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Flattered But Scared

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Mark is there a way they could send a message anonymously (if they are from here) in case they are worried that they might get banned or whatever for causing someone to be upset?
Just a thought, maybe that's why they haven't come forward, unless it's just that they haven't logged in today.
Have you considered the fact that the sender DOES know your real name but decided to use Libra-Love as a way of alerting you to the fact that he knows you from here. Maybe analysing the people on SH who know you by your real name will shed further light on his identity.
It wasn't me btw!!!!!.... I don't know what your real name is but I'd like to be in the lucky guy's shoes when you do find out eventually...
Love moves in mysterious ways... enjoy the intrigue of the romance while you can!
Mr. Generous Benifactor,
Thank you for contacting me. I cannot repay you for your kindness, but my appreciation is immense. I'm just sorry it happened this way.
To all of you lovely people of SH, thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words, concern and support. You don't know how much you've touched me.
At least give us a clue who was right in guessing how this person found out about you?
Mr Generous Benifactor has not spoken to me directly, but left 2 messages on my phone. His second gift this afternoon was to my son.
He's with-held his number, wont say who he is except that he is an SH member. He got my details from someone from here who I have met, but again wont say who. He says by reading my posts he realises I'm an unemployed single mother and his was nothing more than a gesture of support. I've accepted that for now.
Though I am furious with whoever it is who has given out my details and I'm still trying to find out who that was.
I'm having my home number changed. Unfortunately I can't move, but I am going to contact Kent police so they at least have a record of this incident should this not be the end of it.
Again, thanks all for your support
Sorry didn't read that post till i re-read the thread
Quote by Libra-Love
concern and support. You don't know how much you've touched me.

What??? Didnt lay a finger on you....!!! :shock:
Yet biggrin
Quote by Libra-Love
Though I am furious with whoever it is who has given out my details and I'm still trying to find out who that was.

To me personally, the fact that someone gave away from address is the most deplorable thing. Surely if someone trusts you with their address you DO NOT give it away to someone else just cos they ask for it. This is a lesson to everyone that if someone trusts you, please do not abuse that trust.
I think you have handled this exceptionally well Libra, and I hope you are not too freaked by the whole experience.
Thanks Blue.
And lest I forget....
A huge big thank you to Jags, Mark and all the moderators for your help in dealing with this.
Quote by Libra-Love
Thanks Blue.
And lest I forget....
A huge big thank you to Jags, Mark and all the moderators for your help in dealing with this.

Happy to help out Libra - glad it's almost sorted but I have to just add my extreme disappointment that someone you trusted with personal information has given it out to someone else, no matter how well intentioned. This is an abuse of trust and should not be tolerated. I hope you find out who it was.
Quote by Libra-Love
Though I am furious with whoever it is who has given out my details and I'm still trying to find out who that was.

I too have had my phone number given out to a total stranger by a member of this site mad
The first I knew of it was when I received a phone call from a guy telling me his mate - and he told me who it was - had given him my number as he wanted to get into dogging and was I up for a shag that night? :!: :x :x
I know who gave it out though and suffice to say, if I ever get to meet with him face to face, I'll smash his head in :shock: evil
The other scary thing is that this person who gave out Libra's details may also know other people on the site and have also given out their details to others. Shocking that.
I`d really urge the anonymous benifactor to identify himself still. I cannot think what is holding him back considering Libra`s discomfort. It is the only right thing to do. He wasn`t the one to give out her address etc, he merely received it. So I should think gratitude not anger would be his reception.
What we have here is a single mum with a child. A child who is now receiving gifts, which although I`m sure he meant with the best intention, does indicate to Libra that her kid is now part of the focus of a guy she has no idea about, and who also has her personal details.
And no, I am not trying to add to her worry, she`s a mum, and as such I know she is already there. (((((((Libra)))))))
No person should have to endure this kind of insecurity, and much of this could be rectified if this person simply makes himself known to Libra.
Noone is saying you are a git mate, but you will be if you don`t do the right thing.
Do what is right. Really really THINK about how Libra is probably feeling right now, and do something about it.
Presumably this all started off with the best of intentions........ but at least one person has been staggeringly stupid. To put Libra in the position of having to change her telephone number beggars belief.
Libra... kiss
I agree I don't think the person/person's names should be made public, but possibly told to a mod. I really think the person who told and you MUST know who you are should contact Libra and explain or at least say sorry. At least then you both woould know where you please do the decent thing just hold your hands up.
Quote by westerross
Yeah and do it now!!

What he, and the others have said ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
You have scared a young woman. And possibly her child/children; let's not forget just how perceptive children are and what they are able to "pick up" from us.
Dig deep, find your own inner strength and come forward and identify yourself; if only to Libra-Love.
I think many of us will have sent "anonymous gifts" in our time, but never with any malice. I'm not suggesting for one minute that you have any malicious intent toward anyone - but it should be blatantly obvious to you, as it is to most people posting in this thread that you have caused distress.
Stand up now and be counted.
Really does show how easily we could all be compromised confused
It goes without saying that discretion should be assured and expected in swinging. It beggars belief how someone could release another person's confidential details to a third party without their consent.
I hope the person who sent the gifts to Libra-Love does the honourable thing and identifies themselves.
oh dear, i was hoping someone more knowledgeable than me would pop up.
libra, i'm just wondering, when you set up MSN etc, did you put any personal info into the boxes it offers you during the install? IIRC there was a warning on here some time ago that real names and locations on the profile bit are accessible to anyone, so if you had a real name, a location etc, it might be easy with a phone book to find your address.
i dunno if that's worse than someone else passing out personal info or not, and i might be off the mark, but worth a check?
having said that, maybe the guy should just stand up, come completely clean, and have done with it? just an idea that might save some distress?? rolleyes
neil x x x ;)
I just find it totally disgusting and down right offensive that someone on this site took it on themselves to give out Libra's details without her prior consent. Libra I think you are handling this very well and it goes without saying that most of us feel that who ever it was who gave out your details stepped across the line!!!! mad :x :x
(Libra hun ((((((hugs))))))
Libra, hope you're able to put this worry out of your mind and relax a bit; sounds to me like you've done everything you can to protect yourself and there's nothing more to do now but live your life and see what, if anything, happens next.
I know ive spoken to you already, but you know where we are and you have all our telephone numbers, call if you need to, be it 11pm or 4am.
Okay hun :therethere:
wow that s so scary libra
be carefull
Libra Love
My heart goes out to you, a very frightening experience I am sure, one which you seem to have handled with great strength and dignity.
I am relatively new to SH, but have met a handful of regulars and it just prompts me to observe that in general there are some very caring, supportive people here........
Take Care
OK this may not come down well considering the distrust that some members have shown me but I have to speak my mind as it may be important to Libra:
Honey, you don't know if this guy is a member of this forum. All you have to go by is hisclaims and two anonymous phonecalls which hemade. You don't know for sure that someone in here passed out your details... It is not to say this cannot happen but my haunch would be that someone that knows you from outside SH has come upon your pic here, recognised you and decided to play a game with you. He is probably getting off on the game.
My advice to you would be to inform the police. They can tap your phone if necessary and locate the caller. This guy has to realise that his behaviour is not on. He could shower you with diamonds but he'd still be a stalker. There are laws against this. I am sure the police would have no issues with you being a swinger and would protect and advise you to the best of their ability.
Oh, if he calls again, just hang the phone up on him. A man who is not brave enough to identify himself and act honourably is not worth your spit.
I think it is more likely he is a bit shy and embarrassed, and thinks that Libra Love wouldnt accept the gifts if she knew who they were from, as she would have a means of returning them.
So if you are reading this mate.... let her know in a private PM who you are....and tell her who gave you her details. It doesnt have to be shared with us on the forum but she really needs to know.
Or......if you were the person who gave the details out...grow a pair and let her know...if she gave you her details...she must consider you a be one!!!
Quote by hagrid

Valentines is coming up and people do send things with out stating who sent them. That is one aspect of Valentines day. However, the recipient generally has an idea who it could be from, or hints are made.
It does beggar belief that someone would give out personal information without the persons consent. That crosses the "discretion" line.
Libra, hope it's just a flash in the pan and it works out OK.
This little mystery seems to have been cleared up to a point.
But we should all be aware that sometimes there is a lot of information on the internet than can be pieced together to make a much larger picture.
Some time ago, I received a rather odd email addressed to me at a site I was a moderator of.
Now as the site was perhaps of a sensitive nature to some. I replied to this person asking if the email was intended for me, and if not suggested they check if anyone else had access to their PC, or if they had done a virus check recently for Trojans etc.
The reply that came back was that they had never sent the email to me and did not know of the site mentioned.
Ok fair harm done, possibly they had accessed the site but were a little enbarassed to admit it.
But I also pointed out to this person that from their email address and one or two minor pieces of information within the original message, had managed, by doing some simple searches online, to find 3 telephone numbers, 3 addresses and information on a group they belonged to, from which I could easily have identified them.
And I am certainly, in no way, an expert at this......
So people, just be aware that it is not difficult to find out stuff about people if you really want to.
Play 'safely' people