Hi and welcome
Hope you enjoy the site
:welcome: badtothebone to this great site.
hi BTTB,
welcome to the mad house, not that far from me, ok ok i know you are really but these days bristol seems close compared to everyone else being up norfh.
have fun and send all the females a wanna fuck pm with a cock shot and youll be fine , lol
ok seriousely dontsend every female a pm or cock shot just me :twisted:
xxxx lou xxxxx
lol not the only thing to go purple, the amount of crap ive typed while in there my bars goung purple aswell, lol
ahhhh or were you trying to colour in your pole hnh??????
xx lou xxxx
always want my hole filling fem!!
:shock: filthy mind i said pole
xxx lou xxxx
awwhh your so sweet when you blush :twisted:
xx lou xxx
thanks very much! :cry:
aaawwhhhh BTTB, you knows i luvs ya ,
trust me im doing you a favour, lets just say there are a few ladies in her that would probally like to view that back bent over while they take you with a strap on lol if they think you have piles they may just leave the bum loving alone :twisted: :grin:
xxxxxx lou xxxxxxxxxx
oh and wheres that cock shot i requested lol