Anyone remember the chocolate tools you could get...what ever happened to them?
im with postie
1/4lb bag of rhubarb and custard on the wat to school
fruit salad but id rather have some fizzy cola bottles
blackjacks all the way, although i remember 2 for a penny, as for size, i have seen them in a 6" long strip now...infact i bought one for my daughter...she hated it (marmite thing i suppose), so i just had to finish it off.
The first every pocket money I got from my parents (mrs Tiggs) was when I was very very very young and got sixpence. I ran up the shops with my older sister and bought the biggest bag of penny swweets. It was HUGE.
I remember getting 8 chocolate mice for a penny. Now thats what I call value for money lol
and now I feel very very old lol