You should've had your Bacon before you put your eggs in - about 7 hours before! So, no ( dons bossy cap ) you can't have bacon!!!!!
And you will have to wait a lot more posts before you can put your sperm on here!
Oh now you're galloping to the S's!!!!
French Fries!
Ha! a doubler! :small-print:
keep up women!! we need 2 more G's
gin u cant eat that can ya?? and grass hopper?? well rather u than me
Hula Hoops!!!
wooohooo, is it my go again! :small-print:
im sure we still needed a G somewhere but ill let ya off.. n im the man at this game.. its u two!!
oh can we have sperm yet??
H for HAM
I for Indian (either the person or the food prob both taste the same)
beat u there mark.. no messing in this game!! keep up old boy
oh and another I for Ice cube?? u can eat them
to late we is on J's now matey
J for ermmm
igloo?foods? better late than never oh yeah
J for jam to
K for Kit Kat
oh yes double points to me, me thinks
oooh a doubler Greg, you go again
Kristmas Kake
well we've all heard about yellow snow?
2 more K's??
KY Jelly?? wonder how that tastes ... hmmmm
just want to put LEMONS again!! mmmm u cant beat a couple of lemons