Our lives are enriched with precious memories, treasures beyond value. But how much of the joy in our lives has resulted from the foresight of planning and how much has been brought about by fate? Is fate the greater power when it comes to happiness?
Which has contributed more to the wealth of your life and why?
what a fantastic topic of discussion ,considering some of the poor threads of recent weeks
surely fortune is a half empy half full glass analagy ?
if your positive person its planning and fore thought
if your negative in your out look its fate
having said that i believe you make your own luck..or is that risk taking ?
I believe life is a mixture of foresight and fate. I believe in destiny. My destiny has been calling me since a young child, for a long time I fought it, believing it to be the will of man as opposed to Khama balancing and fate.
But destiny is a determined bitched and she got me in the end. A slut wasn't good enough for her, she wanted the whole whore!
Foresight and planning.......
I definately believe that you make your own luck through your life choices....
I dont believe that there is a path mapped out for you..... you tread your own....
equi-princess xxx
To hell with planning, whenever I try to plan something it invariably goes awry so I don't bother anymore....I take each day as it comes and get on with it!
As to fate, I do think that people and events are placed in our path at certain times of our lives because they are meant to happen. Some theologists believe that the natural order of the universe is chaos and I'd agree to a certain extent. Nature doesn't give a shit who lives and who dies .. all nature cares about is the pro-creation of all things. It's us who dress it up as civilisation, but then that can called be growth too - in accordance with nature's master plan - jeez. what a conflicting set of parameters!
.....is the answer to the universe 42 afterall?
you can plan many things in minute detail but always remember
1. there's always some stupid arse with the ability to bolox it up for you
2. Shit Happens!
so it's a combination of a bit of planning, dodging the idoit obstacles & taking advantage of opportunities when they arrive
(im slowly starting to listen to my own advice, finally)
Life is a series of dilema's, each one demanding a decision and every decision we make can be and usually is wrong for us, however, fate also takes a hand and influences the way things develop, the truth is that no one knows as it is a mystery.
I don't believe you can plan for most things - certainly not on a life changing scale. Been there and tried that a few times and managed to get everything turning out worse than they were to start with. Fate is another dubious term as it implies some predestined course for your life. I think we get chances by pure luck and we either grab them and risk it all on the throw of the dice or we forever wonder what if....
You just have to get out to get the chances, you make your own luck.