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Gene Roddenberry!

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1 watcher
hope i spelt that right?
anyway! for ppl who dont know he is the man who created Star Trek!
my question! gr8 imagination? or Time traveler?
all we know about space an tecnology has somethin 2 do with this mans ideas?!
so which is he?
i know what i think?
All that from a bush ???????????????????????
This is a bit spooky, coz i'm watching the Futurama episode where Star Trek was banned while i'm writing this........weird
I think he had a brilliant imagination, but read some Arthur C Clarke and you can tell where he influences came from.
Just read this and even I think I'm sad........ :shock:
I’m still waiting for the transporters, would make life so much easier.
But in answer to your question, maybe he was an alien.
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
(ok so warp speed antransporters cant be done with ppl yet but is only time?)
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
Can't deny that m8, but I think most of them were "discovered" before GR -
Steven Hawking was working on black holes therories back in the 50's / early 60's
warp drive goes back to Einstein, it's just called a different name (speed of ight)
Now transporters - I'm with Shariff - can't wait..... biggrin
Quote by sercher01
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
(ok so warp speed antransporters cant be done with ppl yet but is only time?)

How can a black hole or a laser be 'done'
What's an 'enershaldampener'?
Quote by freckledbird
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
(ok so warp speed antransporters cant be done with ppl yet but is only time?)

How can a black hole or a laser be 'done'
What's an 'enershaldampener'?
u havin ago at me spellin again miss??????????? lol
enershaldampener! is somethin that stops u from bein a blob on the back wall when u hit warp 1 an above!!!!!!!!!!
do u know nothin? ( see me at the next munch ! 100 lines "i must lern Text speek") pmsl
Quote by sercher01
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
(ok so warp speed antransporters cant be done with ppl yet but is only time?)

You can get transporters!!!!!!! where can you get one from?
I want one!!! I want one!!!
LMAO Two's lol :lol: :lol:
oj! calm down! yes transporters have bin done BUT!
it was only one molequel<<<<<<<<<<< how u spell that?
BUT its bin done!
Quote by sercher01
oj! calm down! yes transporters have bin done BUT!
it was only one molequel<<<<<<<<<<< how u spell that?
BUT its bin done!

Nooooo :!: :!: :!:
Surly your pulling my leg.
it was on the "Descovery chanel" last year ! it must be true? :shock:
hmmm must be true then.
And Surly black hole's were around before star treck..
search me! think they may have bin around BUT think gene coined the frase Blach Hole
The Great Man .....was ahead of his time thats for sure especially with racial issue's of the time......i would say he was abit of an idealist!!
So as anyone discovered Dilithium Crystals yet?
Quote by sercher01
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
(ok so warp speed antransporters cant be done with ppl yet but is only time?)

How can a black hole or a laser be 'done'
What's an 'enershaldampener'?
u havin ago at me spellin again miss??????????? lol
enershaldampener! is somethin that stops u from bein a blob on the back wall when u hit warp 1 an above!!!!!!!!!!
do u know nothin? ( see me at the next munch ! 100 lines "i must lern Text speek") pmsl
you would be thinking of
Inertial Dampners I think
Quote by da69ve
So as anyone discovered Dilithium Crystals yet?

Not me.... and I've never had any Klingons either :giggle:
What about the 'Flux Capaciter'.......back to the future...... cool
CC...... wink
As well as the list mentioned we have now basicly simulated the functions of a medical tricorter, we just need to shrink it to mobile phone size.
Mr Tweeky
nano technology is really being developed now, machines only visible under a microscope. Arthur c clarke is the man who was really ahead of his time when it came to the science, and Gene was a visionary when it came to the vision of a "perfect society".
oh and its "inertial"
Can anyone tell me what happened to Wesley Crusher???
He done some post Neo Matrix style stopped time & bullet (laser fire actualy) thing & turned out to be some kinda soopa doopa being...
yeah redpanther he went off time travelling and the story was never picked up on again. i thought there was more mileage to his character. was half expecting him to turn up in an episode of "voyager" or "ds9" but it never happened.
thanx easyease... guess he's like another Q then?
yeah i never thought of it like that. i remember he had the power to freeze time. he stopped a war one time. he might have had more stories about him in an audio book, there are loads of star trek audio books out there.
Quote by Italeo
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
Can't deny that m8, but I think most of them were "discovered" before GR -
Steven Hawking was working on black holes therories back in the 50's / early 60's
warp drive goes back to Einstein, it's just called a different name (speed of ight)
Now transporters - I'm with Shariff - can't wait..... biggrin

Correct me if Im wrong but I though Star Treck used Phasers that are always set to stun on order of captain Kirk........ where does the laser come in?
Quote by alex111
ok! all u disbelivers! try this!
black hole
warp drive
just a few of the things on Star Treck that r now real an can be done?
Can't deny that m8, but I think most of them were "discovered" before GR -
Steven Hawking was working on black holes therories back in the 50's / early 60's
warp drive goes back to Einstein, it's just called a different name (speed of ight)
Now transporters - I'm with Shariff - can't wait..... biggrin

Correct me if Im wrong but I though Star Treck used Phasers that are always set to stun on order of captain Kirk........ where does the laser come in?
Ask sercher - I quoted him.... :arrow: