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Full SHrep details on your home pages

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Just to let you know you will shortly be able to download a PDF explaining how the new SHrep system will work in detail. It should go live sometime at the start of June, we are doing final testing and changes in the office as we speak wink .
I would get excited about this...if I had any idea what SHrep was ???
He's an old shreepdog.
Its the new Swinging Heaven Reputation system "SHrep for short" lol
Documents now available on your home pages lol
Quote by MadMax
Documents now available on your home pages lol

Where??? I cant find it
Quote by goldsmith
Documents now available on your home pages lol

Where??? I cant find it
Ignore that I just found it, lol d'oh
I am having a read right now x
SHRep is ok, but by the third film Donkey really gets on my nerves
For those who might have missed it:-
Looks good but have a couple of questions:-
Can one edit/recall/delete a comment submitted at a later date?
What if I want to use SHREP but not the 'Friends' function (we only use the friends function for genuine 'SH friends' not as a 'my list is longer than your list' feature.)
Can SHREP be seen by non-members? (the screen shots in the .pdf would suggest that this is the case)?
I will try and answer your questions as best as I can on understanding them.
1. Once a comment is made it cant be edited
2. You can use Shrep without the friends function at all. But ONLY friends can Vouch for your profile.
3. The SHrep page is public but does not have to show anything other than your SHrep bar score. It can be put not to display anything, or can be friends only or by private invite. The SHrep bar also displays on public areas of the site like photo adds etc. You have a widget if you use other sites and want to use the SHrep system on them that will point back to your main public SHrep page as well.
Quote by MadMax
I will try and answer your questions as best as I can on understanding them.
1. Once a comment is made it cant be edited
Ouch! We've had a case where a meet went really well (a good SHREP) only to find a week later that person turned up again unannounced (bad SHREP). I'd certainly want to either delete the 1st SHREP or at least edit it to reflect the subsequent behaviour!!
2. You can use Shrep without the friends function at all. But ONLY friends can Vouch for your profile.
3. The SHrep page is public but does not have to show anything other than your SHrep bar score. It can be put not to display anything, or can be friends only or by private invite. The SHrep bar also displays on public areas of the site like photo adds etc. You have a widget if you use other sites and want to use the SHrep system on them that will point back to your main public SHrep page as well.
Ouch! Not keen on this at all - will have to see how it works in practice!! I can't see any reason why a non-member should have any need to see/have access to this information in the 'public' space...
Im afraid like Ebay you only get to give feedback once at point of purchase so to speak. I would suggest the situation you have described is quite an unusual one, and a PM to Admin to invistigate it could allow for it to be changed manually as it is clearly not the norm.
Parts of the site are already and have always been public, this means that the Shrep bar will also be displayed publicly in those areas. If you have any concerns about this simply lock all the settings down to "private" and only display the basic bar information. You can always invite people to view it privately to stay 100% in control.
By default the system is off so you will have all the choices before it is activated.
Quote by MadMax
By default the system is off so you will have all the choices before it is activated.

Excellent kiss
If you decide not to use Shrep, can members see that you haven't used it or will it just show a blank bar?
p.s. Hello Max wave
Wow.... its like a swinging ebay!! lol
Good idea but it all looks very technical and confusing!
like ebay - so we are now a commodity... at some point i guess someone will comment as the site is paid for we members are already a commodity lol.
Not being able to amend or delete is a problem if people are not what they seemed or changed (go mentalist lol).
so it is either public to non-members or private nowt in between... sounds a bad idea, means people randomly browsing site to see if they spot people they recognise could now tell how many people you have "met". yet more reason to keep your pics private... perhaps now you should give people an option to make their profile only available to paid or original free members?
I can see a few problems. Most of our cantact is done via the chatrooms, yet I didn't see any option to aquire brownie points via chat contact. I doubt we will use it, but there in lies a problem. Sure it's voluntary whether we use it or not, but by not using it it's possible many folks could assume we've had negative comments and don't wish people to know.
Quote by Jewlnmart
Sure it's voluntary whether we use it or not, but by not using it it's possible many folks could assume we've had negative comments and don't wish people to know.

And that is the main bugbear with it....
Well I got as far as reading the first page and then noticed there was another 12 pages then I came onto the Forum for some common sense. If it takes 12 pages to explain, you cant edit your comments and the privacy settings are "open to the whole world" or off then I seriously doubt I'll use it ( though of course that will then throw doubt on whether or not I'm genuine ). I've been a member here for a dogs age and this system will put my reputation ( such as it is ) on level pegging with the guy who joined last week even though I've met folk been to munches and participated in Chat rooms and the Forum.
I'm sure the system is well intentioned but I'll still be relying on my "swingdar" and a good conversation or three to determine whether or not I'll meet someone.
That 1st page says that folk who don't use the system may still be genuine but it doesn't say that folk who do may not be genuine. Every system has flaws and people will find a way round them.
Caveat Emptor
It seems quite a few people have reservations about this system and I do as well. I am a long term member of this site and have had many fantastic meets and made some relly good friends. There have been quite a few meets I have had with members that I would prefer to be kept private. Like somebody else said I have had meetings that went well only for that person or couple to end up pestering me a while later. I dont particpate on the forums a lot as its mainly through chat and this does not seem to be taken into account by SHrek errr I mean SHrep. I have arranged a meeting before which I cancelled for what I believed to be legitimate reasons however the other person was not happy and under the new system I sure that would lead to a dispute. Slightly off track I have had bad feedback removed by ebay but it seems that wont happen here. There are many ways to meet people on this site and it seems that the people who attend group meets munches etc will surely benefit the most which does not create a level playing field as such. All in all the idea is sound but in practice I think it will only benefit certain people.
well...i will wait and see i think. I'm generally not in favor....but i am willing to give it a go. have to looks mighty complicated.....have to say would have prefered a much simplier version.
Quote by deancannock
well...i will wait and see i think. I'm generally not in favor....but i am willing to give it a go. have to looks mighty complicated.....have to say would have prefered a much simplier version.

Think your self lucky.... They were going to do height verification! LOL
Hmm the glass really is half empty most of the time in this place, makes me glad I am on a break right now.
Seems fairly straight forward, took 3 mins to read PDF document. Could see us using it with ease. Yes its not flawless, nothing is but its good enough in theory. Will see how it goes in operation.
mmmmmmmmm its seems like the sh designers have taken their usaul sledge hammer to crack a nut view.
Whilst sh really needs verification and feed back a simpler approach would of been better. This looks very complex to use to much like ebay.
Why negative feedback option has no one heard the old saying if you got nothing nice to say don't say anything!!!!!. Can see this being abused. we all have meets that don't work out. what about sour grapes on being rejected for a meet. can these be removed?
Whats the point of the vouch system for friends. we get loads of friends invites from people we've never met or ever spoken to. so this isn't very reliable
Bin this shrep start again and keep it simple.
Like Dean I have reservations but will suck it and see (Ohh Matron!).
The biggest disappointment is that SH didn't consult DURING the development process. Getting input from members before hours of coding would have made it much more likely that a system members wanted to use resulted, as well as making it easier to change or fine tune features.
Oh well, time will tell lol
i tried to look at it but either it didnt work or was to complicated for me to work it out !!
however i dont like verification systems on swinging sites and wont use it... if thats what it is .... !
Does this mean I have to be nice to everyone, even if I haven't shagged them now then? lol
But se-ri-ous-ly.... it looks fine to me and automated in a way that makes it simple to use which will probably become self explanatory when it's launched. These things always look more complicated than they when they are written down. Lots of us probably use things like MS Word without even thinking about it.. and have you ever seen the user manual for that?! confused
I may or may not use it as up until now I've survived here on my repuatation from the days when I was young, pretty and hung. I guess now the truth more:
1. I can't kiss
2. I have a small cock
3. I'm shit in bed
How far back does the 'negative' scale go?
Quote by Unc_Mids
Like Dean I have reservations but will suck it and see (Ohh Matron!).
The biggest disappointment is that SH didn't consult DURING the development process. Getting input from members before hours of coding would have made it much more likely that a system members wanted to use resulted, as well as making it easier to change or fine tune features.
Oh well, time will tell lol

Everyone was asked a variety of questions a while back - if you chose to answer the survey from your home page. It covered all sorts of things, including the SHRep system. Then people were asked to volunteer to test out the new changes (site messenger, new layout etc) and that beta test ran for a while.
All these changes have come about as a result of member feedback as well as a desire on the part of Admin to make this a better site.
Quote by noladreams
Like Dean I have reservations but will suck it and see (Ohh Matron!).
The biggest disappointment is that SH didn't consult DURING the development process. Getting input from members before hours of coding would have made it much more likely that a system members wanted to use resulted, as well as making it easier to change or fine tune features.
Oh well, time will tell lol

Everyone was asked a variety of questions a while back - if you chose to answer the survey from your home page. It covered all sorts of things, including the SHRep system. Then people were asked to volunteer to test out the new changes (site messenger, new layout etc) and that beta test ran for a while.
All these changes have come about as a result of member feedback as well as a desire on the part of Admin to make this a better site.
Well I confess I never saw those surveys on the home page, I wonder if my eye was distracted by some other things. In retrospect maybe it would have been better to mail everyone to get their attention. So I guess the feedback that SH got would have been from the minority that A) noticed the link and B) had the will to complete it.
I'm all for making a better site and getting the members input will be key to that. I've always found that SH had a better "community spirit" than the other sites out there.
I still think there's no substitute for taking the time to get to know your prospective friends online though a properly set up rep system will help I guess it just has to be easy to use and convenient...and fair !
Quote by noladreams
Everyone was asked a variety of questions a while back - if you chose to answer the survey from your home page. It covered all sorts of things, including the SHRep system. Then people were asked to volunteer to test out the new changes (site messenger, new layout etc) and that beta test ran for a while.
All these changes have come about as a result of member feedback as well as a desire on the part of Admin to make this a better site.

Maybe that all happened before I returned after a break, the only questions I've seen on my home page related to the new chatroom system that's in development. I'm glad to hear that there was communication but from the comments so far many people seem to have either not noticed or chosen not to give feedback. If it was the latter then I guess they really shouldn't complain wink
i have taken part in some surveys here but cant rember if i did that one, however i certainly wouldnt hav said i wanted verification to be part of this site !