I think they are great places to walk round, I just don't buy anything there as they tend to be sooooooooooo expensive.
The local ones are staffed with not-spotty, very attractive, young female workers.
If I was you, I'd change your local garden centre.
Bloody hell Lostie. Has the missus switched you to de-caf without telling you?
One near us sells hot tubs! Ohh so tempting!
What would be good is if they let you have your tea and cake in a hot tub!
I hate garden centres for the other reason.
Not enough 'garden' stuff. Far too many cards, books on fairies, plastic (I ask you PLASTIC!!!) plants, plaques with silly comments on ('Only a boring woman has a tidy house' etc), clothes - and not sensible gardening clothes but stupid pink jodphurs and such like, whole racks of stupidly overpriced 'local' (yeah right!) artisan foods, acre upon acre of conservatory/garden furniture (what's wrong with an upturned bucket to sit on, or the luxury of a deck chair?).
You have to walk half a mile just to get to a trowel and then fight your way past ones with pink flowery handles - I kid you not, you can get whole sets of tools with pink flowery handles - and don't get me started on the range of brightly patterened wellies - in adult sizes FFS.
Lostie, I saw you at the Garden Centre 5 times last week and you were grinning ear to ear !!!
We go to gardening centres for completely different reasons
We enjoy wandering about the narrow aisles of plants whilst touching each other up
- it's great fun
The perfect prelude to an afternoons shagging
Sometimes we even make it home before we have to "park up"