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Fitness DVDs

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In the spirit of New Year fitness regimes and all that...
Does anyone have any recommendations for any decent fitness dvds?
not dvd;s no but i find the wii fit and wii sports is fab, although i cant really play it at the moment as my joists have rotted and am likely to go through the sodding floor, have only been waiting 6 months for the grant works to be done on the house, there wont be any house left by the time the council get their arse into gear
i do find if i have to do a fitness dvd etc i will get bored and wont do it but the wii is fun so i do tend to use it
Quote by noladreams
In the spirit of New Year fitness regimes and all that...
Does anyone have any recommendations for any decent fitness dvds?

OHHHHH Mrs Tweekys favorite topic of all time and serious damager of my wallet :neutral:
I will recommended now in her absence but will check with her upon her return from work.
She is currently using this one

and previously used

She has loads here she tried and didn't like so may have a spare one if you want. You a beginner? I know this will have some bearing on recommendations.
Pretty much total beginner with low boredom threshold... unfortunately I dislike cold weather so I am never going to stick to oft-planned walking regimes. All advice happily received! :thumbup:
lol i walked to work one day when my car exhaust was getting sorted and pulled my hamstring!!
i went back to the gym this morning and started my swimming again, the water was bassid freezing, the steam room was cool and the jacuzzi was cold too, it wasnt a pleasant experience but i did it.
I am also going back to my sisters bellydancing class on a monday and going to start doing the pilates class at the gym on a wednesday, quite fancy the aquarobics too
Quote by earthchild
lol i walked to work one day when my car exhaust was getting sorted and pulled my hamstring!!

Slight hijack!
This reminds me of when I had my car repaired. I was expecting the car back that morning it was only running a bit funny needed what I once called plugs and points, its more technical now. Little did I know they needed it for two days! So I had to walk the 3 miles home unexpectedly. I dont think previous to this I had walked 3 miles since 2004 in Corfu where if you wanted to get to the beach you had little choice confused??:
Anyway rabbiting here so long story short, two days later my leg starts to hurt. Pulled muscle all that walking I guess. Day three leg hurting a bit more hmm yes I remember this is how it works from my football days it gets worse before it gets better. Day 4 after the walk, ohh bloody hell must be more unfit than I thought this is ridiculous. Day 5 in bed Mrs Tweeky says I am dripping in sweat although feel ok when I wake up. Quick inspection of my leg and I notice a huge red area around the rear of my calf tracking all the way up just past my groin!
I'll always remember what the Dr said when he returned my call as I think it is the first and last time I will ever here it "Come now! I will see you now!" Turns out I had a huge infection in my leg due to the time it was left untreated, no idea where it came from. Antibiotics took 5 days to even start reducing it and I could hardly walk for two days sad
Hmm whats the moral of this hijack? Errmmm never assume you have a pulled muscle? dunno
Quote by earthchild
lol i walked to work one day when my car exhaust was getting sorted and pulled my hamstring!!
i went back to the gym this morning and started my swimming again, the water was bassid freezing, the steam room was cool and the jacuzzi was cold too, it wasnt a pleasant experience but i did it.
I am also going back to my sisters bellydancing class on a monday and going to start doing the pilates class at the gym on a wednesday, quite fancy the aquarobics too

I'm going to the pub! :cheers:
Quote by Mal
lol i walked to work one day when my car exhaust was getting sorted and pulled my hamstring!!
i went back to the gym this morning and started my swimming again, the water was bassid freezing, the steam room was cool and the jacuzzi was cold too, it wasnt a pleasant experience but i did it.
I am also going back to my sisters bellydancing class on a monday and going to start doing the pilates class at the gym on a wednesday, quite fancy the aquarobics too

I'm going to the pub! :cheers:
lol enjoy xxx
Quote by noladreams
Pretty much total beginner with low boredom threshold... unfortunately I dislike cold weather so I am never going to stick to oft-planned walking regimes. All advice happily received! :thumbup:

Ok Mrs Tweekys back from work and in her expert opinion she recommends for beginners

followed by the Davina one I liniked to above if you get on with them.
Not tried any dvd's as I get bored quickly and find it difficult to have the living room to myself long enough to do one (not risking it upstairs in case I come through the floor).
For the last 4-5 months, I have been using a Power Trainer 3-4 times a week and this has made one hell of a difference, mainly to my legs, thighs, arms and bottom, both in muscle tone and in strength training. Apart from just standing on it and doing the relaxation exercises, I tend to do some Pilate's exercises and this has really made a difference. However, unless you use it as a general step machine, it doesn't really give much aerobic exercises, so I would definitely recommend the wii fit and the Wii sports. Great fun for when you have friends round and you cant cheat as it keeps a track of everything (including your weight and bmi).
Nola, if you can geto to your baths, then swimming is a perfect exercise, but a nice cheap alternative, is a good music cd (something cheesey/disco'y) and boogy round the living room like a total pratt. Cant beat it but make sure the curtains are closed first lol
Forget 'fitness' DVDs - do Yoga. It is low impact, stretches the leg/arm/back muscles, strengthens the inner core muscles (the ones all around your torso), improves breathing and sleeping, protects your back, improves it if it is prone to problems. And is darned near free. I would recommend a proper yoga mat (they are thinner than fitness mats) and nice stretchy clothes.
It has the added advantage that you can do it at home in the warm. Wii Fit has a good range of moves, but they are a bit more limited than a book or DVD.
I went to classes, but it isn't really necessary if you have a good book/DVD.
Yoga is great cos it really DOESN'T want you to wear yourself out - if you raise a sweat you will be lucky - but you will get much fitter than you were. Everything is done slowly, with control and you can feel the benefit from the first session - you don't have to recover from anything between sessions.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Nola, if you can geto to your baths, then swimming is a perfect exercise, but a nice cheap alternative, is a good music cd (something cheesey/disco'y) and boogy round the living room like a total pratt. Cant beat it but make sure the curtains are closed first lol

erm i use Scooter to clean to redface
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Nola, if you can geto to your baths, then swimming is a perfect exercise, but a nice cheap alternative, is a good music cd (something cheesey/disco'y) and boogy round the living room like a total pratt. Cant beat it but make sure the curtains are closed first lol

My local baths shut :sad: and it is awkward to get to the next nearest one. Shame, as I really enjoy swimming. Might have to see if I can get there at the weekends though.
Power trainer?
Don't do any fitness stuff at all hence why Ive got a body lik ea bag of spanners wink
Naw all kidding aside.
Decent diet will help anyone if it is balanced against any good anaerobic activity whether it be the wii or even fast walking.
A ten mile jog and a ten mile brisk walk have the same benefit,only difference is the walk takes longer lol
A Power Trainier is a big vibrating thing that you stand on and it sends little vibrations all the way through your body. Fantastic for relaxation (certainly helps with my back) and really improves circulation.
However, if you do some basic pilates exercises on it (or even some of the yoga moves) it works wonders. For the first time in my life, I can now buy normal zip up boots as it has trimmed and toned my legs so much. I have lost nearly 2 inces of my thighs and nearly an inch of my calfs. It has helped with toning my arms and core muscels as well, and I have no problems at all with my back since I started using it.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
A Power Trainier is a big vibrating thing that you stand on and it sends little vibrations all the way through your body. Fantastic for relaxation (certainly helps with my back) and really improves circulation.
However, if you do some basic pilates exercises on it (or even some of the yoga moves) it works wonders. For the first time in my life, I can now buy normal zip up boots as it has trimmed and toned my legs so much. I have lost nearly 2 inces of my thighs and nearly an inch of my calfs. It has helped with toning my arms and core muscels as well, and I have no problems at all with my back since I started using it.

Oh wow... off to google!
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
A Power Trainier is a big vibrating thing that you stand on and it sends little vibrations all the way through your body..

Most females I know, call that a RABBIT lol
Quote by woohoo
A Power Trainier is a big vibrating thing that you stand on and it sends little vibrations all the way through your body..

Most females I know, call that a RABBIT lol
It can be a bit embarrassing when your hubby tells people that I cant come to the phone because Im sat on my vibrator redface
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
It can be a bit embarrassing when your hubby tells people that I cant come to the phone because Im sat on my vibrator redface

Quote by Ms_Whips
i've tried lots of different things but lately i have been doing something called 'planks'. basicly you put yourself on the floor as though doing pressups. poised on toes, keep your forearms flat on the floor and hold your body so that it is flat (not with your arse in the air, that position is much better saved for other activities :twisted: ) as though in te rise of the pressup. you then hold that position for upto 60 seconds. you do these 3 times a day, simple.
however, you will hurt and you will shake and you may not last very long. i've been able to do around at the most so far and always over the minute but then i have quite a high level of fitness. we are all doing it at work and my friend and i are finding it the easiest. my theory is that we are both horse riders so already have a good central body core strength.
give it a go and see what you think.
oh and if that doesn't suite then latin dancing i great too.

ooh, I love doing planks! It's 80% mind over matter, so I used to out stay almost everyone in my TKD class- even though I was ten years older than the next nearest. Just find the "zone" and hold it...whilst those around you shake & fall to the floor lol
Some videos on being a plank lol
forget any fitness dvds.
once the novelty wears off it will sit there gathering dust.
what you need is someone to come round and drag you off to the gym.
workout together and if it was me id be standing there pushing you hard!!!!!.
btw i need the key to your front door so i can wake you up each morning with a coffee/tea and some passionate ravishing passionkiss
before draging your butt to the gym.smackbottom
Quote by tyracer
forget any fitness dvds.
once the novelty wears off it will sit there gathering dust.
what you need is someone to come round and drag you off to the gym.
workout together and if it was me id be standing there pushing you hard!!!!!.
btw i need the key to your front door so i can wake you up each morning with a coffee/tea and some passionate ravishing passionkiss
before draging your butt to the gym.smackbottom

Yep, a gym buddy would be ideal but gyms are expensive and there are few folk I would be comfortable getting sweaty with wink
Cheers for the offer though. lol
Quote by noladreams
forget any fitness dvds.
once the novelty wears off it will sit there gathering dust.
what you need is someone to come round and drag you off to the gym.
workout together and if it was me id be standing there pushing you hard!!!!!.
btw i need the key to your front door so i can wake you up each morning with a coffee/tea and some passionate ravishing passionkiss
before draging your butt to the gym.smackbottom

Yep, a gym buddy would be ideal but gyms are expensive and there are few folk I would be comfortable getting sweaty with wink
Cheers for the offer though. lol
which is why we get it on before hand. :wink:
so work that body!!!!!!!!:smackbottom::fuckinghell::fuckinghell:
Quote by tyracer
forget any fitness dvds.
once the novelty wears off it will sit there gathering dust.
what you need is someone to come round and drag you off to the gym.
workout together and if it was me id be standing there pushing you hard!!!!!.
btw i need the key to your front door so i can wake you up each morning with a coffee/tea and some passionate ravishing passionkiss
before draging your butt to the gym.smackbottom

It's a pity you're not more local, that's just what I need :inlove:
It's a simple equation, calories consumed vs calories burned.
I don't know what will work for you - at the end of the day it's down to personal discipline and motivation.
I eat what I want, when I want, but exercise regularly (and I do have a tendency to put weight on easily).
My own regime consists of a regular weekly aerobic workout, supplemented by walking rather than driving whenever possible, along with mini work outs in the home (less than 5 minutes at a time, several times a day). These mini work outs generally comprise of 20 - 30 sit ups of various types, 20 - 30 press ups and tricep dips (use and armchair or coffee table) and as many pull ups as I can manage in one go (these days only around 10 or so).
No videos, no expensive gyms, just self discipline
My own personal low impact fitness regime......
1:take cigarette and light it
2:inhale deeply
3:cough for 5 mins