Put the willies up you.
When i was younger it meant to scare you, I said it to my daughter and her friend who thought it was so funny and then banned me from saying it!
The mother of my children persists in referring to the cupboard under the stairs as the glory hole.
At work last Saturday, a middle-aged gent approached me for a Nintendo Wii console as a surprise present for his other half. I went through the pacakges and colour options like the professional that I am. He was most confused, however, by the stifled chucklings when he proclaimed 'the wife only wants it black, I'm just happy to sit back and watch'.
i know its childish but on the james blunt song when he sings "hes got a semi by the sea" i cant help giggle. I had to stop refering to the junk by the back door as "a load of crap in my back passage that needed clearing out" lol x fem x
Now this is strange but I have long been a glass crafter, I shall adopt the term.
Seeing a van go by with "Snap-On tools" emplazoned all over the side.
Simple minds eh?
Also, on the road to Stafford (A518 if you happen to be in the area) there is a sign in a field that simply reads "Farmer's own seed". God knows how he covered the whole field - must me the healthy country life.
I remember when I was younger, my mum sitting outside at a family BBQ once with the cat on her knee anouncing 'she liked combing her pussy'. My grandad nearly fell of his chair into the fishpond at the time. I was about 10 and didn't really udnerstand.
Made me chuckle when on a night out, Jewl's work supervisor announced she liked the Cock Inn. We also have the Organ Inn in town as well.
That quaint American expression - the Fanny Pack to describe a bum bag.
Always results in a schoolboy snigger
I was visiting a friend this weekend, she has just recently got a wii console... so there we were in tescos looking at the games... when I noticed one called WaterSports... well that was me.... total giggles..... The looks we were getting made it even funnier...
When i was a lad of a mere 16yrs my first job was on a YTS as a butcher, this old dear came in and asked for a ham shank...I creased up laughing in the back of the shop as me and my mates would talk about the ham shanks we would have lol.