There are various 'rules/terms' for Munches and Socials etc but the only person who can really advise you what to expect from a private party is the person throwing the party.
thanks guys, yesi suppose that makes sense really, sorry for asking a silly question!
Some things to think about...
If either of you is in any way squeamish about same-sex-fun, then ask the organisers if the party is 100% straight or not. If it's not, then be sure you are mentally prepared so see that sort of thing without expressing any displeasure. Tolerance is rule no.2
"No means no" is of course rule no. 1, do not hesitate to invoke rule 1 where necessary, you must never feel that more experienced party goers can get you to to do anything you are not happy with.
Set your boundaries by agreement between yourselves in advance. Decide your policy on condom usage, playing apart, and everything else you can think of beforehand and stick to it.
I hope you enjoy yourselves :-)
We can't pretend to be experts but we have been to a few parties and the only advice we could offer is be yourselves, we mean that in the nicest way possible in that don't be led on to do things your not ok with just because you feel you have to and also never expect anything just because its a party... sounds simple but the ones we have been to have ranged from a simple get together with nice flirty people to a well organised 'lets romp the newbies'..... well thats what they thought lol... poor buggers!!! Just be yourselves and don't have any pre set plan.. have fun, most are just that just pure fun with people just like you who are probably just as nervous!
Mike and Julie xx