were right or wrong to voice their opinions at all ) It was just like throwing the darts and leaving the pub before seeing where they landed ergo opening up maybe yet another can of worms for someone else to sweep up.
People come, people go. SH is built on it's members yes but on members as a group not individuals.
on that note, excuse me I have to catch my last bus back to Coventry

I think you've forgotton you went through something similar not so long ago though Sass.. I'm not being nasty or having a go, but sometimes as you are well aware things in our personal lives or on here cause us to think it's time to go. You had a lot of backing to stay, Winchy didn't want that, she truly wanted to go but said her farewell on the way out.
Each to their own. The Forum's defo not the same as it used to be.
I certainly did think about leaving recently you're right though if you can find the thread I posted, please feel free to reread it. I asked the question of fellow forumites if they had ever paused over the delete button and what had changed their minds. I also went on to ask people not to put personal messages in the thread but of course, it was perceived by all to be a 'beg me to stay' thread which was most certainly not my intention.
My post above was just outlining how different threads are, some good some not so good and some put there to spark a reaction. It wasn't an personal attack on Winchy so please don't read it as such

Now herein lies a point, I think, well made dean :thumbup: I sometimes think that every now and then a reset button could be pushed so that all that went before disappeared. This way all subjects and threads would be new once again and available for all to comment on afresh newbies and oldies.

Quote by Steve
But doesnt the influx of new members give different slants on topics that have already been discussed dunno
I think it does.....


You are undoubtedly right here Steve for sure. However, many of the old posters don't post very often as the forum gets older or even in the same style or with the same energy that they once did, which i do find a shame. If you look back at the posts of long term forumites it is quite a revelation how different the posts were. They were not only one word/liners or a link here and there a use of an emoticon etc they were opinions emotions ideas and 'verve' just like newbies that they once were.
I guess i'm looking for something that aint there I dont know
Quote by Steve
It saddens me deaply to see some established members leaving especially when its because they feel they can no longer stomach the place....

I don't get this bit really its such a shame that someone gets to feel this way but hey I just hope they replace their unhappiness with something that will make them feel a lot better.
I understand that people move on and that circumstances change,they give up/take a break from swinging etc but to leave specifically because of how this place is/how its become is saddening :cry:
I don't see this bit. I think the place still rocks as it always has its just that people are lost on the way as eventually we all will be I guess. When it is a very liked and popular figure then it is noticed and felt more maybe?
Lets just wish these people the very best as they move on and enjoy the time we had with them here. But lets keep this place upbeat and enjoy the posts of the people in the here and now and each of us put our own slant as you rightly say looking forward to posters not yet posting.
To those who have gone and helped form the place into the place it is :cheers: and good luck to you
wave To all those who haven't yet and fancy a chat in these here forums get tapping biggrin
Btw nobody take the piss lol i'm trying to get the hang of this multiquoting 'kinell it is bit complicated :D
Quote by tyracer
if anything lately i spend more time in these forums reading and learning about other peoples experiences.
Its all very interesting and rewarding when you see a post that you can discuss or relate too.

Have to agree tyracer - but after having posted replies to two threads this last week - threads that interested me btw - and having seen some ppl turning it into an attack on the original poster i dont think i'll bother with the forum for much longer. I may add to the odd one or two but will keep my opinions to myself in future least i become the object of someones aim.
For those that harp on about the old days - good luck reliving them, i as a new(ish) poster have been put off by that sort of attitude.
It might be that one's 'on line life' is only be a short lived thing. That in order to achieve the same sense of wonder and belonging and intellectual stimulation you have to move on and find new sites and forums.
But actually I would say that in the last year there has been less in fighting, but also less inquisitiveness and argument. People are more careful to avoid an unnecessary fight. Several of the old battlers have moved on and there is less falling in and rallying around for the kill, because of that.
And recently the same old debates have run quite pleasantly. I think the newbies have picked up on things very quickly and there have been less incidents of people putting their foot right in it. We don't seem to have had visits from deliberate pranksters, but maybe that's due to having to pay a fee to join.
So I am not dissapointed or bored.
Quote by Up_for_fun_2008
if anything lately i spend more time in these forums reading and learning about other peoples experiences.
Its all very interesting and rewarding when you see a post that you can discuss or relate too.

Have to agree tyracer - but after having posted replies to two threads this last week - threads that interested me btw - and having seen some ppl turning it into an attack on the original poster i dont think i'll bother with the forum for much longer. I may add to the odd one or two but will keep my opinions to myself in future least i become the object of someones aim.
For those that harp on about the old days - good luck reliving them, i as a new(ish) poster have been put off by that sort of attitude.
Stick with it, dont take it personal, I felt like you at the beginning, raise about it stay and air your views. It does get better if you don't take it personal honestly. wink
Good luck!