Ok peeps... had the shittiest week of weeks so far.... thought at first it was just the "post munch blue's" but then realised those shoulda worn off by now.... so in true scottish style, i am gonna just hit the bottle instead.
As i aint got the kinda ppl around me who appreciate it when i get like this i thought i'd see if there were many folks within the site who would like to join me....
I aint looking for no there there its all gonna be ok replies to this... i've already been in the chat room and warned them all in there.... so I guess i'm only warning the forum lot too......just incase i end up posting a load of bollox in here too...
So... i am off to lock ma kids up for the night and raid the drinks cupboard... will be back in an hour or so... BUT feel free to start with out me... most ppl do anyways....
Not quite sure how this is gonna look when i hit that submit button and will not be surprised at all if it is deleted without actually reaching main forum... but thatnks for just being there anyways
see ya's in an hour or so... when the effects of alcohol will be kickin in
:beer: :thrilled: :beer: :smoke: :thrilled: :beer: :beer: