One of the best to use when they call with offers of credit cards, mortgages, or anything financial is to say your partner works in a bank and with the staff discount you get they are wasting their time.
Also the double glazing people that ring you. As i live in a new house (4yrs old) i let them ramble on for the ten minutes about glazing, soffits, facias, and conservatories. Then i hit them with sorry you are wasting your time as i live in a new house that has all those features.
Works every time. But the best bit is letting them ramble on for ten minutes wasting their time. I just hold the phone and don't really listen to what they are saying
I just love those telesales folk trying to flog me double glazing or conservatories. Eventualy getting totally p***ed off I made an apointment for a sales chappy to visit to discuss conservatories but explained thatas I worked odd hours it would have to be after 9pm.
The young lady was delighted and took the details.
9pm. On the dot the door bell rings. Chap in smart suit introduces himself then looked a bit lost.
We live in a 1st floor flat
had a young lad knock last week ,offering home improvement advice or double glazing !!!
thing was he had just knocked on our new double glazed door on our newly double glazed porch next to our newly double glazed front windows ,,we had the whole house done two months ago !!,, he never noticed till I pointed it out. His reply , "well our glazing is better than this"
no hope
We used to live near the airport and frequently got teams of Jehovahs doing the streets mob-handed. After much disruption, I hit on the tactic of saying "no thanks, I'm Jewish" which had remarkable effect. Ho-hum.
Tell them they smell of cabbages and poo!
The following have worked for me:
1. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to Iraq tomorrow with the Army"
2. "I'd love a patio, but what would the people in the flat below think?"
3. "I'm not falling for that - come on, where's Dom Jolly?"
4. "I can't stand here and talk - I'm and English teacher. Someone out there might be using a split infinitive"
5. "So good to see you. We need another person to take our coven up to 13"
6. "Do you ever hang around the locker room at the gym?"
7. "But the Police promised me a new identity!"
double glazing , credit ,change your gas telephone,electric supplier
tell them your squatters works a treat
the best one i do is say what company is it, and when they say just say i thought it was and say i work for the company they usualy get suck and say sorry i get rid of them in about 10 seconds
Most of the housing around my manor belongs to the National Trust and is in an ANONB so when I tell them I would be delighted to have work done as long as the NT are OK with it and I can`t afford to pay for full planning permission, I usually get left alone. Other than that, there is also the wonderfull invention of Caller Display. Just let it ring and let some other sucker pick up! :twisted:
Personally...i give these people the time of day... as they might actually be able to save me money or give me a service that i might need..... apart from the accident claims people... never broken a bone or anything.. maybe i should fall over one of them and sue them (just a thought)
Like Marms, I'm registered with the TPS, and this stops the oocasional phone salesperson in their tracks. In the street I just tell them that I work for a marketing firm (not true now but I used to), this rules me out of their "surveys".
Yep.. thats so true.. and also say that your not the main income earner in the house.
or have someone in your house that works in media or marketing
although.. i do have to say... i recommend that everyone does try out these marketting people
i have to say though... i have done the marketting research a few times... well the one in preston is fantastic... on friargate... heartlily recommend it.... mainly because they do fantastic coffee.... although the evil people cant tell me the brand!!!!!
i hate all of them too but as a salesman myself its a bit hypocritical
used to do telesales but only go after companies these days.....altho did love tormenting people on the fone who obviously didnt want to talk to me....ironically, salesmen are the easiest people to sell to
Too right... need centered sales is great.... its funny when you walk into .. anywhere and say these are my needs.. what do you have that will fulfil these? :-)
easily amused!