Quote by dambuster
Saddam played football ???? :shock:
:rofl: no i think he banned it
Quote by Lissa
Mixed emotions here ... whilst I do feel he should be left to rest in peace and his death will no doubt devastate many, the man was not a god or a hero, he squandered his gift and in that sense turned his back on his ability and country.
He spent time in prison, had been charged with a number of assaults, was an adulterer and revelled in domestic violence, an alcoholic when given a heavily debated second chance couldn't stay off the booze.
His death is sad but let's face hardly surprising and man doesn't deserve the veneration he's received.
Calista x
Quote by cheekychimp
Kissing his arse...too right...the Man is a Legend, a Footballing Genius especially here in Manchester....Millions of people around the world adore him....so...I'm my opinion what you posted, in My opinion was deemed bollocks....no offence intended but that just seemed to sum up my feeling/opinion.
Quote by blonde
Kissing his arse...too right...the Man is a Legend, a Footballing Genius especially here in Manchester....Millions of people around the world adore him....so...I'm my opinion what you posted, in My opinion was deemed bollocks....no offence intended but that just seemed to sum up my feeling/opinion.
Quote by Calista
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.
Quote by cheekychimp
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.
Quote by davej
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.
Quote by Shireen_Mids
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.
Quote by JudyTV
Mixed emotions here ... whilst I do feel he should be left to rest in peace and his death will no doubt devastate many, the man was not a god or a hero, he squandered his gift and in that sense turned his back on his ability and country.
He spent time in prison, had been charged with a number of assaults, was an adulterer and revelled in domestic violence, an alcoholic when given a heavily debated second chance couldn't stay off the booze.
His death is sad but let's face hardly surprising and man doesn't deserve the veneration he's received.
Calista x
Quote by freckledbird
well i just heard on the tv that he pasted away at 1o'clock to today
Quote by cheekychimp
Mixed emotions here ... whilst I do feel he should be left to rest in peace and his death will no doubt devastate many, the man was not a god or a hero, he squandered his gift and in that sense turned his back on his ability and country.
He spent time in prison, had been charged with a number of assaults, was an adulterer and revelled in domestic violence, an alcoholic when given a heavily debated second chance couldn't stay off the booze.
His death is sad but let's face hardly surprising and man doesn't deserve the veneration he's received.
Calista x
Quote by cplbbw
ok so i might have had a drink or 2....... or 3 or 4 or 5:D :D :D
sorry abit
Quote by freckledbird
ok so i might have had a drink or 2....... or 3 or 4 or 5:D :D :D
sorry abit