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GFZ - better late than never

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Quote by Happy Cats
Whers my drink welsh bint?

Just told you, no MCB's in my bar thank you......smackbottom
Quote by Freckledbird
Bloody hell Dlep, are we having a party or are they all for me? :shock:

Greedy mare! Pass some over here!
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Bloody hell Dlep, are we having a party or are they all for me? :shock:

Greedy mare! Pass some over here!
I think we should save some for Angelica too biggrin
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Bloody hell Dlep, are we having a party or are they all for me? :shock:

Greedy mare! Pass some over here!
That was only the stuff I had lying around in the fridge... lol
If I knew you was coming in.......
I'd have ordered a lot more bolt
How well you know me, Dollop rolleyes
Quote by Sassy-Seren
How well you know me, Dollop rolleyes

I don't....:cry:
But I'd like to :twisted:
Quote by Happy Cats
Whers my drink welsh bint?

Bitter-just like you :giggle: kiss
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Whers my drink welsh bint?

Bitter-just like you :giggle: kiss
You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!
Quote by Happy Cats
no head!

You don't like head? :shock:
Quote by Freckledbird
no head!

You don't like head? :shock:
Of course not, its horrible!
Quote by Happy Cats
You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!

FFs! I am multi tasking here you know!!

There-one lager-no some head going free if anyone wants it?
Quote by BiWelshMinx

You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!

FFs! I am multi tasking here you know!!

There-one lager-no some head going free if anyone wants it?
You are lovely really, you just want to please me :lol:
Quote by Happy Cats

You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!

FFs! I am multi tasking here you know!!

There-one lager-no some head going free if anyone wants it?
You are lovely really, you just want to please me :lol:
Carlsberg don't do dreams...but if they did.. :giggle:
Quote by Freckledbird
Mr-FB'll have it, Minxy wink

Now, I was hoping you'd say that!! :twisted:
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Mr-FB'll have it, Minxy wink

Now, I was hoping you'd say that!! :twisted:
Well that made him smile :twisted:
Quote by Freckledbird
Mr-FB'll have it, Minxy wink

Now, I was hoping you'd say that!! :twisted:
Well that made him smile :twisted:
1 free head to Mr FB, just let me know when he wants to claim it :twisted:
Quote by BiWelshMinx

You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!

FFs! I am multi tasking here you know!!

There-one lager-no some head going free if anyone wants it?
You are lovely really, you just want to please me :lol:
Carlsberg don't do dreams...but if they did.. :giggle:
It would be about me?
wave Evening all..... did we miss last orders yet?
Quote by cu3b4ll
wave Evening all..... did we miss last orders yet?

Not at all! My willing serva..assistant HappyCats will be right along!! ;)
Opening the windows up and letting the fresh air in.........
The sun is out and bright cool
<<<<<Choon squints his eyes - standing in the middle of the room>>>>>>
What happened? I was waiting in the queue behind Mr FB for some head from Binxy......
Quote by westerross
<<<<<Choon squints his eyes - standing in the middle of the room>>>>>>
What happened? I was waiting in the queue behind Mr FB for some head from Binxy......

I can see I was bypassed in that queue then :cry:
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Mr-FB'll have it, Minxy wink

Now, I was hoping you'd say that!! :twisted:
Well that made him smile :twisted:
1 free head to Mr FB, just let me know when he wants to claim it :twisted:
Wey hay my luck changes for the better everyday :twisted:
Quote by westerross
What happened? I was waiting in the queue behind Mr FB for some head from Binxy......

well one thing led to another innocent might be a while :twisted:
Quote by MR-FB

What happened? I was waiting in the queue behind Mr FB for some head from Binxy......

well one thing led to another innocent might be a while :twisted:
You're like the bloke at the front of the queue in the post office with 15 parcels to weigh, driving licence to get - oh and 'while I'm at it 4 books of stamps please' aren'tcha!
I bet all Binxy's head'll been gone soon!
Quote by westerross
I bet all Binxy's head'll been gone soon!

Ooooooooo I'm sure she'll recover! lol
Oooh I've just discovered Nizzling! :twisted:
You drizzle some White Grenache or some other cold wine over Angelica's breasts (the cold has some interesting effects) and then lick it off her nipples.
Quote by westerross
Oooh I've just discovered Nizzling! :twisted:
You drizzle some White Grenache or some other cold wine over Angelica's breasts and then lick it off her nipples.

Can we all try that then? :rascal: