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GFZ - Girl Free Zone

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4 watchers

i really love this disco and pole dance area...... never noticed it before is it new?
Hello Wessexboy biggrin
Help yourself to a drink smile
Move up MrsFC other people want to use the jacuzzi as well rolleyes
Quote by Calista

i really love this disco and pole dance area...... never noticed it before is it new?

Yeah we had it installed especially for you. :twisted: :twisted:
*guys relax in the jacuzzi to watch the entertainment*
sillyhwoar: :phwoar: :phwoar: :phwoar: :phwoar: :phwoar:
now where's that masuse gone?
Did someone say they wanted a massage???
Just wait 5 mins still doing Calista's front :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by clarensteve
Just wait 5 mins still doing Calista's front :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Will take more than 5 mins to do Calistas front Clare :silly:
I'll just wait here and sit patiently, twiddling my ermmmmm...............thumbs :twisted:
Quote by clarensteve
Did someone say they wanted a massage???
Just wait 5 mins still doing Calista's front :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

*sits back and watches floor show*
Clare you missed a bit............just over..............*points* there. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: biggrin
Quote by easy
*sits back and watches floor show*
Clare you missed a bit............just over..............*points* there. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: biggrin

At least you could have said a 'big' bit sad
Runs into the GFZ, skids to a halt and shouts ...............................................
I'm back !!!!
Turns around and notices that everyone has buggered off!! Ahh well !! Sits down and pours a much needed beer. Cheers !!!
At last some one to have a drink with....
welcome back Sarge hope the holiday went well.........dunno where everyone else went.. dunno ......I think Roger stuck his head in before he went for his bath but I've opened the windows and it smells much better know.....
Ohhhhh Sarge !!!!! Missed you loads,,,,,,,,,,,,,, kiss :kiss: did you bring me a pressie home from your travels biggrin :D
Hello Sarge good to have you back.....what you drinking ?
Davej so this is where you got to....the RNLI are out looking for you from the hijack thread lol :lol:
Quote by MrFC
Davej so this is where you got to....the RNLI are out looking for you from the hijack thread lol :lol:

Already seen em mrFC . .They asked me to join up but I look shit in orange jackets and big boots....
Do us a favour and chuck a beer over ...........
Beer coming over Dave... redface surprisedops: sorry you meant the one and not the four pack rolleyes did you need a plaster for your head ? :oops: :cry: lol
Hello Dave and the FCs, nice to be back!! (Don't tell anyone but I kinda missed you guys!!). redface surprisedops:
Mrs FC, I can't remember if the stick of rock I bought you is in my pocket or I really did miss you THAT much!! lol :lol: :lol: wink
The beers are on me. Do I have to stay up all night reading every thread or are you going to give me a quick run down on what I have missed??
:P :P :P
Right Sarge..ready....Calistahashadasmalloperationandhasnowgotstitches,
Wehaveanumberofn ewbiesallwaitingtobefrisked.....
Er I think that may be it for now, if I think of anything else I'll let you know lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by MrFC
Right Sarge..ready....Calistahashadasmalloperationandhasnowgotstitches,
......pant..pant....Wehaveanumberofn ewbiesallwaitingtobefrisked
.....Er I think that may be it for now, if I think of anything else I'll let you know lol :lol: :lol:

Errm, thanks Mr FC :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
MrFC i needed a packed lunch to scroll that far across me screen man!!!
Although I reckon you've got it in a nutshell..
Oh and just to add to that ............nothing happened as well lol
Now, remember before I nipped off on my hols I said don't do anything interesting while I was away??? Well I'd just like to point out that I was joking. You didn't have to go to all that trouble!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Rest assured Davej ,Bilko will sort out the text confused :
He is a cool guy and would not want to let anybody look silly smile
Quote by MrFC
Sarge have you forgotten everything since you've been away rolleyes
you have to keep the text within the screen confused :? :doh:
Sorry Dave redface I'll sort him out :taz: :censored:

Ahaa!!!!! Now who looks silly Mr FC??????
tsk......Give a bloke an extra knob to twiddle with and he gets all smart arsed about it.
Oh and by the way to mrs FC seeing as these gorilla's wont ask, can I get you something from the bar..
Quote by MrFC
Rest assured Davej ,Bilko will sort out the text confused :
He is a cool guy and would not want to let anybody look silly smile

Oh make me feel guilty now, why don't you ??? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Davej
Oh and by the way to mrs FC seeing as these gorilla's wont ask, can I get you something from the bar..

Why thankyou Davej, a sprintzer would be fine, biggrin
there you go mrsFC spritzer you can enjoy that whilst you look at the generous pressie the sarge brought you back.......
Quote by davej
there you go mrsFC spritzer you can enjoy that whilst you look at the generous pressie the sarge brought you back.......

Gulp!!! First time this "Pressie" has been called generous !! redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
That's ok Sarge MrsFC is used to things in small packages lol :lol: :shock: :shock: confused
Bugger I thought you said ....ROCK!!! :doh:
eermm mrsFC it isn't rock in which case it sure as hell isn't peppermint flavoured..tell you what there's one way to find out for sure..........
bite it and see if there's any writing through the middle of it!!!!
Quote by davej
bite it and see if there's any writing through the middle of it!!!!

Welcome Back Sarge

A chance for sanity to gain some control??????