Hopefully it will be a big suprise for her, as she does'nt think I'll go through with it. MInd you if it makes her happy, then it will be worth it

Quote by skybluebabes
now im a woman and have had kids!! but after my experience with waxing i'd just like to say
i still cry now thinking about it. and the best thing was the woman said "when you come back next time it wont hurt so much" i said "wot next time?"
oh and was told i would be hair free for 2 weeks, a few days later the little gits were sprouting again!!!
give me child bearing anyday!!!
anyway that is just my thought!!!
Quote by skybluebabes
now im a woman and have had kids!! but after my experience with waxing i'd just like to say
i still cry now thinking about it. and the best thing was the woman said "when you come back next time it wont hurt so much" i said "wot next time?"
oh and was told i would be hair free for 2 weeks, a few days later the little gits were sprouting again!!!
give me child bearing anyday!!!
anyway that is just my thought!!!