just been out in west london ( a4 area ) and a texaco station was totally dry of petrol
only serving derv
CHEAP mountain bike for sale.
Any offers.... this week £50 next week £300 hehe think ill wait to sell it
The best thing to do when this situation is resolved is to go to the pump one afternoon with a couple of jerry cans fill them to capacity and leave them in your garage untill the next time the proplem occurs, because you know it will happen again
"Prior preperation prevents poor performance"
Always best to think ahead
Well the petrol station near me has run out......................
what a joke this crises is. This is caused by the media stoking the fire. People are not reasonable either.....
Two people have work have said they have filled there car up completley. What greedy *********. OK there might be a slight shortage, but it doesnt help when people panic but.
To be honest the goverment needs to step down from its high horse and sort this mess out.
I would have thought the British public was not as gullible as shown through their panic buying, and the negative consequences they have brought upon themselves through (lack of) availability and (higher) prices.
While the Powers that be felt that the Ashes should be more fairly distributed globally (18 years southern hemisphere and 1 year northern), before returning to the common cycle again next year, things just do not look pleasant at the moment in the land of the great grey cloud.
Well we have just heard that your national team sport heros (sic) are been relegated to #11 on the FIFA top football team spot. The English rubgy team could be beaten by the NZ womens rugby team on current performances. Your just about getting into the shitty winter months.
I guess what I am leaning towards is getting the whole SH clan to forget about the miseries of the UK and have a holiday down under in good old New Zealand and/or our western island Australia. At the very least you will be able to enjoy petrol at less than 40p per litre. Actually I don[t really know why your up in arms about the cost of petrol - crikey you pay a lot more for a cup of coffee and how much liquid do you get in that (or a bottle of water for that matter) - petrol is CHEAP and PLENTIFUL downunder.
Let me know if you are serious about looking for accommodation in Gods Own Country - because if you want time on the beach I will have exactly what you are looking for. Bye for now