I'm Really Leaving??
In Ridculous Loonpants??
PS:No I'm NOT Really Leaving - nor am I wearing Ridiculous Loonpants.
Were not leaving....hell we have only just got hear....
and its obvous we prefer to read than write.....
See you at the erotica :shock:
I'm not leaving either - D is right. I think that we inadvertantly upset some people when we first joined but i enjoy spending my working hours here
Hmm well good to see some of us will still be here, honestly I left for a few months, did me the power of good. RL has to take over sometimes, relationships need work, work itself gets on you, etc...
I have made some real friends through this site, I hope not to be going anywhere, if I am quiet I am making up with Mrs TnH for being away for 2 weeks, and sleeping after 48 hour munch...
Sorry but as this a for the record I hear some people at the munch thought I had a 'bust up' with my other half in the chatroom before the munch. For the record I don't use the chat room, neither does she, and since our PC's are 3 feet apart in the house we rather talk in person than via chat anyways ;) So some good news, as the song goes 'It wasn't me...' Mrs TnH just wanted to have a weekend with the kids, but hope to get her out and about soon...