i really love this disco and pole dance area...... never noticed it before is it new?
Runs into the GFZ, skids to a halt and shouts ...............................................
I'm back !!!!
Turns around and notices that everyone has buggered off!! Ahh well !! Sits down and pours a much needed beer. Cheers !!!
tsk......Give a bloke an extra knob to twiddle with and he gets all smart arsed about it.
Oh and by the way to mrs FC seeing as these gorilla's wont ask, can I get you something from the bar..
there you go mrsFC ..one spritzer you can enjoy that whilst you look at the generous pressie the sarge brought you back.......
Bugger I thought you said ....ROCK!!! :doh:
eermm mrsFC it isn't rock in which case it sure as hell isn't peppermint flavoured..tell you what there's one way to find out for sure..........
bite it and see if there's any writing through the middle of it!!!!
Welcome Back Sarge
A chance for sanity to gain some control??????