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Fisting have you tried it ?

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Quote by VenusnMars
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Now I really need to find out where the hell I posted my other comment on fisting, cos it sure to hell isn`t here. This could be interesting :giggle:

Would that be this one?
Quote by VenusnMars
Just chat to Mars (who is also following this thread very closely) and we both have the same feeling about one common reaction offered here. This is just an observation, and not at all a gripe as the feeling offered is not at all directed at bi guys, and is a personal and therefore very valid one. smile
It`s the `feeling sick at the thought` comments. Reading stuff like that is kind of off-putting, and probably doesn`t help the bi-curious men openly embrace the idea. Venusxxx

This is an open forum and most interesting for that, so I guess if someone is "sick at the thought" of something it's proper to say so. From my earlier post it would be ridiculous to say I was 100% straight, but I am "sick at the thought" of a number of generally gay activities, shall I name some. Buggery, Rimming, Fisting, kissing a man, these things I KNOW make me feel so uncomfortable as to validate the idea of being "sick at the thought".
About blow jobs I just choose to decline, I'm not "sick at the thought", and about masturbation I have shown no objection to it on the few occasions the opportunity has passed my way in recent years.
We should all remember that sexuality is a rainbow and we all occupy different parts, something for everyone, someone for everyone.
Now I hope most people here know me well enough to know that I am one of the last people who would want to seriously criticise anyone for thier opinion (although I have done in the heat of the moment). I hate conflict, and if I do see a daft post, I will normally try to react with a tongue in cheek remark. I was, in this case, trying to be very careful not to condemn others here for thier reaction, and was genuinely interested as to whether it left others, who are newly exploring the idea of same sex fun, with the same reaction. I`m not interested in `whose fault` this reaction is. I just think it would be valuable to Mars` to hear more opinions on his and perhaps other`s feelings upon gaining confidence.
Is it the poster or reader`s diplomacy/reaction which needs changing? Beats the shit of of me! Should our anonymous friend be respected for posting anon, his `coming out` being his own personal journey when he is ready, or is it a reflection on some of the attitudes here? To be honest, I hadn`t really given it a great deal of thought when I read his post..
I just..........
Awww sod it, I didn`t do it, therefore I`m not...
You didn`t see me right?! wink
Quote by marmalaid

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Now I really need to find out where the hell I posted my other comment on fisting, cos it sure to hell isn`t here. This could be interesting :giggle:

Would that be this one?
Quote by VenusnMars
Just chat to Mars (who is also following this thread very closely) and we both have the same feeling about one common reaction offered here. This is just an observation, and not at all a gripe as the feeling offered is not at all directed at bi guys, and is a personal and therefore very valid one. smile
It`s the `feeling sick at the thought` comments. Reading stuff like that is kind of off-putting, and probably doesn`t help the bi-curious men openly embrace the idea. Venusxxx

This is an open forum and most interesting for that, so I guess if someone is "sick at the thought" of something it's proper to say so. From my earlier post it would be ridiculous to say I was 100% straight, but I am "sick at the thought" of a number of generally gay activities, shall I name some. Buggery, Rimming, Fisting, kissing a man, these things I KNOW make me feel so uncomfortable as to validate the idea of being "sick at the thought".
About blow jobs I just choose to decline, I'm not "sick at the thought", and about masturbation I have shown no objection to it on the few occasions the opportunity has passed my way in recent years.
We should all remember that sexuality is a rainbow and we all occupy different parts, something for everyone, someone for everyone.
Now I hope most people here know me well enough to know that I am one of the last people who would want to seriously criticise anyone for thier opinion (although I have done in the heat of the moment). I hate conflict, and if I do see a daft post, I will normally try to react with a tongue in cheek remark. I was, in this case, trying to be very careful not to condemn others here for thier reaction, and was genuinely interested as to whether it left others, who are newly exploring the idea of same sex fun, with the same reaction. I`m not interested in `whose fault` this reaction is. I just think it would be valuable to Mars` to hear more opinions on his and perhaps other`s feelings upon gaining confidence.
Is it the poster or reader`s diplomacy/reaction which needs changing? Beats the shit of of me! Should our anonymous friend be respected for posting anon, his `coming out` being his own personal journey when he is ready, or is it a reflection on some of the attitudes here? To be honest, I hadn`t really given it a great deal of thought when I read his post..
I just..........
Awww sod it, I didn`t do it, therefore I`m not...
You didn`t see me right?! wink
Do you think my comment here (and on the other thread ) was a contradiction? I suppose it could be if someone felt my quip was as off-putting. I don`t know if anyone did. I do know how Mars reacted to the "sick at the thought" comments because I was witness to it. If my comments here have had the same effect on others then I`ll take that into consideration :).
Quote by veejay
Being serious, for a moment, a woman died from V fisting a few miles from me, a couple of years ago, the guy nearly went to prison for it.

Died from fisting? Did he use both hands or something? Strange, a womans vagina can pass a babies head through it, but not a fist. He must have been too vigorous then?
She probably had an embolism (bubble of air entering via vagina either intentionally - via blowing - or unintentionally). Don't think the rings would have killed her, bruised her yes, made her bleed yes, given her an infection yes, but kill no.
Ahem, it is not fisting unless the entire hand is inside the cavity. It is fingering if there are only 4 fingers inside and the thumb is outside.
And in case people wonder, you don't go ramming a fist inside, you bring the tips of your fingers together, slide them in and, once in, slowly make a fist. The way to do it is to twist the fist right and left rather than push it in and out though that can be possible too if the receiver is well aroused and relaxed but it can leave one sore for days. Whereas the right to left motion is heavenly!
Also a person's ability to take the fist varies from time to time. Even hardcore fistees can sometimes have trouble receiving the full hand.
Quote by Tania
Ahem, it is not fisting unless the entire hand is inside the cavity. It is fingering if there are only 4 fingers inside and the thumb is outside.
And in case people wonder, you don't go ramming a fist inside, you bring the tips of your fingers together, slide them in and, once in, slowly make a fist. The way to do it is to twist the fist right and left rather than push it in and out though that can be possible too if the receiver is well aroused and relaxed but it can leave one sore for days. Whereas the right to left motion is heavenly!
Also a person's ability to take the fist varies from time to time. Even hardcore fistees can sometimes have trouble receiving the full hand.

Is there anything you don't know my dear? biggrin You're like our very own Google wink
I can cheat lol fingers wink cool
Quote by satin
didnt actually no i had been fisted until i was shown the photos redface rolleyes :shock: evil

Do you mean this photo?

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I was looking at the thread titles and was amazed at how many replies a post about FISHING had then I re-read it..... and am now laughing my arse off at how thick I can be redface
I can be such a twat sometimes rolleyes
Quote by bluexxx
didnt actually no i had been fisted until i was shown the photos redface rolleyes :shock: evil

Do you mean this photo?

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
OMG :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
didnt actually no i had been fisted until i was shown the photos redface rolleyes :shock: evil

Do you mean this photo?

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
bloody hell didn't that hurt? :shock: confused surprisedops:
Quote by freckledbird
bloody hell didn't that hurt? :shock: confused redface

Didn't hurt me one bit hehehehehe :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Bloke2005
Is there anything you don't know my dear? biggrin You're like our very own Google wink

Lots of things I don't know. I don't know my music for example and I don't know sports. So I can't really do the Millionnaire show sad
fisting is fantastic, cant get anough mmmmmmmmm
Quote by bluexxx
didnt actually no i had been fisted until i was shown the photos redface rolleyes :shock: evil

Do you mean this photo?

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hehe..I have had one of those bracelets too...
Minx xx
Quote by Vix
So, one night, after a Munch, the 3rd party, me & R are in a hotel room, where it transpires that I scream & writhe.
Some hours later, in the bar, said 3rd party asks if I was OK with the fisting.
Some more hours later, as me & he drive back down siuth, I say "So, I was getting a fisting?"

I guess it could have been worse, you could have said...
"So, I was getting a fisting? I thought he'd just put his finger in, damn he must have small hands"
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
No, I thought it was due to my being a bucket.
Quote by bluexxx
didnt actually no i had been fisted until i was shown the photos redface rolleyes :shock: evil

Do you mean this photo?

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
OMG i'm scared of a penus going there! how do u get that reaxed?
Quote by lilacgem
OMG i'm scared of a penus going there! how do u get that reaxed?

Nothing goes up my arse. It's a one way street.
Quote by lilacgem
OMG i'm scared of a penus going there! how do u get that reaxed?

He's had years of practice :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hehehehehehehehehe, one handful is no problem... I'm next going to work on him taking two handfuls :shock:
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by manofmuchfun
! does he know ? .....................

No, but he didn't realise I had my whole fist in in the above picture, so I doubt he'll even notice the extra hand rolleyes :twisted: smile :shock: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: i do no now......2 hands i dont think so wink :twisted:
no that didnt hurt in the above photo :twisted: i was very turned on and horny and blue has small hands :twisted:
BTW blue i cant belive you put that photo on here :shock:
We are slowly biulding up to it...
we are almost at the whole fist stage, but we are working slowly towards it - lots of lube and 'relaxation' - but we aregetting there...
no way were gonna rush it - might do some damage..
but what we've done so far is fab!!!
Quote by satin
BTW blue i cant belive you put that photo on here :shock:

Call it a mod's privaledge hehehehehehehehe lol
I'm gonna put the two handed one on too, when I have it :twisted:
aaaaaahhhhhhhh but now youve lost the element of surprise rotflmao :rotflmao:
Quote by bluexxx

Did you ever find your wrist watch?? :twisted:
We don't do the anal version although Mrs Cueball enjoys the occassional vagina fisting, but we've learnt from previous mistakes. I now use latex gloves to prevent infections (and to save me having to wash off all the KY after wink ).
One of the first times we tried, she came so hard that the force literally pulled my hand into her right up past the wrist, scratching her as the watch went in! :shock: So remove the watch first!
With care and patience it's one of the most fulfilling ('scuse pun) things you can both do. Highly recommended.
Quote by satin
aaaaaahhhhhhhh but now youve lost the element of surprise rotflmao :rotflmao:

It doesn't matter, once you're horny you won't even notice what my hands are doing
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well if you can get me THAT horny(i doubt i could ever get that horny) you can do what you want :shock: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by manofmuchfun
well if you can get me THAT horny(i doubt i could ever get that horny) you can do what you want :shock: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I gotta sayu satin your incredibly brave or i'll have a bottle of what your gonna need !
he's not brave, he's just loose
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: