*shuffles off to the kitchen, pauses momentarily by the door, looks at the door lock, considers locking it, but then remembers Office Mendactiy. "play it cool and wait for reinforcements" In GFZ - no-one can hear you scream!*
oh go on then, if you insist!!!
Double *yeuch* times 14.... *spits and retches*
The thought of wax mostly...ouch!
And shhhh, don't give them ideas! :shock: :shock: :shock:
And have you been peeking at Heather and Mandys' pictures Mr BE??
:shock: I hate to think...
Actually, I hope she tidied up from this morning...there was all sorts of stuff lying about up there! :twisted:
Result! I just got a text back saying I am a naughty boy and I've to report to her room as soon as I get back...
Topper, I've spent ages sitting here trying to hide a massive stiffy and now I've got to run all these women home and try not to think about what's waiting for me when I get back! Great!!!
Still, it'll be worth it, I'm not complaining. I've got a lot to thank Heather and Mandy for! :twisted:
My fate awaits me.. I've been informed that my services are required.
Night all!
We shalll leave the GFZ open until we have had a full report! 8)