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George....a Footballing Legend..!!

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9 watchers
Quote by dambuster
Saddam played football ???? :shock:

:rofl: no i think he banned it
Quote by dambuster
Saddam played football ???? :shock:

Obviously !!!! and for Man Utd apparently :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hmmm - I'm going now cos I've had a really giggly afternoon in the shower, and before my views on death become more apparent than some already know.
Chumpy, if your "oh dear !!" comment was directed at me, my PM button is down there.
Of course its a shame he has died, you have to feel for those he has left behind, but as for hero ? ? I am with callista NO WAY, he could have been, perhaps should have been, but ended up falling well short of that mark.
Quote by Lissa
Mixed emotions here ... whilst I do feel he should be left to rest in peace and his death will no doubt devastate many, the man was not a god or a hero, he squandered his gift and in that sense turned his back on his ability and country.
He spent time in prison, had been charged with a number of assaults, was an adulterer and revelled in domestic violence, an alcoholic when given a heavily debated second chance couldn't stay off the booze.
His death is sad but let's face hardly surprising and man doesn't deserve the veneration he's received.
Calista x

You've summed up my thoughts exactly.
Mine too.
Ditto - ironic that he died the day 24 hour drinking came in too confused
More Bollocks..!!!!
So people aren't allowed to have an opinion that doesn't agree with yours?
You've aired your opinion and I've aired mine....whats the problem...?
Well, I had more courtesy than to post 'Bollocks' under all the threads kissing his arse, even if I thought it.
Kissing his arse...too right...the Man is a Legend, a Footballing Genius especially here in Manchester....Millions of people around the world adore'm my opinion what you posted, in My opinion was deemed offence intended but that just seemed to sum up my feeling/opinion.
Quote by dambuster
Hmmm - I'm going now cos I've had a really giggly afternoon in the shower, and before my views on death become more apparent than some already know.
Chumpy, if your "oh dear !!" comment was directed at me, my PM button is down there.

bamduster.......oh dear..!!
Quote by cheekychimp
Kissing his arse...too right...the Man is a Legend, a Footballing Genius especially here in Manchester....Millions of people around the world adore'm my opinion what you posted, in My opinion was deemed offence intended but that just seemed to sum up my feeling/opinion.

Bollox ! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde

Kissing his arse...too right...the Man is a Legend, a Footballing Genius especially here in Manchester....Millions of people around the world adore'm my opinion what you posted, in My opinion was deemed offence intended but that just seemed to sum up my feeling/opinion.

Bollox ! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sorry....I don't know what that means.... rolleyes Sure you dont mean Botox..xxxxxx
Quote by Calista
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.

Saddam Hussein...Saddam has he got to do with anything....especially Georgie Best.....a very poor comparison Calista....come on..x
Quote by cheekychimp
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.

Saddam Hussein...Saddam has he got to do with anything....especially Georgie Best.....a very poor comparison Calista....come on..x
They both sported beards and were shite in defense dunno
Quote by davej
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.

Saddam Hussein...Saddam has he got to do with anything....especially Georgie Best.....a very poor comparison Calista....come on..x
They both sported beards and were shite in defense dunno
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ......just what it deserved..!!!
Quote by Shireen_Mids
From all accounts Saddam Hussein was a generous man to his family, doted on his children and wives and yet he was a tyrant to his people. Does that make him a hero and an upstanding parent?
I admitted he was a good footballer but he was no hero ... and doesn't deserve to be held up as a shining example of one for this country, you remember him for kicking a goal in the back of the net, but remember that countless others remember him as an alcoholic abuser, no matter how good his footballing, how he conducted himself off the pitch speaks volumes more.

:thumbup: Precisely Calista..... As they say in showbusiness, people only remember you for your last performance....
Well...I hope you're watching!....... :smug:
Quote by JudyTV
Mixed emotions here ... whilst I do feel he should be left to rest in peace and his death will no doubt devastate many, the man was not a god or a hero, he squandered his gift and in that sense turned his back on his ability and country.
He spent time in prison, had been charged with a number of assaults, was an adulterer and revelled in domestic violence, an alcoholic when given a heavily debated second chance couldn't stay off the booze.
His death is sad but let's face hardly surprising and man doesn't deserve the veneration he's received.
Calista x

You've summed up my thoughts exactly.
Mine too.
Ditto - ironic that he died the day 24 hour drinking came in too confused
More Bollocks..!!!!
cheekychimp, your not helping anyone by posting aggressive statements, people have different opinions and should be allowed to post those opinions without being verbally abused. I am sad at the news of his death as I have already posted but lets not allow his death to spark off a slagging match between us here.
You have the right to your opinion but please remember so does everyone else.

As always Judy.....good, sound advice...x
CheekyChimp..... cool
Quote by cheekychimp
Well...I hope you're watching!....... :smug:

Why is CBeebies on?? dunno
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Well...I hope you're watching!....... :smug:

Why is CBeebies on?? dunno
I don't ask the Beeb that question..... :P
well i just heard on the tv that he pasted away at 1o'clock to today
Quote by cplbbw

Well said......... wink
Quote by cplbbw
well i just heard on the tv that he pasted away at 1o'clock to today

Pasted - I thought he was good at football, never knew he was a decorator too lol
PS - Calista posted that this afternoon, just after the news.
Quote by freckledbird
well i just heard on the tv that he pasted away at 1o'clock to today

Pasted - I thought he was good at football, never knew he was a decorator too lol
:shock: rotflmao
ok so i might have had a drink or 2....... or 3 or 4 or 5 biggrin :D :D :D
sorry abit drinkies
Quote by freckledbird
well i just heard on the tv that he pasted away at 1o'clock to today

Pasted - I thought he was good at football, never knew he was a decorator too lol
PS - Calista posted that this afternoon, just after the news.
yeh he was always plastered :!:
but on the serious side rip george its a sad day 4 football fans & the best family i hope you find the peace youve been looking for sad
Quote by cplbbw
ok so i might have had a drink or 2....... or 3 or 4 or 5 biggrin :D :D :D
sorry abit drinkies

lol Don't be sorry, I was only joking honey. Have one for me wink
Quote by freckledbird
ok so i might have had a drink or 2....... or 3 or 4 or 5 biggrin :D :D :D
sorry abit drinkies

lol Don't be sorry, I was only joking honey. Have one for me wink
ok hun what would ye like?
Quote by cheekychimp
Mixed emotions here ... whilst I do feel he should be left to rest in peace and his death will no doubt devastate many, the man was not a god or a hero, he squandered his gift and in that sense turned his back on his ability and country.
He spent time in prison, had been charged with a number of assaults, was an adulterer and revelled in domestic violence, an alcoholic when given a heavily debated second chance couldn't stay off the booze.
His death is sad but let's face hardly surprising and man doesn't deserve the veneration he's received.
Calista x

You've summed up my thoughts exactly.
Mine too.
And what evidence can you present to deny any of my claims, search a stack of websites. The man was a footballer, never tried to do any good except to suit himself, and his fantastic footballing skills (which I won't deny) were wasted.
C x
Look, whatever he did in his private & personal life is up to him...we've all got our faults but what we don't have is the feckin media following you ALL your life waiting for you to slip up on the smallest thing......if you were one of the most famous and talented people in the world at such a young age in the swinging sixties...what would you be like..?
I'll remember him for the football side of things.
The man squandered the gift of another opportunity and a new liver. Some poor sod died in order for him to receive another opportunity to live, then he wasted it and ended up in the same place, only later and after possibly depriving another person the opportunity to live longer.
He was a great footballer, but as a role model or non-footballing icon it's hypocritical.
Quote by cplbbw
ok so i might have had a drink or 2....... or 3 or 4 or 5 biggrin :D :D :D
sorry abit drinkies

lol Don't be sorry, I was only joking honey. Have one for me wink
ok hun what would ye like?
A nice cold cider would just hit the spot about now :D
Just occurred to me that we're talking about drinking on a George Best RIP thread confused :shock:
Quote by freckledbird
ok so i might have had a drink or 2....... or 3 or 4 or 5 biggrin :D :D :D
sorry abit drinkies

lol Don't be sorry, I was only joking honey. Have one for me wink
ok hun what would ye like?
A nice cold cider would just hit the spot about now :D
Just occurred to me that we're talking about drinking on a George Best RIP thread confused :shock:
Most of us enjoy a drink or two...... :wink:
so sad to of seen him go but he has no more pain now and he is still a legend
Quote by freckledbird
One or two Chimp? Bloody lightweight rolleyes lol

Oh I know FB....I just can't handle it anymore...!!
CheekyChimp..... cool
Quote by jennaj
so sad to of seen him go but he has no more pain now and he is still a legend

Mmm...I like that jennaj....... passionkiss
CheekyChimp..... wink