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GFZ - Girl Free Zone

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>>> Cautiously peers in...
Greetings, All!
I've escaped the shark-infested waters!
(Thanks to Warwick, Easy, Mr FC and DaveJ for a roller-coaster of a hijacking!)
Mind if I join you? As promised before, I have Black Sheep (it's sitting right here beside me on the desk!) - all I want to know is have last week's Morris Dancers left yet?!
G xx
Quote by Calista
Welcome Back Sarge

A chance for sanity to gain some control??????

:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: Sanity? From the Sarge?? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Errrrr I mean... erm... yeah, welcome back Sarge, let sanity prevail :haha: bolt
Hello sarge. Welcome back. Unfortunately my offer was only valid for last weekend, so you're going to have to buy your own and no quick turns in the carpark either. sad
That should confuse the hell out of everyone.
Nice to see you back though.
Oh you also missed a bt of a discussion over the definition of a Munch and organising meets. Storm in a coffee really though.
Stop looking at me with those sad eyes. rolleyes
Oh OK evil
*goes to bar and buys the Sarge a beer* :roll: drinkies
Seen all the definitions of muches et al. Made me back to get my feet massaged and drink pints of wine and leg waxes :twisted: :twisted:
Well, I'll happily pour you a pint of wine and wax your legs :twisted: lol
But please don't ask me to touch your feet
Where are the men when you want to be pampered ?? confused
Angel is there any wine left, smile
I think I will go and sit in this comfy chair until a nice gentleman comes in and offers his services......... biggrin :D
Ohhhh !!!! here we go left on the chair. evil and I have tomatoe on my nice linen skirt....... :evil:
Hello all biggrin no nice gentlemen around at the mo.....can I help confused
Angel chat where did you get that wax from :shock: :shock: :shock: feels like WD40 are you sure you know what you are doing :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Has anybody seen my axle grease....I left it by the jacuzzi while I went to wash my hands confused
Quote by MrFC
Has anybody seen my axle grease....I left it by the jacuzzi while I went to wash my hands confused

So thats what it was :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Well I smell like a MAN omg will this change my life cool 8-)
Oops redface surprisedops: sorry Corrie (see, told you I was a poet!) I think you have the heat turned up to high on the jacuzzi, I couldn't see properly through the steam.... erm.. you'll have beautifully moisturised legs though :oops: More wine?
There you go ........ running jump into the jacuzzi to get rid of a crap week.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, bliss, now where are the blokes with the booze! cool

Hi All. Room for a little'un in here??
I'm starting to feel guilty 'cos i've had a fantastic week. At work, on the phone with C and as i've popped in out out of here. I got mega mileage this week and the scenery was brill. Through the windscreen AND through the side window :twisted: You Ladies are wonderful.
MISSCHIEF, fancy a glass of nicely chilled Frascati? drinkies I've found a really nice one from Tesco's 'Finest*' range. Be kwik tho', it won't be here much longer, then I'll be into the red Valpol. Unless of course 'SHE' (remember her??) comes back from the stables and hits me with those little screamer things again :twisted:
I've just realised something.
Misschief, as you are now a mod; does that mean you won't have time to look after me and point me in the right direction if I get p*ssed and lost again.(IF i get p*ssed again. who ami kidding - WHEN I get p*ssed and lost)
<< Pokes head 'round the door >> Hi everybody! Sorry not much time to read what sounds some inetersting stuff - just time for one or two posts - Wedding this weekend - fabulous. Is that oil floating on the jacuzzi??
Hi again all,
Had a bit of a heavy nighht last night,now feel half asleep and could do with some serious waking up lol
Now is there anything to drink BUT alcohol??????
Quote by clarensteve
Hi again all,
Had a bit of a heavy nighht last night,now feel half asleep and could do with some serious waking up lol
Now is there anything to drink BUT alcohol??????

NO NO NO NO NO NO and (a very soft) no.
I only get to drink at weekends. Please don't talk about non alchohol. And yes; I DO make up for it at the weekends.
How are you both?? And how's your cold Claire?
From that 'orrible TSG
Quote by dambuster
NO NO NO NO NO NO and (a very soft) no.
I only get to drink at weekends. Please don't talk about non alchohol. And yes; I DO make up for it at the weekends.
How are you both?? And how's your cold Claire?
From that 'orrible TSG

Ok well maybe a hair of the dog might sure it then confused
Well Steves practically asleep,cant keep up with all the drinking and dancing at his age lol
Im feeling great,if not quite with it yet,colds disappearing fast thank god.
Ahhh well. I have oft been heard to say - "you youngsters - no 'king stamina"
I have to log off nowcos C wants her turn on the connection to check her emails, 1000s of PMs and such.

Well at last spent all day trying to find me way out of Jags bloody cleavage....anybody got a large stiff one :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by MrFC
Well at last spent all day trying to find me way out of Jags bloody cleavage....anybody got a large stiff one

If you've spent the whole day in Jags' cleavage, you'd already have...
Sorry. I'll get my coat.
Quote by MrFC
Well at last spent all day trying to find me way out of Jags bloody cleavage....anybody got a large stiff one :shock: :shock: :shock:

Just been chatting to Mrs FC, so I can help you with the stiff one but the large bit may be a problem !!!! confused :? lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hello stranger!Welcome Back!
Did you get hit with the gales?
Alex x
Hi Alex xxx
I was just thinking about you!!!! I have just returned from a carpark at an office that someone we know works at. :shock: :shock: :shock:
And yes, I was in a gale-free zone luckily!!! ( I never liked her. What Martin Platt saw in her I will never know !!) confused :? :? :?
Hiya Sarge
Ive just come back from a girlie night out to find you have just said you have just come back from your holiday in a CARPARK :shock: :shock: :shock:
Sarge I know times are hard but really, Mrs Sarge must have had an awful time just hanging around looking at number plates.
Oh by the way I have just woken in a shower after 2 months. Think I had been watching Dallas, fell asleep and woke up to find I had left SH :shock: :shock:
Thank God it was a dream wink :wink:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Hi Alex xxx
I was just thinking about you!!!! I have just returned from a carpark at an office that someone we know works at. :shock: :shock: :shock:
And yes, I was in a gale-free zone luckily!!! ( I never liked her. What Martin Platt saw in her I will never know !!) confused :? :? :?

Unlucky Sarge - Gales is a very lovely beer
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Hi Alex xxx
I was just thinking about you!!!! I have just returned from a carpark at an office that someone we know works at. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Bl**dy Hell - It's a Sunday!!!!!!!
I didn't think they worked that much there during the week! Who on earth was working on a Sunday! :shock:
Mind you - I am making the assumption that you were there working..........
You weren't out dogging were you? All those trees around the Car Park?????? rolleyes
(If you were - give me the gen on who is was - could be interesting office conversation tomorrow!) :twisted:
Hugs, Alex x x
(......and before ANYONE thinks I'm serious about wanting any info for gossip - please - I'm only kidding! - the CCTV cameras would have picked it up anyway! :shock: )
Quote by corriefem
Oh by the way I have just woken in a shower after 2 months.

Aren't you taking this personal hygeine thing a little too seriously?
Hugs, Alex x
Quote by Alexandra
Oh by the way I have just woken in a shower after 2 months.

Aren't you taking this personal hygeine thing a little too seriously?
Hugs, Alex x
Alex - do you think that The Sarge's Shower thread could be responsible for this? I know that it has affected me deeply...
Hiya Paul !
I think you are right.......
That man has a lot to answer for!
Hugs, Alex x x