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First Dates

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So... bit of a vanilla thread here, but just something I am toying with at the mo! wink
What is your idea of the perfect first date?
I don't mean a playing/meet kinda date - get your vanilla heads on, I mean proper 'romance' kinda date!!
It's been a while... I'm devoid of inspiration! rolleyes
bloody hell been over 20 yrs will have to think lol
My first "date" with Morbius .... picnic lunch (provided by him), walking up along the riverside, watching a weir whilst eating sandwiches biggrin
We've since found a lovely place, different river, with a large grassy bank and lots of trickling weirs.
Not exactly picnic weather at the mo Cali... dunno
Shag 'n' go dunno
Oh romance redface
Shag 'n' go and give me a kiss on your way out :dunno:
not being very helpful am i? bolt
Quote by noladreams30
Not exactly picnic weather at the mo Cali... dunno

Good point, .. but a nice walk and a pub lunch would work.
Quote by TanKinky
Shag 'n' go dunno
Oh romance redface
Shag 'n' go and give me a kiss on your way out :dunno:
not being very helpful am i? bolt

No smackbottom you're not.... rolleyes
Quote by Calista
Not exactly picnic weather at the mo Cali... dunno

Good point, .. but a nice walk and apub lunch would work.
Hey Nola....does the Grafton do food :giggle:
Only 1 thing i can remotely say was a date still involved shagging
Tan doesnt date... redface
Quote by Bonedigger
Not exactly picnic weather at the mo Cali... dunno

Good point, .. but a nice walk and apub lunch would work.
Hey Nola....does the Grafton do food :giggle:
Here's me getting all sensitive about my age and all, cheeky mare smackbottom
Feels a flounce coming on... you folk are clearly not taking my foray into the world of vanilla dating at all seriously are you?! rolleyes
Quote by Calista
Not exactly picnic weather at the mo Cali... dunno

Good point, .. but a nice walk and a pub lunch would work.
True Cali... will bear that in mind! :thumbup:
A good old "Ice Cream" date......
There is no better place to take someone for a first date than to a proper Ice Cream Parlour/Resturant.....
you can't be uptight when sharing a tub.... lol :lol: :lol:
An afternoon drink in a pub by the river. A walk and feeding the ducks. All kind of sweet and innocent.
Thank you gents :thumbup: Nice to see romance isn't completely dead!
Although not entirely sure they 'do' ducks on the River Mersey... lol
i suggest anywhere but at lunchtime. That way you have an excuse to leave withion an hour if he tuns up looking 20 years older than his pic.....and dressed like a scarecrow...
yes voice of experiance speaking !!!
Quote by deancannock
i suggest anywhere but at lunchtime. That way you have an excuse to leave withion an hour if he tuns up looking 20 years older than his pic.....and dressed like a scarecrow...
yes voice of experiance speaking !!!

that was my best outfit you cad. rolleyes
Quote by deancannock
i suggest anywhere but at lunchtime. That way you have an excuse to leave withion an hour if he tuns up looking 20 years older than his pic.....and dressed like a scarecrow...
yes voice of experiance speaking !!!

rotflmao Oh how true... in fact, pretty much sums up my last foray into the world of dating. Now, why am I putting myself through this again?! rolleyes
Not the best one to ask for advice, I can't remember the last time it went passed a cup of coffee with someone who looked in the slightest bit interested. I think it's more who you date than what you do, and when you find a source of guys to date, do share.
Quote by TanKinky
Shag 'n' go dunno
Oh romance redface
Shag 'n' go and give me a kiss on your way out :dunno:
not being very helpful am i? bolt

For the man its staying awake and talking to your partner for 5 minutes
i've never been the worlds best at dating.. as my sucuess record is below par.
i think you can't beat a nice meal.. not ya beafeaters, but something like a chinese, or maybe italian.. i love the atmos in an italian resturant.. they normally have that romanitic feel to it.
plus this way, you have change to chat all evening, enjoy a bottle of wine, and then let the night takes its course.
other option.. but maybe not the best for a first date, is a comedy club. such as Jounglers or Glee Club ( in brum).. then finish the evening in a bar.
Do you know what, I would actually settle for just one of those dates that 'clicks'... wouldn't care where it was, but the kind of date where you don't stop talking, you make each other laugh and it's all early days and promises much... rolleyes
Oh god, :doh: I am clearly mutating into a hopeless romantic... help!