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GFZ - Girlie FREE Zone

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Quote by westerross
Ahem, just got in. Any red wine left in de bottle? Steph - got yer oils tonight? I could do with a nice massage!!

Tune :rascal: You are out numbered in the GFZ guess who's doing the massaging :rascal: :rascal:
Steph get compy my dear I will just sort Tune out with the oils.... lol
excuzie moi can I join in with this. I think I know his weak spots . :twisted:
Quote by Angelica
excuzie moi can I join in with this. I think I know his weak spots . :twisted:

Now then - Will the realAngelica please stand up ???
Quote by Sexysteph
Feel free MrsFC there are Lavendar, Rosemary andTeatree blends already mixed up in the aerosol or a refreshing Lemon one in the bottle on the side or even a peppermint one in the dish already mixed with base oils.
Have fun lol
Me settles into nice comfy chair with Vodka/lemonade in one hand and a salad in the other.
biggrin :D :D

Oh no Steph ! You have it all wrong! :lol: Tune will be doing the massaging... :twisted:
I'm just showing him where everything is :lol:
We don't want none of that chip fat now do we :shock:
Quote by Angelica
excuzie moi can I join in with this. I think I know his weak spots . :twisted:

What have you done with Tune? Is he locked in a cupboard somewhere or tied up? :twisted:
good evening all, wheres Laird the wee scotish wench? could do with a beer wink
Quote by Angelica
excuzie moi can I join in with this. I think I know his weak spots . :twisted:

How lovely to see you Angelica biggrin Would you like a glass of wine? Or would you prefer vodka and lemonade?
Quote by Dino.
good evening all, wheres Laird the wee scotish wench? could do with a beer wink

The Laird hasn't arrived yet Dino.............want to keep me company??
Quote by dambuster
excuzie moi can I join in with this. I think I know his weak spots . :twisted:

Now then - Will the realAngelica please stand up ???
yes dambuster it really is me this time
Quote by LadyFeeBee
good evening all, wheres Laird the wee scotish wench? could do with a beer wink

The Laird hasn't arrived yet Dino.............want to keep me company??
XX cant see you all on yer own fee, i`ll grab a bottle n we can chill in the jacuzzi for a while together :rascal:
Quote by MrsFC
excuzie moi can I join in with this. I think I know his weak spots . :twisted:

How lovely to see you Angelica biggrin Would you like a glass of wine? Or would you prefer vodka and lemonade?
Hi Mrs FC. I've love another glass of red wine please - this will be my fourth - I think?? :D :D
Quote by Dino.
good evening all, wheres Laird the wee scotish wench? could do with a beer wink

The Laird hasn't arrived yet Dino.............want to keep me company??
XX cant see you all on yer own fee, i`ll grab a bottle n we can chill in the jacuzzi for a while together :rascal:
Sounds perfect!
I'm a bit hot and bothered at the moment so maybe you could help me unwind before Tune gets started massaging all us girlies :wink:
Quote by freckledbird
excuzie moi can I join in with this. I think I know his weak spots . :twisted:

What have you done with Tune? Is he locked in a cupboard somewhere or tied up? :twisted:
Well no, I think he's having too much fun massaging all the women on here!!
Quote by Angelica
Hi Mrs FC. I've love another glass of red wine please - this will be my fourth - I think?? biggrin :D

Oh wow !! you fit in sooo well with us girlies....Here you go....enjoy :D
Fee another drinkies for you too !
Tune Your getting a queue here !!! Maybe Dino would like to start with the women :twisted:
Can I get any of you girls a top up?
Quote by MrsFC
Tune Your getting a queue here !!! Maybe Dino would like to start with the women :twisted:

Well me legs have been open fer the last twenty minutes but nothin's happening - beginning to think I've got it wrong - ahem what do weak spots mean??
Quote by the_Laird
Can I get any of you girls a top up?

Ah go on then biggrin seen as you asked lol
Quote by the_Laird
Can I get any of you girls a top up?

would love one plz :P
Anymore for any(thing) more???? :twisted:
Quote by the_Laird
Anymore for any(thing) more???? :twisted:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Man in a frock is back - I am forced to swoon and will need thorough and active reviving, a little Laphroiag wouldn't go amiss. Preferably passed to me from your own mouth!
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Jags
.... a little Laphroiag wouldn't go amiss

An Islay Malt!!!
God bless.........a woman that's just won my heart
Quote by Jags
Preferably passed to me from your own mouth!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Cant promise no tongues tho'
Quote by westerross
- ahem what do weak spots mean??

Oh dear rolleyes :roll: :roll: I see you need to come with me Tune :twisted: Follow me to the office biggrin
Quote by the_Laird
.... a little Laphroiag wouldn't go amiss

An Islay Malt!!!
God bless.........a woman that's just won my heart
Quote by Jags
Preferably passed to me from your own mouth!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Cant promise no tongues tho'
And did I say no tongues???
You'll need to lick it off my chin, and chest and the trickle may even go as far as my nipples and you wouldn't want to miss a drop of the golden nectar would you??
Quote by Jags
You'll need to lick it off my chin, and chest and the trickle may even go as far as my nipples and you wouldn't want to miss a drop of the golden nectar would you??

Certainley not and I definately wouldn't want to miss any bit of your nipples :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by MrsFC

- ahem what do weak spots mean??

Oh dear rolleyes :roll: :roll: I see you need to come with me Tune :twisted: Follow me to the office biggrin
She'll do magical things to you and you'll be forever under her spell...(apparantly wink )
Quote by the_Laird
You'll need to lick it off my chin, and chest and the trickle may even go as far as my nipples and you wouldn't want to miss a drop of the golden nectar would you??

Certainley not and I definately wouldn't want to miss any bit of your nipples :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Nipples perked up somewhat in anticipation :shock: :shock:
x xx will have to come with me as the Laird is going to be taken and put into Sarges cupboard until I can deal with him. evil
Quote by MrsFC will have to come with me as the Laird is going to be taken and put into Sarges cupboard until I can deal with him. evil

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Mrs FC The Laird and Jags all in the same cupboard?? Flipping heck, I've died and gone to heaven. Reminds me of the time I was in a small space with Sappho, Wilma and a very tall bloke who's not a member here - a good time was had by all.
Goes off to brush teeth before the close encounter of the year.
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :rose:
Quote by the_Laird

- ahem what do weak spots mean??

Oh dear rolleyes :roll: :roll: I see you need to come with me Tune :twisted: Follow me to the office biggrin
She'll do magical things to you and you'll be forever under her spell...(apparantly wink )
<<<<<< Trance-like state - 5am >>>>>> I think I know where some of me weak spots are now - Angelica always told me they were strengths not weaknesses. I think I prefer them as weaknesses. I wish every trip to the office was the same - I seemed to lose all sense of space and time at about (that's to everybody except WBB) last night.
Quote by Jags will have to come with me as the Laird is going to be taken and put into Sarges cupboard until I can deal with him. evil

Mrs FC The Laird and Jags all in the same cupboard?? Flipping heck, I've died and gone to heaven. Reminds me of the time I was in a small space with Sappho, Wilma and a very tall bloke who's not a member here - a good time was had by all.
<<<<<< Opens cupboard door - it flies open with a thud and out pops Mrs FC, The Laird and Jags >>>>>>> Jeez, I wondered what all that banging was :twisted: Sorry I was a bit spaced out.
Whilst you lot were in there the GFZ dropped onto page 2 FFS!