Night Wilma - be thankful that the new slimline Fred hasn't slid down my cleavage too!
Sleep tight
x xx
Mr FC - follow the rope, I've cleared a path through the undergrowth, just keep slowly going down until you feel the ground start to writhe under you - you will be in the right place then!
OOOHH!! It's dark down here, HELLOOOOO!!!! anybody here? Where did these monkeys come from?
:cry: :cry: you don't like being there?????
I need a doorman to eject the unruly, the drunk and the unappreciative!
jags , he said bravely, there i an element of bravely about you snog away...
Ah, you found the soft velvety bits the MrFC, If you lie back, and look north, there between the twin peeks with the watchtowers on top, on the horizon, just there in the middle, you can see ............ right up her nose!
Right, if we are going to be here for the night, we need to secure ourselves, right, pass me one of those ring things, shall we go for nipple, belly button, or clitoris?
Don't worry about the rope, I can't think of anyone off hand who would be daft enough to untie it or cut it!
I don't snog the unappreciative
WTF is ALLGOOD when I need him - he LOVES being in the valley of my breasts and wouldn't mind lying in the delta of my thighs!!
OK boys - enjoy it whilst you can, I eject at midnight! Let's see if you can make an impression... [/quote
1155 Mr FC, find a nipple, sink your teeth in, and hold on for dear life!
Found nipple I think) I can't bite though I've been told by Mrs to gently caress and suck:doh: no no no :doh: got to be strong!! I'VE GOT THE NIP!!!PLE
psst... MrFC. You missed a spot. No, not there. There. Down a bit... left a bit... that's the one! See what effect it has? Don't let her know I told you, OK?
Damn! I've been found out. I'll have to whisper more quietly next time.
KATE... you traitor too!!! Night, sleep well tucked into the bosom of my bosom!!
I'd like an early morning call please - on lick on the left and two on the right one!!
*Lies back and enjoys the attention that her nipples are getting (JOY OH JOY) but wonders, in passing, why men don't like having their nipples given the same treatment*
They do, Jags. But men are constructed a little differently to women. They have that strangely-shaped third nipple.
Where??? Between their legs????
Not a good answer....
5 minute warning of GFZ closing...I've still got the key and I aim to use it!!
OH! no nipples that's aggravating!!