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GFZ - the Data Loss Weekend

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Quote by KitKat
It occurs to me, that us boys need a little corner where we can go and relax and be boys, have a boys chat, a good scratch, and do all that important boys stuff which gets frowned on in mixed company.
So here it is, a girlie free zone where we can relax and be boys.
Perhaps we could talk about the girls on the site, and say all those things we wouldn't dare say when they were looking, swap notes and things.
Go on then, who wants to be first up?? Not scared are you??
Club rules - Only one
Any message which is in the least way hurtful or deliberately insulting to any of the women in this forum will be removed immediately. I love them all dearly, and THIS IS JUST FOR FUN.
Official Opening Times
The GFZ will be open for business from around 1700 each Friday, until midnight on the following Sunday. Extensions will be frequent.
Links to previous GFZ weekends:
GFZ - Opening Weekend
GFZ - Graduation Weekend
GFZ - England win by 19 points
GFZ - DJohn: "OK Blue, do your worst!"
GFZ - Confessions of a Stag Night
GFZ - That Ralgex Moment
GFZ - 1320, Leather Kilts, and a VERY Shiny Red Helmet
GFZ - The Kate and Mel show
GFZ - Cartoon Fun
GFZ - Anything BUT Girlie Free rolleyes
GFZ - Sgt Bilko Captures the Record
GFZ - Will gets his 10 out, which turns out to be 7 really!
GFZ - Gretchen, Chocolate Sauce, and a VERY loaded Shotgun :eeek:
GFZ - Kate Calls Jag's bluff
GFZ - Sarge, Hughies and Ralphs
GFZ - Bedrock Bedlam
GFZ - Mr FC gives his missus one - and keeps one for himself
GFZ - Sarge Cleans Up
GFZ - Of Nipples, Munches and Two Men Mowing a Meadow
GFZ - The Red Mist Descends
GFZ - Manchester United 0 - Liverpool 1
GFZ - Kit Rules
GFZ - The Lost Boys GFZ.
GFZ - The shortest ever, only because the Lost boys got lost! :roll:
GFZ - Sarge Opens Up
GFZ – Easy gets locked in

No idea what was said before the mcluster crash but here's a new one for you all - specially Fred!
Well, I remember I was having Will, so can I carry on having him please, but with a cup of tea this time? :twisted:
Quote by Freckledbird
Well, I remember I was having Will, so can I carry on having him please, but with a cup of tea this time? :twisted:

WHERE you going to put the cup of tea during the above 'having' of Will?
dunno :dunno:
PS in edit - had stronger than tea after surving a 48 hour notice inspection!
Quote by Jags
Well, I remember I was having Will, so can I carry on having him please, but with a cup of tea this time? :twisted:

WHERE you going to put the cup of tea during the above 'having' of Will?
dunno :dunno:
PS in edit - had stronger than tea after surving a 48 hour notice OFSTED!
The tea will be at my side, ready to refresh me when I've done with Will, of course.
Quote by Freckledbird
Well, I remember I was having Will, so can I carry on having him please, but with a cup of tea this time? :twisted:

WHERE you going to put the cup of tea during the above 'having' of Will?
dunno :dunno:
PS in edit - had stronger than tea after surving a 48 hour notice OFSTED!
The tea will be at my side, ready to refresh me when I've done with Will, of course.
Yep - :shock: :shock: :shock: but we got mostly 'excellent' results with a scattering of 'good' so all the staff are happy and relieved. I'm mostly happy!!
Does Will know about this lol
Quote by Sarah
Does Will know about this lol

Not unless he looked in last night after I said I'd have him!
New day, new chapter
So it is decorating day
Paints at the ready
Brushes at the ready
A make over of SH Towers is about to start!
Need someone good with fabric and fluffy other type stuff to do the finishing touches
We have till Sunday night to achieve a full make over lol
:lol: :lol:
Quote by Sarah
New day, new chapter
So it is decorating day
Paints at the ready
Brushes at the ready
A make over of SH Towers is about to start!
Need someone good with fabric and fluffy other type stuff to do the finishing touches
We have till Sunday night to achieve a full make over lol
:lol: :lol:

That reminds me. I have to rolls of white paper for you and I still have your bag of random sparkly stuff : biggrin
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
New day, new chapter
So it is decorating day
Paints at the ready
Brushes at the ready
A make over of SH Towers is about to start!
Need someone good with fabric and fluffy other type stuff to do the finishing touches
We have till Sunday night to achieve a full make over lol
:lol: :lol:

That reminds me. I have to rolls of white paper for you and I still have your bag of random sparkly stuff : biggrin
Thank you.
Hang on to them please, till next time I see you...........(goodness knows when that will be)
Quote by Jags

No idea what was said before the mcluster crash but here's a new one for you all - specially Fred!

THANK YOU kiss es & :love:
I'll have a Mcluster Meal with a coffee to take out please and can someone give me a light as she has gone to work and left the sum total of zero lighters in the apartment sad
Sheddy............pegging for a ciggie and can't be arsed to get dressed and go to the car :(
It's nothing to do with server problems I tell ya....
it's the Twilight Zone ! :eeek:
Quote by sheddy
I'll have a Mcluster Meal with a coffee to take out please and can

Would you like fish with your meal ?
Quote by sheddy
I'll have a Mcluster Meal with a coffee to take out please and can someone give me a light as she has gone to work and left the sum total of zero lighters in the apartment sad
Sheddy............pegging for a ciggie and can't be arsed to get dressed and go to the car :(

Oh i hate that. Joes always nicking mine. lol Whats worse a fag and no lighter or a lighter and no fag?
Louise xx
Quote by st3v3
Would you like fish with your meal ?
NO, well not unless it has a lighter lol
Quote by louise_and_joe
Oh i hate that. Joes always nicking mine. :lol: Whats worse a fag and no lighter or a lighter and no fag?
Louise xx

I never run out of ciggies as soon as I've got 10 or less left I buy a new pack :lol:
Now my dilema is thus I've just got up (been working nights) and I am sat here looking scruffy well to be honest I'm wearing PK's bathrobe redface and there apears to be 2 pretty blonde ladies in the courtyard moving into one of the apartments I guess so do I either.....................
a: nip down to my car and great em pretty much as nature intended as i get a lighter from the car
b: burn me eyebrows using the toaster to light my coffin nail confused
sheddy, use the hob ffs! That's what I do biggrin
says the soon-to-be ex smoker wink
Quote by Sassy-Seren
sheddy, use the hob ffs! That's what I do biggrin

it won't work as it's one of them glass jobbies that only heats up when something is on it, sad
Quote by sheddy
sheddy, use the hob ffs! That's what I do biggrin

it won't work as it's one of them glass jobbies that only heats up when something is on it, sad
Damn all that modern technology!
One way to stop smoking!!
Now there is not much decorating going on in here, overalls on please........... lol
Quote by Sarah
Now there is not much decorating going on in here, overalls on please........... lol

would ya not prefer nekked decorating it's so much easier as there is no grubby clothes to wash afterwards :rascal:
Quote by Sarah
Now there is not much decorating going on in here, overalls on please........... lol

I just been doing the krypton factor trying to re-arrange sockets in a side porch with very little space because of my new bike :bounce: Can't i just sit here and have a Fosters EC. wink
Kit rushes in with armfuls of fluffy pink stuff and fairy lights...............
did some one mention nekkid decorating and finishing touches????
Quote by Kit
Kit rushes in with armfuls of fluffy pink stuff and fairy lights...............
did some one mention nekkid decorating and finishing touches????

KIt :bounce:
You can add the finishing touches any time
I do not think much of the colour scheme you Lady's have chosen :-

Quote by Medic_1
I do not think much of the colour scheme you Lady's have chosen :-


That is your fault for giving us too much wine to drink and then giving us the colours in the wrong order!!
well! i opened a PM off polobabe an the site went tits up :shock:
thought it was just me for ages
sorry polobabe you got called some names redface
can you ever forgive me :rose:
Bacon and sausage butties all round here, with a nice cup of tea to wash it down. Anyone want one?
Quote by Freckledbird
Bacon and sausage butties all round here, with a nice cup of tea to wash it down. Anyone want one?

God yes!..........
Quote by Stormwalker
Bacon and sausage butties all round here, with a nice cup of tea to wash it down. Anyone want one?

God yes!..........
Ah, but are you sure you want to be in my company, in my heightened state of erm, horniness? :twisted: