Have a hot bath first it helps with the pain. lol
My best advice on this subject is to simply insert a red hot poker where the sun dont shine ,or maybe try sulphuric acid instead of shaving gel , the effects are probably similar to waxing the delicate areas of the anatomy........OOOOOOch!!!!
Why not try depilatory cream... no pain (unless you overdo it ***ouch***), no itchiness growing back. SImple, if you can put up with the awful smell of the stuff!
I get waxed - ouch !! every 9/10 weeks. The first time was painful, secoind + is easier cos the hair is less coarse, and hair does lose its coarsenss the more you wax. Dont to it all at once. I do back then chest on subsequent days, and WOW does it feels good afterwards..............
now im a woman and have had kids!! but after my experience with waxing i'd just like to say
i still cry now thinking about it. and the best thing was the woman said "when you come back next time it wont hurt so much" i said "wot next time?"
oh and was told i would be hair free for 2 weeks, a few days later the little gits were sprouting again!!!
give me child bearing anyday!!!
anyway that is just my thought!!!
If you are a member of a gym - have a swim and then a roasting hot sauna or steam room - rush home and get waxing!!!!
The heat will open the pores and soften the hair and make things a little easier - dont shave it - its well itchy on the way back!