I'm lost again.... Think I'm gonna lie down and then find a smoggie-english dictionary, or maybe just a smoggie-bigDewi one.
might have to have a poll about him ,dewi ,now quite worried
hijack thread taking please
what size are your breasts dewi ?
bra is light bransons hot air balloon ( NOT BRANSTONS )
fly this thread to beirut or the welsh wonderbra gets it
christ dewi ...what is he on ??????????
Dunno what he's on but is this thread not called " flash in the pan"
Can I ask ?
Would that cover the explosion that followed last night's vindaloo ?
My ears are still recovering !
that would explain the closing of the spam curtains
Hells Bells! I thought I talked some bollox, but wtf is all this about?
Forgive me, I shall try and communicate with you people in your own language:
Spam parachute! My regimental curtains are exploding... I blame the curry that Steve_Lincs ate three hot air balloons ago.