Isn't a f**k buddy someone that you don't really have anything other than sexual feelings for though? Kind of different to friends who you just happen to have sex with from time to time. The fact that you're good friends with them too shows that there is some kind of "relationship" there.
So anyway my thoughts on the matter...
swinging f**k buddies - it's just nsa sex... what you do when you're not with them is absolutely none of their business
Friends who are playmates deserve the respect of knowing if you're playing with someone else although not necessarily who it is.
Someone you are in a full relationship with should, in my opinion, know that you are playing with someone else as well as who you are playing with and have also given their consent for you to play.
Please note that all opinions expressed in this post aremineand mine alone. You do not have to agree with me and I do not expect to be agreed with. I am simply voicing my thoughts
it seems you are just showing off to the rest of us desperadoes who`d love to be in your shoes....or slippers???...
anyway f**k buudies does seem to be rather mechanical.....perhaps a softer term could be found......such as M.A.S.S ( mutually agreed sexual satisfier)....or????any suggestions ?
nottstallion is a wicked way with the woman or ..........just walter offence notts