Only, I see we've been bashed by one of the lower tabloids at the weekend... so print this!
Fact 1.
I have been at various times single, married and divorced. During all those times, the only lasting relationship I have is with my swinging partner. He gives me the freedom to explore other possibilities with other men as he knows full well our relationship transends anything another man can offer me. So I have the choice - truly I do - to have sexual contact with whoever and how many other partners that take my fancy, yet I always return to him as he's my soul mate.
How many of you non 'perverts', non 'deviants can say you have a relationship that powerful? The answer is; not nearly as many as you think there is...
Fact 2.
I am currently being hounded by a young man who, totally without me trying or encourageing or even revealing the details of my lifestyle choice to him, is pursuing me relentously because "My wife hates me, we haven't slept together for over a year and I just want to have a bit of fun in my life..." His marriage is doomed... all because somewhere along the line his freedom went, he stopped caring why or how or what made he and his wife that unhappy and he just wants to get laid whatever the costs...
But we don't hear tales like that in the press, do we? We only hear about the sensationalism and titivation that Mr and Mrs Disgusted of Tonbridge Wells can feel superior over, before they all waddle off to church to worship alongside people they wouldn't piss on if they were on fire on any other day of the week...
So the message is, swinging when done in total openess and respect for your partners feelings, DOES enrich and revitalise a healthy relationship.... but we'll never read about it in the newspaper, will we?
Rant over.... sorry.