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Genderless tile - if you can't use Mr/Mrs/Ms what's left?

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Following a comment in another thread by Bluexxx, it occured to me that there isn't a common genderless title or other personal reference. That may not have made sense - here's a couple of examples.
My name is Mrs Fox (hardly a stretch from my usernama) - I could use Ms but I hate it for some reason. I don't have the right to use Rev, Dr or Prof so what could I use that is a title to preface my surname with that doesn't inform people of my gender?
Also what about Sir or Madam (Ma'am in the thread mentioned above)? A label denoting that little bit extra respect (or sarcasm). When I worked for a Japanese company, one lovely Japanese manager called me by may 1st name and added San at the end. But I'm pretty sure that is normally a masculine term.
So, in the example of a waiter in a nice restaurant, he says "Good evening, xxx, table for two?" If we want to move to a genderless greeting, without losing the opportunity for the greeting altogether - what could he say?
Très difficile foxy in a western society if not impossible altogether.
The -san and -samma Japanese honorific suffixes are truly without gender and there is nothing like it in British-speak.
The French maybe the closest but not without the complication of gender. Females have 3 possible styles of address but males at whatever age only one. The French are toying with the equivalent of 'Miss' but you are only likely to find this in places like Paris for some time to come.
In France, it is becoming more commonplace though when in the company of a male/female couple for people to say a combination of 'Mr and Mrs' (in French) so in your example, "Good evening, xxx, table for two?" it would be Bonsoir, M'sieur Dame, une table pour deux?".
I don't like gendered titles, simply cos they aren't necessary. No other reason than I've never seen the point.
This is why I did a doctorate. Hasn't been an issue for me for the last 9 years lol :lol: :lol:
I guess what I also object to is the PC title 'Chair' instead of 'Chairman' (which is actually genderless).
It always pisses me off and makes me want to ask whether the table has a view....
Quote by GnV
I guess what I also object to is the PC title 'Chair' instead of 'Chairman' (which is actually genderless).
It always pisses me off and makes me want to ask whether the table has a view....

And have you noticed it is generally only when the person is a woman that anyone feels the need to de-genderfy the title?
Actually foxy, the last time I saw this was only last week when the outgoing Commissioner called the Chairman of the Home Affairs committee (Keith Vaz) 'Chair'.
Perhaps in this case it was a snide reference in some way as it's only plain Keith and he is of course a Knight of the Realm lol
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.
Quote by Serendipity
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
My greatness can only be preceded by an introduction from the high priests of trippy floaty music genius- The Orb :thumbup:
Quote by essex34m
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
Are you trying to tell us you're a corrupt, self serving, arrogant tossbag who has little interest in the people who put you in your current position? lol
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
Are you trying to tell us you're a corrupt, self serving, arrogant tossbag who has little interest in the people who put you in your current position? lol
Of course I am!
Those that has met me will identify with that, which is how you were able to describe me.
Quote by essex34m
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
Are you trying to tell us you're a corrupt, self serving, arrogant tossbag who has little interest in the people who put you in your current position? lol
Of course I am!
Those that has met me will identify with that, which is how you were able to describe me.
I was just checking if it was that or your liking for wanking with an orange in your mouth :lol: bolt
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
Are you trying to tell us you're a corrupt, self serving, arrogant tossbag who has little interest in the people who put you in your current position? lol
Of course I am!
Those that has met me will identify with that, which is how you were able to describe me.
I was just checking if it was that or your liking for wanking with an orange in your mouth :lol: bolt
I have a small delicate gob, I use satsumas not oranges.
Quote by essex34m
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
Are you trying to tell us you're a corrupt, self serving, arrogant tossbag who has little interest in the people who put you in your current position? lol
Of course I am!
Those that has met me will identify with that, which is how you were able to describe me.
I was just checking if it was that or your liking for wanking with an orange in your mouth :lol: bolt
I have a small delicate gob.......
Who are you and what are you doing in Widemouths profile? :huh:
I know I shouldn't encourage it but :laughabove::laughabove::laughabove:
Quote by essex34m
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
I agree.
You are right 'orrible.
Quote by Serendipity
Genderless (if you say it right) and frankly, I'm worth it.

Well if you are grabbing that one, I'm having 'The Right Honourable'.
I agree.
You are right 'orrible.
I feel wounded by your words!
Quote by Serendipity
You love it you 'onourable git! lol

I'm not sure what you are referring to....
Quote by Serendipity
The satsumas of course.

Phew! For a second I thought you were referring to the abuse, I was wondering who could have cast such aspersions about me.
<points at Widey profile pic>
Erm - can't imagine rotflmao
Quote by Serendipity
<points at Widey profile pic>
Erm - can't imagine rotflmao

It's a fair cop Guv.
I was led astray by the person who took it.