Just come back from a long weekend in Berlin. While there it became very evident how hung up Brits are with Nudity etc.
I stayed in a 5 star hotel which had leisure facilites, part of this included a wet room sauna and steamroom. However the rules were no costumes, I had no problems with this as I think I look rather good naked(lol). However the German women just sit around legs akimbo and so on, whereas the few english people who stayed were positively horrified and would not enter.
Anyone else noticed this when travelling abroad.
Where did they put their towels then?
Surely yer fags would get all wet , and yer Daily Mail
Ewwwwwwwww Chris, you mucky devil. I don't frequent saunas or steamrooms so wouldn't know what to do. :angel:
I for one am NOT going through a door that Germans have told me is a 'shower' !
Seeing a large selection of young women showering alongside me I can accept. Seeing people on the throne, definately not, some things are best not shared, unless your into that sort of thing.
Rushes off to get a passport to give his opinion.
Harry Jones
I've been in Munich in Summer, and have often seen in their main park (Englischergarten) people walking about totally nude in public. No worries about children seeing exposed flesh, no worries about indecent exposure. Totally relaxed about it all. Imagine that in Hyde Park, or Regents Park?
But then is the human body intrinsically indecent anyway? The continentals don't think so, but of course we are British and we won the war, so we are right and they must be wrong...right?...or not...one or the other. :shock:
i think "the_tongue" must be half german then, as when we went on our holls this year he seemed to have a knack of getting the best sunbeds
Thank you partyman, I am eternally grateful to you.