I've been a member of this site for a while now, and have spoken to many a charming person, and have to say that the new gallery feature is fantastic. All those gorgeous single girls!
Next I think we need a straightforward dating service please!
keep up the good work,
Well it is back
I was just checking through the single female to make sure that there are none of me, and it would seem some of the females have grown male parts!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it needs a little tweek or maybe thse pics if loaded direct from the photo ads are the ones that are in the wrong section.......just a thought...
IMO it is pictures collectors pardise, Several full faced photos not blurred, maybe some people are not worried by this, others may be.
By placing a photo on the site have we given our automatic permission for it to be used in this manner??
I know what your saying Steph but come on we did put them on the site so its not as if we didn't want anyone to see them.
I think its a little bit of fun in the right context,and some people want to shift through hundreds of pics PM'ing everyone they fancy well thats their lookout we can always hit the delete button.
HERE HERE STEPH, You have took the words right out of my mouth!!
Sorry I tend to overlook just how far some people will go and didn't really think of people "stealing" pics to pass off as their own.
On the plus will it stop pic collectors trying to pass themselfs off as couples ect. in order to get pics sent to them? only a thought
ok as a newbi cpl, just about to get some photos done of us and put onto sh. we are little bit unsure about showing our face's to everyone. Whats the best way to keep face pics out of the Gallery. ????
I am actually disgusted that our photos have been put into the gallery without our permission being sought first. I have since made all my photos private however, Mr NWC has more patience than me, and he has found at least three of my pics in the gallery.
Its not that I mind people seeing them, I would not have put them on if I did, but it is the fact it was done behind our backs without asking for our consent to 'display' our photos. Just how many people would have put full face pics on if they knew they were going to be displayed for everyone in a flamming cattle parade aka the gallery?
I cant explain just how upset I feel about my pics being used without my consent. I really dont know if I feel safe with anything on here now if things like that are being done behind our backs. I have not had a go at the new admin, had much to say about the changes, up to now that is, but I now feel that this latest move was a very underhanded thing to do by the Admin.
Will the othe personal details I have provided, like my email address, will those be safe or will they appear in some form of gallery or other?
If you don't want your pics to appear in the gallery simply uncheck the public box in your photo management panel.
This is no different to having pics on an advert, or on your profile, non-members can still view ads, and free members can still view profiles.
With regards to cock shots and the like in the gallery, there is not much we can do about this, as the gallery is based on the account type, if someone signus up as a female and uploads a picture of a cock, thats just the way it is - feel free to submit an abuse report and we will look into it. A photo is uploaded every second on the site. we don't have the resources to classify each photo as male, female etc etc.
Our stance on data protection still stands, as said above, this is no different to having the photos on your profile and/or ads...we will NOT be showing any other information on the gallery at all (ie email address's), and never will display them on the site.
Its alright for Eliott to simply say, if you want your pics to be private, and NOT appear in the Gallery to make them Private and NOT for Public access
Errrmmmm, should we ALL have had a PM saying this BEFORE the Gallery was created, then WE as the SH community could have made an informed choice as to whether we wanted our Photos displayed to everyone ?
Come on Admin, where's your common courtesy ?
Before we took the site over, ALL PICTURES, were available to ANYONE and EVERYONE who wanted to see them. We have removed the adult pictures from general public view. We have also watermarked pictures to stop them being passed of on other sites or stolen and used elsewhere. Furthermore you can now select for your pictures to be PRIVATE so no one who you did not want to see them can see them.
So in short we have removed the Adult pictures from prying eyes, we have given everyone on the site the chance to not have any of there pictures on public display, and they can simply keep there entire gallery private and send invitations out. The gallery function was requested time and time again by members of this site as a feature that they wanted to see (same as the private gallery) . Most of the feedback indicated that people wanted to look at potential matches then see who the profile or ad belonged to, this meant they spent less time trawling through endless ads to find out that they were not physically attracted to people. The other thing to add here is that unless you are an existing premium member it only displays non adult pictures anyway.
In short its very simple, it is optional to have any pictures at all displayed in here. You simply add your pictures to the Private Gallery and they will not be displayed!.
We have had well over 50 requests asking for this feature to be added by Photo Ads users as they see it as a way to find other people who they are attracted to or get better results from their own adds. People upload pictures on this site as they want other people to see them, if they did not they would either have them in their private gallery or not upload them at all.
I am afraid that on this site some people want some things and different people want other things. The thing is we have added lots of new features to aid security and privacy, lots of new functionality. It is really as simple as this the choice to have your pictures in there is yours, so those who do not want to use it will not those who want to use it will.
Just a quick question for you Martin_M
in the options where we can see our pictures there is 3 things you can select...
Is public, is private, is profile
Can another option be added to ask if they should be displayed in the gallery or not, that way it makes it the members choice if just for profile or not ??
Just an idea thats all, me personally don't mind my pics in the the gallery but out of respect to the others that don't want them being there maybe that could be considered ???
Shaz xxx
i wondered why my pics vanished........