I can only conclude they missed replying to flower411's interesting forum topics and couldnt stay away.
Always glad to see people stay or return so its great news
I flounced loads of times lol nothing wrong with that!!!
I have never seen the point in "e-flouncing".
I mean... if I owe you something, or you owe me something, or I am in a position of trust or responsibility over you, or you have done me a really good turn in the past etc - then I can understand why one person may feel offended that the other has taken umbridge over something and then flounced off.
However... this is the internet, and quite frankly Swinging Heaven will still be here irrespective of whether the said "e-flouncer" is here or not.
Put another way, if anyone is considering an "e-flounce" then they should just fuck-off as they are not that important, no-one is interested in their whining and quite honestly they won't be missed.
I think the phrase "get over yourself" is the most appropriate summing up.
On that note... I am fed up of SH etc I don't like the chatrooms, the forums are too cliquey etc etc and I am leaving now. (... that is my e-flounce for the day).
I have just patented an E-door, its £2 for people to slam as they leave in future.
Unfortunately I cant post pics right now :sad:
I chose a back door that looks quite straight, If I post it here BIoke is only going to try and kick it in :rascal: