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For Our Jounalist friends...

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Heads up, Journalists!
Only, I see we've been bashed by one of the lower tabloids at the weekend... so print this!
Fact 1.
I have been at various times single, married and divorced. During all those times, the only lasting relationship I have is with my swinging partner. He gives me the freedom to explore other possibilities with other men as he knows full well our relationship transends anything another man can offer me. So I have the choice - truly I do - to have sexual contact with whoever and how many other partners that take my fancy, yet I always return to him as he's my soul mate.
How many of you non 'perverts', non 'deviants can say you have a relationship that powerful? The answer is; not nearly as many as you think there is...
Fact 2.
I am currently being hounded by a young man who, totally without me trying or encourageing or even revealing the details of my lifestyle choice to him, is pursuing me relentously because "My wife hates me, we haven't slept together for over a year and I just want to have a bit of fun in my life..." His marriage is doomed... all because somewhere along the line his freedom went, he stopped caring why or how or what made he and his wife that unhappy and he just wants to get laid whatever the costs...
But we don't hear tales like that in the press, do we? We only hear about the sensationalism and titivation that Mr and Mrs Disgusted of Tonbridge Wells can feel superior over, before they all waddle off to church to worship alongside people they wouldn't piss on if they were on fire on any other day of the week...
mad :x :x
So the message is, swinging when done in total openess and respect for your partners feelings, DOES enrich and revitalise a healthy relationship.... but we'll never read about it in the newspaper, will we?
Rant over.... sorry.
*count to ten, James. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...*
Don't tar us all with the same brush please, Heather. I'm studying for a degree in Journalism but there's no way you'll ever find me writing things as narrow-minded as the articles you reference.
Very well put Heather :happy:
Reading that made me go 'oooooooo yehhhh' out loud! Which basically translates (outta the bedroom) to - I'm gonna get no work done today as that little nugget of an opinion will be stuck in my mind the whole time!
Ooooo that is sooooooo true - see I've started already! rolleyes
I know journalists too. Can't help avoiding them when you consider what I do with the other half of my career.
there's no way you'll ever find me writing things as narrow-minded as the articles you reference.

Right now you have high ideals about truth, justice, the defence of the innocent and the weak and the power of communication.
In ten years time your mortgage will be eating up all your spare cash, the car's engine will exlode at the traffic lights and the Gas supplier will threaten to send Luigi and the Boys to collect your direct debit payments. It is then your editor will remind you that for every Woodward and Bernstein living the ideal, 200 deparate hacks are fishing around trying to find 'That big story' to make their career and you need to find something quick or your outta here!
Give it 5 more years of compiling the knitting pattern column and shadowing the Mayor as he visits the new extension to the gas works and you suddenly find yourself wading through the Vicar's dustbin looking for the used pregnacy testing kit.
James, there is nothing to say you won't be one of the Woodward and Bernsteins... I know nothing about you, what exactly you want to achieve or why... But the evidence of reality backs up my initial post.
Much like alcoholics don't set out that way, Journalists don't set out to destroy lives or print lies, circumstance and the beloved 'market forces' make them do it...
Keep flying the flag of justice and protection of the innocent, James.
The National Press, where do we start?? evil
I consider myself to be an educated man and hold my own opinions on our beloved National Press. I do not usually enter into political discussion or debate, but will just offer these comments.
1. Never believe anything you read in the newspapers. ( Unfortunately the majority of the population do, this is really where the root of the problem lies!! ) dunno
2. I always keep a copy of the News of the World in the house, just in case I run out of toilet paper, then there is some form of backup available!! :moon:
That is all I have to say really, firm, fair and vigilant.
Who cares what the rest of the world thinks? when you know that the real truth is out there!! wink
Hiya Heather
I have every understanding of what you wrote at the start of this thread. and could not agree more. You wrote for most of us I would suggest.
However I saw the article and thought it was a very poor and pathetic piece of what you are calling journalism. It was little more than a few people giving their own personal views on the swinging subject.
I just smiled as I read it, similar to pretty much anything else in the weekly 'comics'. I found a copy lying around in a pub and had already read earlier this week on this website that th article had appeared. Otherwise I wouldn't have wasted the energy to bend down to pick it up.
There was much more interesting things going on. A more mature couple mid forties, holding hands, snogging and little fondles and gropes. They weren't married, but no police chasing them!
As it has been said, narrow minded if that is the view of the journalist - but I didn't read it that way. Just some titilation to surround soem adverts
This is modern reporting Heather.
They now try to make the news, as well as reporting the bits they like about other stories, and leaving the truthful parts out.
Surely you'd noticed that all newspapers have an acute political slant now ?
It's called trying to alter peoples life-style by telling them it's shit, and maybe they'll alter it and become a standard social clone.
In reality, Mr Disgusted is shagging the 15 year old baby sitter and Ms Disgusted is shagging the baby sitters mum, as well as the milkman.
Good luck to both the hypocrites.
And the same to the reporters and other hacks....may you eventually get a worthwhile job....traffic warden springs to mind, at least they'll be popular then.
Just my tuppenceworth,
This is lazy journalism! I haven't seen any of the articles concerned, but I don't need to.
Journalists used to research and actively pursue stories which would be of general interest. They now sit at computer screens browsing whatever they can find on the web and making that a story!
Why not get out in the cold and investigate real stories which affect real people, and leave thoe who wish to pursue a private life, although not necessarily 'the norm', in peace!
Adult pursuits are undertaken by mature people who, in the main, respect others and don't cause any problems to those who do not actively wish to become involved. As long as they stay within the law, it is nobody's business what adults get up to.
Our way of life is perfectly legal and completely private. We do not shout from the rooftops our way of life, but indulge ourselves on a website like this. It should not be the focus of journalists!
Regards to all P + A
Me, I just don't understand the fascination with sex. I'll put that another way - I understand the fascination biggrin but I don't understand why the cheesy, sensationalist way it's always portrayed in the tabloids is deemed to sell papers.
To give another example, it seemed like every day during the recent I'm A Celebrity... I couldn't walk past a newstand without seeing one rag or another sporting Jordon's massive mammaries on the cover. Jordon's tits apparently sell papers. But why? I look at it this way; I'm a big boy and if I want porn I'm quite capable of reaching up to the top shelf and buying some, thank you very much. If I want "glamour photography", I'm quite capable of buying that. If I want to see a picture of a woman in a bikkini with enormous hooters, I can sit at my computer and probably find a dozen within five minutes. So why is a picture of a semi-nude woman supposed to persuade me to buy a newspaper? Why would I hand over my money for a few low-quality grainy snaps of some model in a provocative pose?
I just don't get it.
Same with the swinging article. I can see the point in doing articles on swinging - reporting on sub-cultures that have developed within society is within a journalists' remit IMHO - but I can't see why people would be drawn to buy a paper just because there's a swinging article (unless they're thinking of trying it themselves). I mean, really, other people's sex-lives aren't something I'd cross the road to hear about. And why should I?
What am I missing here?
go on heather kick some ass evil i like your stile biggrin
I hate to say it, Roger... Jomu...
But we have had a steady dumbing down within mainstream society over the past few decades. The days of pioneering investigative journalism are growing ever further away.
Where are our Pilgers? Where are our Donald Woods?
We don't need them anymore because the big issues are beyond most of the public - a public who are hard pressed to define the words Apartied or Holocaust, let alone spell them.
But we can all appreciate a class pair of tits, can't we?
That's far too much seriousness from me. My next post will be packed with side spilting, cutting edge satire - promise. wink
Quote by Heather
But we can all appreciate a class pair of tits, can't we?

Did someone mention tits :thrilled:
helloeveryone, been away... back now.
it's sad isn't it but we shouldn't be too suprised when a tabloid newspaper attacks a sector, or sub-sectror of society. they do it all the time and too often it ruins the lives of the people involved.
as a former journalist i'm as guilty as the rest. so often i would cover stories in a way that suited the mood of the moment, but that totally went against my own beliefs and feelings. it was my job, but it was eating away at my soul and eventually i got out of the business.
jounalists ARE hypocrites and we should no longer be suprised at this. full page rants about teenage drug culture are written by people with massive cocaine addiction. do they stop to look at the connection? no, cus they don't care.
stories about paedophiles and sex offenders appear on the same page as a 16 year old page 3 model. any connection? well, again they don't care because both sell papers.
yep the daily mail has got the hysterical middle classes whipped up into a frenzy. as we speak they are barricading themselves in the cellar to escape the likes of us, who lets face it pose a threat to normal society.
well we know it's being open about our sexuality, but don't even bother trying to explain or justify it, facts are not the issue here.
the sad thing is we may not believe everything we read in the papers, but millions of us buy them or just pick them up to read.
ooohh that's enough heavy stuff for tonight.
anyone fancy starting one of those top 10 lists. i find them much easier to get my head round. biggrin
bed head