I've just posted this on a thread by Sheddy and I thought it would make a good stand alone. Has anybody found a GOOGLEWHACK?
it's almost impossible :P
Just found one
flaunching and elven :happy:
Nope doesn't count :P Googlewhacking has rules, start with ....
Rule Number One: Your two Googlefactors must exist in Google's view of this dictionary. Not your view; Google's view! Google does the work, and Google has the final word! In the blue bar atop your Google results, accepted terms are linked, and so appear 'underlined.' No line, no link = Googlejack!
so googlejack for you my friend!
Results 1 - 2 of 2 for flaunching elven :P there are 2 results!
dont worry we also have no idea
spitting stamper
:smug: :happy: :smug:
Ooh, i've found one, how do i post it?
plimsoll micro returns a few more results.
How disappointing, I posted it but it wouldn't accept it, even though both words are in the dictionary and the one page it showed up in was not a list.
You try it
universal capybyra
supraspinatus snowball i think, - off to check, there is definately one with supraspinatus in it!
(supraspinatus is one of your rotator cuff muscles in your shoulder!)
nope, that's not it, why is my memory so bad?!
When den gets back he'll remind me! x