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George....a Footballing Legend..!!

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9 watchers
It looks like the end is nigh for one of the 'Best' football players the world has ever seen.
We could probably talk all day and night about his personal failures but, I and thousands around the world do not judge him on that.....we all have problems in our personal lives and he's no different. The temptations offered to this young man were unbelievable back then - would you have resisted..!!
The end of a footballing era.....and a very, very sad time indeed..!
God Bless you George.....x
Quote by cheekychimp
It looks like the end is nigh for one of the 'Best' football players the world has ever seen.
We could probably talk all day and night about his personal failures but, I and thousands around the world do not judge him on that.....we all have problems in our personal lives and he's no different. The temptations offered to this young man were unbelievable back then - would you have resisted..!!
The end of a footballing era.....and a very, very sad time indeed..!
God Bless you George.....x

yep i dont really think this is the forum where you can really critisize his personal lifestyle confused hours left is the last i heard sad
George aint dead yet
lets hope he wins this battle as well as all the others he has in his life
Doesn't sound good - but he is still with us, so maybe should save the obituary for the right time which unfortunately, according to his doctor will be in the next 24hrs.
Quote by cheekychimp
It looks like the end is nigh for one of the 'Best' football players the world has ever seen.

Have I said he's dead.... rolleyes
Quote by Robert1961
lets hope he wins this battle as well as all the others he has in his life

How can you say that? Surely you don't think he has managed to ever win the battle with the booze?
Sadly for him, he was exposed at a very young age to every excess known to man and he succumbed to them all to the point that eventually he had lost his will and control.
The ensuing battles he has had with booze, women, financial problems etc, have dogged what started out as a promising career and life, and he beat none of them - ever.
It's extremely sad for all concerned, not least of all George himself sad
The last news flash, a couple of minutes ago has said he won't last the night (Dr's statement). I've had the radio on all day today and every news item has mentioned how he only has a few hours left. Obviously there is a lot of public interest in George Best but the way in which the press are circling him like a pack of vultures waiting for him to pass away is sick. Yes he has lived his life in the public eye but surely his family should be allowed to have this time with him in private.
ffs he hasn't died yet. Yes he's going to, but arn't we all eventually. Don't know about anybody else but I would be dismayed to have people writing me off in public prior to my death.
One thing though, makes you think that he could pass away on the day they allow 24hr drinking................
Quote by goodporking
ffs he hasn't died yet. Yes he's going to, but arn't we all eventually. Don't know about anybody else but I would be dismayed to have people writing me off in public prior to my death.
One thing though, makes you think that he could pass away on the day they allow 24hr drinking................

Oh the irony!
Quote by goodporking
I would be dismayed to have people writing me off in public prior to my death

.......... :gagged: innocent
I think it is the fact that on the news bulletins tonight, his Dr has said that he wont last the night, that prompted CC to post.
I think it is terribly sad and I am quite upset to think of his life slipping away.
Quote by Happy Cats
I think it is the fact that on the news bulletins tonight, his Dr has said that he wont last the night, that prompted CC to post.
I think it is terribly sad and I am quite upset to think of his life slipping away.

That's exactly why I posted this thread......thanks HC.....I'm upset too.!
HIS SURNAME SAYS IT ALL.........!!!!!!!!!
and yes i did mean to shout
Quote by cheekychimp
It looks like the end is nigh for one of the 'Best' football players the world has ever seen.
We could probably talk all day and night about his personal failures but, I and thousands around the world do not judge him on that.....we all have problems in our personal lives and he's no different. The temptations offered to this young man were unbelievable back then - would you have resisted..!!
The end of a footballing era.....and a very, very sad time indeed..!
God Bless you George.....x

No, you didn't say he's dead but you're already saying 'end of an era' and such - let him die before you write his obituary! I do understand and agree with the sentiment, just think it's a bit premature that's all. The news on Sunday said that they didn't expect him to live until Monday and he's still with us now!
Quote by freckledbird
It looks like the end is nigh for one of the 'Best' football players the world has ever seen.
We could probably talk all day and night about his personal failures but, I and thousands around the world do not judge him on that.....we all have problems in our personal lives and he's no different. The temptations offered to this young man were unbelievable back then - would you have resisted..!!
The end of a footballing era.....and a very, very sad time indeed..!
God Bless you George.....x

No, you didn't say he's dead but you're already saying 'end of an era' and such - let him die before you write his obituary! I do understand and agree with the sentiment, just think it's a bit premature that's all. The news on Sunday said that they didn't expect him to live until Monday and he's still with us now!
It is the end of an era...and as for an couldn't fill enough pages on here to cover that one..!!
As a Liverpool supporter who used to go the match in the late 60s through the 70s I have to say George was the BEST player I ever saw. What skill the lad had, I saw him take us apart once at Anfield. I dont think I will see the likes of him again in my life time. I hope he finds peace when he has gone. :cry:
he gets no sympathy from me, i do feel very sorry for his family however.
wasnt this post done a few weeks ago....sure it was....but if im mistaken....
i dont remember much of his playing career but its obvious the man is a footballing legend and his natural skill as a footballer was profound....
george best has always been a paper seller and theyve followed him all over the owrld. he has also had personal and professional problems which have been written and rewritten time and time again....i can add my voice to the minions in saying that this is a sad time when a real character of our age is fading....
though also i have to mention that even if we backed him when he was boozing non stop and his antics caught the headlines weekly (pretty much the last 40 years) then we must remember he was given a second chance just because he is george best....
i remember some 1 mentioning in the prior post on htis topic about a member of their family not getitng the support he has.
booze has killed him as countless of his friends told him it would...he made his choice to carry on drinking ...i just think you need to put it into perspective here.... yes he was a hero and will be missed....but the way in which he has died is not to be lamented.
spoken in past tense ....
Quote by Katieftv
As a Liverpool supporter who used to go the match in the late 60s through the 70s I have to say George was the BEST player I ever saw. What skill the lad had, I saw him take us apart once at Anfield. I dont think I will see the likes of him again in my life time. I hope he finds peace when he has gone. :cry:

A liverpool fan here too, but the Best I saw too, albeit as a 9 year old at the end of his career.
never seen gerorgey best....
i am a man u grandad was at 68 final and watched him
its a sad state to see a genious so ill. Was in tears this morning reading tributes in the papers. When he does go to the big football pitch in the sky, I am sure he will be there with other legends. Sir Matt will have his say me thinks.....
This, to me, is just like when you get the death of a broadcaster, somebody died, sympathies to the family, but it comes to us all in the end. Admittedly his path to death has been trailed for as long as I can remember, and it's not very often you get that. He might've been famous for doing something once, but he's famous for being a drunk now.
No time for football, every sympathy for those without the will power to stop.
Well I agree with Marm's here.
he was a footballing icon once - but that was a long long time ago.
He chose to squander his life however - he medical problems are self induced, so personally I don't see why he should be getting so much media air time.
Especially after seeing reports of those starving people in Niger.
I was appalled that George Best came higher up in the News report than they did.
I remember meeting him years ago in the nightclub he owned in Manchester - he was charming then but well on the way to being a drunk.
Quote by freckledbird
No, you didn't say he's dead but you're already saying 'end of an era' and such - let him die before you write his obituary! I do understand and agree with the sentiment, just think it's a bit premature that's all. The news on Sunday said that they didn't expect him to live until Monday and he's still with us now!

I agree, and to see on TV the "shrine" of flowers and football shirts outside the hospital alarms me, not to mention the nature of the newspaper coverage today, all the looking back features. Medics can sometimes be wrong....could Best become the first person to see his own "shrine"? lol
By the way, for those who don't follow football, you've got to be at least 45 to remember seeing him at his peak as a player. And he was a brilliant player.
Oh I am so dissappointed in radio 2!
The Jeremy Vine show is now spending loads of time on it!!!!!!
OK GB was a great footballer in his time - but why can't people get it into a bit of perspective!
I bet those that have him in the death sweepstake are rubbing their hands :shock:
The news have just announced his death
Gutted Man U fan here......
virtually in tears.......
best was a fucking legend both on the pitch and off it. I pass my dearest condolances to his family and friends....
I know tommorow i will be wearing Man U shirt with Pride and Passion.
Rest In Peace.... Thanks for the European Cup....
Gerorge Best a Leged 25/11/2005
RIP George
Yes his life wasnt blameless but who's isn't
One of has last wishes was to be remembered for his footballing skills and genius on a football pitch. Not the mess he made of his life
I for one will honour that
A football Legend I had the honour to watch.
My heartfelt sympathy for Callum and the rest of the family
Its one of those mixed feeling moments for me
i wouldn't wish anyone dead and i sure do hope he R.I.P
but i can't help but wonder why people let themselves get into that state.
Turely sad sad
at least hes at rest now